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    • I suppose you’re not that close then, are you? Cause between good friends that should be fine.  Don’t you think it’s kinda weird to piss in your own pool? Are you sure she didn’t just hold it?
    • A friend recently invited me to come join her at her pool. Its about a half hour drive and I had to pee even when I left home. When I got there, I was planning to just pee in the parking garage but she met me there and we headed straight for the pool. I think everyone knows what happened next. I barely made it into the water before releasing and it felt amazing. I made sure to go before we got out and went inside.  I noticed that she also didn't use the bathroom the entire time that night either, so I'm reasonably certain she also pissed in the water.
    • I have wanted to write a fictional story for a while now.  God, I wish my real life friend Justin was the Justin of this story.  Bare with me, I am not an author ,but I hope you like it.   Hooked Justin was the man, and he knew it too.  You know how some guys, it just seems effortless for them.  I love watching him play basketball with his friends.  Blond hair and green eyes is something you don’t see everyday. Well, to be fair, its dyed blond, the eyebrows give it away but still it is quite a striking appearance.  He’s always shirtless, practically whenever I see him, except during classes of course.  I see him strutting through the dorm room with his friends, wearing his gym shorts only, barefoot too, reeking of sweat.  But I wouldn’t mind his body odor overpowering my dorm room.  This man has girls throwing themselves at him, guys too for that matter, gay  and straight.  The straight guys just sort of act differently when he’s nearby, like they are drawn to him.  He’s got that alpha energy, you know what I mean.  Six feet tall, great physical shape, not like roid-rage muscle but just the perfect balance.  God it sounds like I am in love with the man doesn’t it?  Well that’s because I am.  And actually we are friends.  Alpha as he may be, he is actually very friendly with the, shall I say, his not so alpha brethren.  But the real story is coming up. One night we were hanging out in my dorm room, having a few beers.  From TV, youtube channels we like, classes, and a long monlogue about sports.  Mind you I don’t know a thing about any of them, and he knows that too but for some reason he just talks to me like I were into it.  Very curious, but I loved his expressions and excitement.  Watching his big hands adjust his crotch or grab his beer.  As is usually the case, with drunkenness comes more bizarre stories and conversations.  And this one was a quite a gem.  Justin was saying how he has this special power, or ability rather, involving his piss.  That whenever he takes a piss, lets say in some friend’s room, he says that the smell of it seems to get guys hooked.  By hooked, I mean they would ask him to piss in their place, or on their things because they were just hooked on the smell.  I listened a bit dumbfounded, but realizing that he wasn’t really drunk enough to be rambling like a lunatic.  No, he really believed this, he was talking as though this were fact.     “So how do you just piss in their rooms without them complaining at you or tell you to stop?”  Justin laughed, took another sip “Its easy bro.   Wait till we are both nice and drunk, say how much I gotta piss, act like I am totally wasted and then I just pick some spot and let er rip”.  God just that smile alone, was enough to make me drop to my knees right there.  “Is it like sexually hooked, like are they gay or anything?  Or do you mean addicted, like they just need it to survive, hooked?”  He thought about it for a bit, his silver thumb ring clinking the glass bottle in his hand.  “I don’t know actually.  It’s a weird sort of progression.  Like, at first they complain about me pissing on their wall or floor.  But within a few minutes they are over it.  Then they always end up walking closer to the spot I just pissed on.  Then like sometime later on when I gotta go again, I know they wont object this time and I just whip it out and piss right on the floor in front of them.  And they never complain about it.  They actually just keep talking about whatever we were talking about.” “Bullshit they say nothing!”  I folded my arms, this was way too crazy to believe.  Justin nodded his head, expecting my disbelief.  He then unzips his fly.  My eyes are immediately drawn to his massive dick he just pulled out.  “In your case, I don’t need to hide it cause I see you looking at me.  Hell I’ll even let you pick the spot you want me to piss on.  I mean, best way to prove it to ya, right?”  I was border line in a trance looking at his dick, still digesting the situation that was transpiring.  Half-heartedly I just motioned gruntingly to the wall by my desk.  So he walks over there and takes that archetypal postured stance and then I hear the hissing of a massive piss.  God, he really had to go.  I just watched the shiny wall and the puddle absorbing on the carpet, getting larger and larger, headed my way.  “Jesus dude.  Fuck sake, don’t flood the place” I sort of laughed, got him to chuckle too.  After almost a minute he was done.  At that point I decided to be proactive and I walked over to the spot, not that I really needed to because the smell was everywhere.  And god is was awful.  “Yeah fucking right dude.  You’re telling me that repulso stench is gonna hook me?”  He just smiled at me.  “Just wait bro.”  He was so sure of himself, I was calling his bluff but he really believed there was no bluff to be called at all.  So I listened to him tell me more stories about his misadventures.  How guys who he hooked would call him randomly, saying they should hang out at their place.  But really this was code for they were jonesing for another hit.  So he would come over, and as soon as they would open the door, he would come right in, whip it out and start spraying down the whole room.  “This one guy’s roommate was like what the fuck man, get out.  But the other guy was saying its cool man, he’s my friend don’t worry about it.  Bam, now they both would call me to come over.”  I will say, the smell seemed to change a bit, it wasn’t as vinegary and fishy as it was initially.  But I still can’t say it smelled good, not yet.  The alcohol was hitting me hard though, listening to him go on and on.  Apparently his power had another facet to it. “ I was at this party and I managed to secretly piss inside the kegger.  They didn’t realize what they were drinking.  I don’t know if they would have been  wanting to drink my piss by doing this, but what happens is I will then just take a corner and start to piss on the wall, sometimes their beds too. They never mind it.  Its more efficient this way, get 10 at a time.  That whole night bro, I pissed around the entire room.  All ten of them didn’t mention a thing about it.  They just stared at it happening.  All hooked.”  “Why do you do this?  I don’t understand,” I had to sit down now.  The mischief in his eyes and his smirk as he answered me.  “I just think its funny.  All these guys dying for me to piss on their things. Dying to take a whiff of it.  Its dominance bro.  We can be sitting next to each other on the bed and I will just take my dick out and start aiming at his desk, or I will walk to their closet and piss on all their clothes.  Sometimes it gets so intense they will be crying, thanking me with every fiber of their being.  Sometimes I piss on right on their lap or chest, even when their girlfriends are watching.  Doesn’t seem to work on girls though.”    Fucker!  I am feeling weird now.  And strangely enough I actually can’t smell anything.  But that couldn’t be possible, it was hardly ten minutes.  I strangely felt its absence, like something was missing.  And it was irritating, like an itch I couldn’t quite scratch.  “I was at the frat house, they  were watching a movie in the theater room, you how old that place is, its got that old water heater that blow steam to heat the rooms.  So all night, I kept drinking beer and going downstairs to the boiler and kept pissing in it.  Five, six, seven times in all, blowing it all into the room.  Gotta have been like thirty guys in there.  Every one of them bro.  Hooked.”  He walked over to the bed, as I lay down, dizzy.  He smiled and looked down at me.  “How you feeling bro?  Need another fix?”  “You just pissed ten minutes ago, no way you have to go already.”  Not a single refusal in any of that statement, I thought.  He looked confused and showed me his watch “Bro, its been an hour and a half.  I’m fucking bursting” I don’t see him but I hear him start from one corner of the room move all the way around, the sounds of wet carpet, splashing on a wooden desk (so much for my biology homework), felt some drops of piss as he apparently was arching the stream all over my bed too.  Fuck, another minute long piss.  My room was trashed I’m sure.  But that smell, god I can’t explain it.  It still wasn’t candy scented aromatherapy but suddenly I never felt better in my entire life.  God, what have I done.  “Does-does it ever ware off?” I forced myself to sit up, have in dread and bliss at the same time.  I see Justin smile and shake his head. “Not so far.  Maybe if I didn’t do it to you for a while,  But you’re hardly gonna be able to hold out.  You will be calling me every fucking day bro.  Listen to this.”  He played for me dozens of messages of guys, some casually inviting him over, some where  the desperation was a bit more present, and some completely crying, pleading.    With my final glimmer of sanity my eyes filled with terror, the sounds of grown men pleading, crying to be pissed on.  “Please, don’t, don’t do this man.  Please…don’t.”  I could hardly think straight.  I felt high.  This wasn’t the alcohol at all.  I fell back to the bed.  Justin stood up and started towards the door.  “Don’t worry bro, I got good news for you.  One of the guys I’ve hooked was the super for the building.  And he loves the idea of me going into the boiler room. Spreading my love around.  Every guy in the building, won’t even know what hit them.  Just me walking down the hall, whipping out my dick and just hosing the place down, knocking on doors and pissing inside, then doing it to the next door, watching them all plead to do them next.  You should see the ones that throw themselves over where I’ve pissed and stick their nose in there.  I wonder what kind you will be dude.” I heard him laughing as he closed the door behind him.  It hardly took three days before I was completely at his mercy.  And he kept his promise.  The whole building.  God, all these college guys, just obsessed with Justin and his piss scent.  Throwing themselves at him.  It’s all I can think about.  It’s all any of us can think about.  He owned us. My God, what am I going to do now? What am I going to do?
    • I've written before about staying in a student type room with wiry nylon carpet, and after an evening of drinking, waking up nearly wetting the bed - and scooting to the edge with the plan of releasing just enough to take the pressure off.   And of course failing, and flooding a whole bladderfull onto the carpet. It took a day and half to dry, but no trace or smell so all was good. Most recent though was camping out in a small tent.   One of those that has a waterproof floor sleeping compartment and then an open space in front under the overall flysheet.   I didn't want to pee inside the sleeping compartment, it would have turned into a paddling pool.   So I fought my way out of my sleeping bag and crawled out into the small space infront - still inside the tent, but with grass under me.   And then relaxed and enjoyed a long steady pee into the cool grass.
    • Pretty much all linkin park's song and Broken by seether
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