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About Carb0nBased

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  • Birthday 03/25/1985

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  1. Not to be preachy but I'd tend to think that when you have a newborn in your family there are so many things to get used to and do that there would barely be time for sex even if the mother was biologically able to have it. The fact that this is high on your priority list to think about seems to suggest you might be focusing on the wrong things. Yes, you understandably still need to get off every once in a while just to take care of the physiological needs of your body, but it's possible to either take care of that yourself, or have your wife help you in other ways than by taking you insi
  2. I just saw the prices of some of the items--a lot of them are 2 and 3 hundred dollars! Considering the price of the average webcam this is pricey--they must be counting on someone really wanting to perv or else being really suspicious of someone they live with.
  3. I was just on Youtube watching some videos about cameras, and there was an ad that popped up, for a site that literally has the URL "spycamerabathroom.com". Now there are quite a few sites that sell small, easily hidden cameras, but they usually promote them as nanny cams, security cameras, etc., leaving naughtier, pervier uses to the imagination. Now this site does also mention those uses, but it's amazing that they come right out and admit that they are "useful" for bathrooms too! Now, I don't condone using cameras like that on nonconsenting people, but it's interesting that a seller w
  4. Wow I see you're getting braver!
  5. Wow that writing sounds super pretentious! It's one thing to have a large vocabulary and to use it well, but after a few chapters of this it would get very old...
  6. I guess it depends on how big a group and how integral a part of it I am. If it's a large group hike and we're just stopped for a snack or whatever, and I'm not in the middle of a conversation with anyone, then walking off into the bushes wouldn't be that weird. But if I'm interacting with other people in a small group, it would feel slightly rude and quite odd to just walk over away from the others to pee without saying anything.
  7. It's a shame what happened to her. Dead at 33 of an overdose, clearly very famous in her short life but still tragic.
  8. I'd think that they were decorative just to "soften" the very non-pretty, unromantic (to most) truth that they were pee jugs (or occasionally containers for more than that). I also don't know if chamber pots intended for use by ladies were more ornately decorative than ones intended for use by men, but if they were, then this would also be a reflection of Victorian women needing to maintain the image of delicate femininity at all times.
  9. But most victims of non-consensual naughty peeing won't find it arousing at all, just disgusting.
  10. It sounds like you had one of the circumcisions done where the cut is made relatively far up the shaft, as opposed to near the tip--see the "high" style described here: https://www.dr-kuehhas.at/en/the-different-styles-of-circumcision/. In case you don't know since you're cut, the foreskin when intact is less a "flap" of skin and more like a "fold" of skin where the crease is at the tip and there are inner and outer layers that can slide over one another, with the inner layer normally facing the penis itself, but able to be exposed as the foreskin retracts, in other words rolls up away from th
  11. Warning: While not actually about anything incestuous, I recognize that some may be squicked out by anything remotely related to family, so if this is you then don't continue reading... In the course of answering another question on here about when we learned how the opposite sex pees, and thinking about curiosities regarding the opposite sex, made me realize something I've sometimes wondered but never asked. Somewhere I was on a forum (it may have actually been this one) and some guy said he wouldn't want his parents to see his dick, and then someone else pointed out that since many
  12. As for knowing that the sexes have different parts, for me it was from those "body books" almost every kid has. Being an only child, having no extended family living nearby, and being a socially awkward and disinterested kid, I never interacted closely with girls my age as a boy, but I loved reading and was always fascinated about nature and biology (hence the joke behind my username here, that I'm merely another carbon-based life form--a username I honestly wouldn't pick today, but I chose it over a decade ago on PeeSearch and was too lazy to change it and have to re-introduce myself from scr
  13. This is not condoned by the site rules. I also mostly fail to see the point of it. If I want to see pictures of naked women, I can see plenty of them, practically more than I can ever look through, on sites devoted to pictures like Bdsmlr (formerly Tumblr, until they got rid of that in an effort to become a "respectable" company), or porn sites if I want something more openly racy. If I want to see "everyday" women, there's Normal Nudes on Reddit. In those places, I have complete freedom to click on just those pictures I'm interested in seeing. Whereas on here, I have no idea whatsoever i
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