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About Euro

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  • Location
    East UK
  • About Me
    I've had a fairly interesting life so far and the Pee thing is one of my simple pleasures

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    I'll do a story sometime.... :)

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  1. You certainly are a grower !!! I like the soft as well as the full ridged erection 🙂 Also like the with & without pubes
  2. A splendid display 🙂 Thanks for posting...
  3. There is this... https://peefans.com/membermap/ Not necessarily where you have urinated, but where you are on the planet. Perhaps an upgrade would be good 🙂 .....
  4. Thanks for reviving this thread . So many beautiful garments, girls & boys.... 🙂 Hope it continues.
  5. Weeeellll From my male perspective, A large cock is a very attractive and sexy thing to both play with and accept into myself.... Having said that, in most of my limited experiences.... Kinda average is good, ,, V Small is V suckable like I can take all of it and do it full and a pleasurable justice. A Big cock is quite a challenge... 🙂 Like I really want to... Like... Can I?? Ohhhh? But want to .... Oh gosh. ! Fuck I want to try it but rather intimidating ... Fuck it I will go for it !!! Kinda stuck with what you are born with and what life serves up. Yes Size does matter, b
  6. Was on BBC2 Mon eve, quite brief but also V funny Title "We Might Regret This" Avoiding a spoiler, but have to mention the word "salty" used to great effect 🙂 BBC IPlayer link https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/m0021ctf/we-might-regret-this?seriesId=m0021ctg Enjoy
  7. Guess that's something neither of us will be able to test, Quite a few people have gone the whole nine yards and made the transition....
  8. Perhaps I'm a bit greedy, but believe if you going to have a fantasy, then... Go have a good one! So, YES ! But 24 hrs is not enough. How about 24 days for starters, with an option on more if you like it.... 🙂 Yes I would like to try all sorts of stuff, but also get into the mindset for a more complete understanding. xx Euro
  9. I can't help thinking that the Ladies really do have the edge when it comes to creative content on this wonderful website. There is so much more humour, and fun stuff, & just more Zaney creative stuff posted at least Pic wise Guess most guys are full focus on the sex aspect that often the fun gets lost at times? I freely admit I am guilty of same at times.... There are some VVV wonderful, interesting & creative posts by guys and I thank them all V much for their efforts, but they do not seem to get the thanks they deserve, but I do whole heartily thank them all for making
  10. Suggest with some sort of pants. There is a sticky - foldie side that keeps the pad wrapped around your crotch designed to fit underpants - panties. Otherwise Prob go straight down the leg and miss the pad 😞 Incontinence pads is next on the list to try....More volume available 🙂
  11. Really love the quirky, humorous & off centre.... 🙂 Inc the solution to the hot day ball chiller Wonderful, keep up the good work Euro xx
  12. Hot and muggy day ... Went to the local shop and bought a pack of pantie liners. put on a nice pair of pink panties with a bow. Attached the pantie liner, at a suitable height, otherwise normal attire. Went about doing general stuff both in the house and garden. most of my garden is quite public, adjacent to pavement and road. A little dribble here, a little dribble there, a little dribble whilst saying Hello to passers by. Lots of little dribbles..... After a while it felt a little soggy which was very nice, but did not leak. I prob well exceeded the spec capacity, but they felt re
  13. Exquisitely sexy and beautiful... Many Thanks for sharing xx Euro
  14. Yes! Perfect, no problem, quite a pleasure, if not too sweet, I prefer the dry to bitter-savoury with no fizz.... By the can would be good. Burgeoning market maybe 🙂
  15. I had an old toilet bowl in the garden against the wall and had a few plants in it. It also had an old cistern above it also with plants planted in same. Pissed in it off times.... I hope the plants enjoyed the nutrients I gifted Sadly the frost burst it and it broke badly into pieces
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