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  1. Past hour
  2. Today I went to a gas station around the corner from my office to sit on a conference call in my car. I parked behind the gas station and noticed a few lawn service employees working around my vehicle and the back of the gas station. There were two female workers in the group of 5-6 landscapers. Suddenly I see one of the female workers make her way over to the dumpster enclosure. I thought she was just throwing something away when suddenly she started unbuttoning her jeans while opening the dumpster enclosure gate. She looked right at me through my windshield before going in. She disappe
  3. Hello! Recently I went up to the mall and had some great pisses down the mall staircases. Here: https://www.erome.com/a/S4JLAwKL The first one I was actually with my mom and we had just been to the mall and were leaving. As we were walking out of the mall, the stairs went up or down and even though we were parked on the second floor I told my mom “come on let’s go up here I have to pee and there’s nobody parked up here it looks like” she said “oh okay” so we went up to the few steps to the third floor and I walked quickly over towards the elevator and stairwell. I said to my
  4. Copy room, restroom floor, stairwell, under a conference room table. And as far as your boss goes, how savage do you want to be? Options range from in the vicinity of her desk to on her car to in her purse …
  5. Today
  6. Amazing…thanks for sharing! As humans we are always trying to make sense of things and so many scenarios ran through my head for this. Such as… * perhaps it was a dare from friends. * maybe he did not like that shop. * maybe he was feeling down and thought this might improve his mental state. * maybe yes some really interesting drugs. *maybe he was just desperate and thought, whatever, here will do and I won’t stick around. * maybe it was a bucket list item. All of us crave some sense of freedom in a restrictive world. Imagine if we had the freedom to do this and
  7. I think there are a couple of schools of thought. I think my first instinct would be those who are confident and outgoing and open, who perhaps even joke about peeing and sex would be the first to take a pee in public. There are some ladies at my work, blonde and bubbly, in this category. But then again, they say it’s the quiet ones you gotta watch too. Those normally hide their kinks well but are opportunistic to pee in public if they feel they can do it without causing too much of a stir. Because nobody would ever suspect them. They would assume the person would hold their pee becau
  8. Peeing "where you're not supposed to" feels so good! I definitely don't want you to stop. I just want you to not get caught. Like I almost did several times when I was in your situation. I don't know how the hell I would have explained peeing in some of the places I did.
  9. That’s what an equal opportunity workplace is all about!! Why should blokes have all the fun?!
  10. This is my first story I apologize in advance for any language errors Mom peed on my mattress Margaret - Mom is 45 years old. She has shoulder-length brown hair. She looks very good , she is slightly at the bone Jessica - sister two years older , dyed blonde hair to the chest , nice butt . Hi , I am Michel I live with my mother and sister we live in a 4 room apartment with one small bathroom . Recently I became interested in water sports I started doing it before bed and sometimes I pee in bed , of course I didn't want my mom , let alone my sister , to know . They don't k
  11. I make sure I'm very well hydrated. Even if I pee multiple times there and let it really soak in overnight, there is still no smell the next morning unless you stick your head very clothes to the dirty clothes in there. Even when they're still wet! I try my best not to get the hamper itself wet but last time it definitely got soaked... I just spray a cleaning alcohol/fragrance mix on it after I dump out the wet clothes into the washer and so far I've never had an issue with smells. The fabric used on the hamper doesn't change color when wet either so I'm not worried about stains. Besides, just
  12. Hardly a secret to us https://sports.yahoo.com/olympic-swimmers-fess-dirty-secret-110545697.html
  13. I think the modern version of "Fun with Dick and Jane" with Jim Carey in it. It has a seen where Dick (Jim Carey) is peeing for a sample for work. He's doing it in a urinal and the female boss is watching him (I guess so he doesn't fake a drug sample I guess)?
  14. I had an old toilet bowl in the garden against the wall and had a few plants in it. It also had an old cistern above it also with plants planted in same. Pissed in it off times.... I hope the plants enjoyed the nutrients I gifted Sadly the frost burst it and it broke badly into pieces
  15. Female. For God's sake you must watch that scene!!! It's on YouTube. Also, it's not Holiday it's Hollywood.
  16. Not so much ending in a piss for me, but often does, I find it difficult to have a good piss with a full and rampant hard on. I guess this sounds kinda odd, but... I find the best time to masturbate and have pee fun is when I'm not quite in the mood... ?!. I do have a generous dribble of precum if I push the horniness without having to have a full on hard, so I can dribble pre & pee and enjoy them both. Bit of self taste being part of the pleasure thing. If then, and only then if then anything left in the tank , I may finish with a piss of completion 🙂
  17. So many! I don't remember the first time I saw a woman pee onscreen. Those scenes were far and few between in American movies and pretty much always a turn on. But by far, the most unforgettable simulated scene I have ever encountered was the one from Doc Hollywood.
  18. Yesterday
  19. I have in the past when my laundry basket was plastic. I kinda straddled it and let it flow, then immediately dumped it into the washing machine. It was really quiet and peaceful. Wish I could try it again but my basket is wicker with a white cloth liner now 😭
  20. A very sensual and touching account.... I had never thought of my mother of having a "cunt" as such, more of a place of my origin, as you say... ish. I and we all would not exist were not for our parents sex drive. I really love the word "cunt" , A very sexy word for me ! In retrospect... My parents were no too shy about nakedness and peeing etc, kinda neutral in general from a sex or pee attraction view. For me , perhaps, not sure, but the smell and then sight of pee may have been he spark that lit the passion. Ohhhh and yes... 🙂 I love the basic salty taste and the the many variatio
  21. By "ending" do you mean climaxing while pissing? I know it's possible for biological women because I've talked to a woman who loves doing it. Aside from its multi-orgasmic capabilities and superior innervation, yet another advantage of the clitoris is that you don't need to piss out of it. Us penis wielders have one basic hole. So, unless you're one of those enviable men with the ability to orgasm without ejaculating, I don't believe it's possible for us to cum and go at the same time. I've watched a number of videos produced by female and trans male piss fetishists who pleasured themsel
  22. I don't see it as often as I did in the early 200s. It was one of those whimsical decorating trends meant to show people you're a free spirit who doesn't take life too seriously. I wish you could too. Coincidentally enough, I just had to replace my toilet. My old one is currently sitting by the door waiting for me to gather the strength to haul it to the curb. I honestly want to convert it to a planter but I'm about 99.9 percent certain my condo association would order me to remove it after fining me into oblivion. I would happily allow you to. Especially if you let me watch!!
  23. I haven't peed in a toilet in a while. I usually either go in plastic bags and dump them all over me later when taking a shower or also I feel more comfortable by peeing in the sink. My girlfriend supports me in this pee link and she hasn't peed in a toilet for a bit. She carries pee bottles (portable urinals with funnel for women) and pees in them anytime. Then when they are full she will bring them to me or just dump them in the yard 🥰
  24. Does anyone else wash their laundry baskets? Is it weird that I use different baskets for clean and dirty laundry? Yes, I have peed on my laundry in my laundry basket. But only because the bathroom was too far and I was already in the process of doing laundry. I never gave my clothes time to absorb my pee. I also washed the laundry basket immediately after. As someone who also started naughty peeing while still living with my parents, I know your predicament well. PLEASE be careful. I worry that your cloth laundry basket might eventually start to smell or pick up permanent yellow s
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