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About Carb0nBased

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  • Birthday 03/25/1985

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  1. I enjoy peeing in bushes more because you can hide better and then afterwards the leaves are glistening with drops.
  2. To me, the basic smell of pee is a bit like zucchini (which I've mentioned before), cabbage, maybe a bit of baked potato--i.e. like some sort of vegetable broth. Maybe I haven't smelled actual hay when it's cut, but I've smelled many lawns being mowed, and it doesn't smell like that at all.
  3. From what I've seen in pictures (that's the only way I know about what it looks like, not being circumcised myself and not knowing anyone in person who showed me), there are a variety of techniques/styles. This is about the most "natural"--looking I've seen, it looks like my own uncut penis when I have the foreskin pulled back, just without the bunched up skin around. There are some though where the remaining skin really looks pulled unnaturally tight, to where it looks to me like it would be painful. Also in many of those cases the skin near the tip is a different color, I've read that's beca
  4. I find it interesting that you know that about your friends. I'm a guy and haven't had a clue whether or not most of my friends were circumcised, it's not something we really talk about. I did have one friend who readily mentioned that he wasn't, the only other way I'd generally know is if we'd shared a bathroom while one was using the urinal and I had a peek. I wonder if maybe in Europe people are more open about these sort of things, less hidden about the body and its functions. It would go along with the fact that many women go topless on beaches and that there are even open nude beac
  5. The sensitivity of the testicles itself, like in the sense of a guy getting kicked in the balls, is not a sensitivity to being brushed against like the penis or, I would imagine, the labia or the clitoris have (or the eyeball has, in a purely painful way). They're sensitive to crushing pressure, and the feeling is a dull ache that almost seems to be coming from the belly button area (because that's where they originate when a baby boy develops, before they descend, and so that's where their nerves connect in). The skin of the scrotum (the "sack") is rather sensitive to gentle touch, thoug
  6. I have never thought that. Is it male or female pee--or both--that you have thought smells like freshly cut hay?
  7. I've noticed the popcorn smell in men's bathrooms and sometimes when I pee but have never smelled it in a bathroom that a woman had just used, so I assumed it was much less common for women's pee to smell like that. Though this confirms that it sometimes does.
  8. I agree that the tiny amount of energy from this would never be even close to being worth the cost of keeping such a device running. Some people, especially those living "off grid", have small hydroelectric stations on creeks in their backyard, which seem to be economically worth it to use, but those have much higher flow and run constantly.
  9. Seems plausible. It sounds like there is room for improvement indeed. I was wondering if the pee would pool up in the channel, particularly for the concrete ones since rain water has difficulty draining off concrete patios and paths a lot of the time. Even with standing pee though I bet they're a big improvement over porta-potties as far as grossness is concerned. Well it sounds like the fences provided some privacy from guys, and even from other women who weren't also peeing at the same time. Not that I think you really cared too much either way yourself, but for a lot
  10. Those sound like promising hiking pee partners indeed.
  11. This is something I found in connection with squat urinals at festivals in Europe, but doesn't really fit thematically in the Roskilde thread since it's not about peeing experiences. This article is about a squat urinal developed by two students at the University of Bristol for use at festivals, and it mentions the possibility of using the pee to generate energy: https://develop3d.com/product-design/2022s-biggest-festival-hit-the-female-urinal/ It quotes one of the creator's comments about that: “We are working with Pee Power who is an incredible company. They work on microbial
  12. So I take it both the concrete slab with the groove and the metal railing, and the wooden pallets with the plastic gutter in the middle, are two different kinds of squat urinals? For the slab with the groove, the orange pipe at one end explains how the pee drains away, but what is the orange rubber "bucket" thing at the other end? Is that a tank full of water that can be used to flush it? You say you "walked in on someone"--so did each of these urinals have a privacy wall around it?
  13. Ew that sounds yucky! It seems like this bathroom must be especially poorly designed too for this to happen. Generally, the gap between the partition surrounding the stall and the actual wall extends at most an inch and a half forward from the wall, usually much less. So wayward drops would need to be going parallel to the wall and very close to it in order to have any chance of going into the stall. And usually urinals are built such that either the surface you pee against is recessed into the wall, or else it's out from the wall in a porcelain or occasionally metal "box" with sides that
  14. Sorry... but to me this would be ewwww. Porta-potties don't even smell that much like pee, rather like poo mixed with chemicals. There's a bit of pee smell in there but it's overpowered by so much yuck.
  15. That's interesting. I've never had the luck to smell a fresh pee spot on sand, but ones that have been sitting for a while smell the worst to me. The most nuanced, delicate pee scent is from a recently used toilet. Even if it has been flushed, some scent usually remains, and as long as the same toilet wasn't used for #2 recently, the only other smell around is fresh water. This means you really can really pick up the subtly different pee smell of particular women. It can range from almost like sweet rain, to somewhat like an ocean breeze, to a little pungent but not strong, to possibly a
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