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About grumpy13

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/31/1953

Personal Information

  • Gender
    straight male
  • Occupation
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  • About Me
    Exploring and enjoying.....

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Love to be peed on and drink my wife's pee. Enjoy being sounded and wearing catheters.
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    My wife peeing outside where the neighbors could see.

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  1. I had gone through a bad divorce and was feeling low. The dental office I worked in was having a Christmas party and I was convinced to go that it would do me some good. Outside of the dentist, I was the only other male in the office. I did all the dental lab work while the rest were the assistants and hygienists. The party was at one of the assistants homes. Everyone had left except a handful of the assistants. We were all getting quite drunk with Christmas cheer. We were all complaining about the need to get up and go pee. Some how in the conversation I let it be known I'd never watch a woma
  2. https://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/a-lil-pee https://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/side-view
  3. I enjoy having my wife sit on my face while she fists my ass. I love sucking up her pussy juices as she fills my ass. Also, I love it when she sounds my cock and stretches my pee hole. I love to drink my pee from a catheter deep inside of me.
  4. To be at a gathering where to pee you must use a small wading pool for everyone to see. Seated in the pool would be one of the guests who is used as a urinal for all. Every now and then the person or persons in the pool would change for others to be peed on. I would like the men and women to pee on me and in my mouth. Also, I'd love to have a lady sit on my face and pee in my mouth while someone shoves their dick up my ass and takes a long pee.
  5. Pandora is a favorite but there are a lot more from various places.
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