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Mary Moon

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About Mary Moon

  • Rank
    Forum Legend
  • Birthday 06/08/2004

Personal Information

  • Gender
    Demisexual Bisexual female
  • Occupation
    College student
  • Age
  • Location
  • About Me
    Hi, I'm a 20 year old Italian girl, due to a congenital bladder problem, i suffer from incontinence and am forced to go to the bathroom often, in the past I've had several accidents and sometimes to feel more comfortable i wear pullups. I've had several accidents due to this in the past and sometimes, so i wear pullups to be more comfortable. As a teenager this situation of mine wasn't easy and i had some humiliating episodes, but now i deal with it a little better and can laugh about it if it happens.

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Exhibitionism, Bathroom Control, Humiliation, Desperation, Wetting
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Once at school, i peed on myself in the gym during gym class because the teacher wouldn't give permission to go to the bathroom during class. Some of my classmates laughed at me and it was very humiliating. But most of it helped me

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  1. However, i am against this type of operation on newborns and imposing choices on those who are not capable of deciding. I don't find it ethically correct, the only operations that I approve in these cases are those to resolve some aesthetic malformation of the child in order to avoid him growing up as an outcast due to some defect
  2. I imagine that you need to find a good doctor to make sure that the penis is nice to look at after the operation, a bit like us women when we get breasts, sometimes it turns out well done, other times very badly. Then I think it changes whether you are circumcised as a newborn or as an adult, because there is growth involved. The penis of the boy in the photo, personally as a woman, i find it aesthetically very beautiful
  3. let's say that my group is a bit alternative, almost all metalheads, so it's not that we're exactly the calmest people. However, i was able to see the penises of almost all my friends, because it happened that once we were a little drunk and we decided to go to the spa at night near me, we climbed over the fence to take a bath there, obviously having been a 'improvised we had no costume behind. And so we bathed naked, let's say that the alcohol helped limit the embarrassment. Obviously that time my eye went to my friends' penises (we were three girls and four boys) and none of them were circum
  4. let's say that i like girls more now, but i don't disdain handsome boys either 🤣
  5. I can say that a circumcised penis is very inviting for a blowjob. I've never been with a guy, so I've never had this type of experience 🤣
  6. Aesthetically, the circumcised penis is very beautiful, but the exposed chapel is very sensitive? Without foreskin do you experience the same pleasure? I'm quite curious, i don't really familiar with penises, I've never had a boyfriend, but only a girl eheh 🤣
  7. Very beautiful shape, is this what a circumcised penis is like?
  8. In Italy and Europe, circumcision is not as widespread as it is in America. For example, among my male friends and acquaintances, no one is circumcised that i know of
  9. I imagine it's a sensitive part like pussy lips
  10. But the balls aren't very delicate, doesn't it hurt to squeeze them like that?
  11. Doesn't that thing on the balls hurt? 🤣
  12. Can you recommend any pee content creators who make realistic and cute videos of desperation, perhaps with a plot behind them? I don't really like porn, but these types of videos are very exciting because i can relate to them
  13. Yesterday's embarrassing story: we went with mum, my sister and my girlfriend to the center for a tour of the various shops, because mum wanted to buy us something for the holidays (costumes, etc..) and obviously my sister and I, being students we are always short of money, and we gladly accepted haha. Due to the heat i was forced to drink a bottle of water so as not to feel sick, so after buying two bikinis (which mum defined as a bit skimpy, but then she gave in 😄 ), a hat and a sarong for myself and other things for my girfriend and my sister. We headed towards the car, I needed to pee
  14. It's a sort of relaxing moment for both of us, when i'm tense about something (exams, etc...) it's a truly relaxing thing.
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