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ABBYPEEGODDESS last won the day on June 3

ABBYPEEGODDESS had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

1,695 Outstanding


  • Rank
    Forum Legend
  • Birthday 08/29/2001

Personal Information

  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Professional pisser
  • Age
  • Location
    Somewhere on Earth
  • About Me

    When I was born I was born with a defect in my urethra first it was shorter than usual, it reached it’s normal length when I was 2 but the first couple of years I struggle UTI’s. Now second and most importantly my urethra has an issue that’s facing up and forward which is not normal in human female. So it’s impossible sit and pee normal since my pee will shoot forward and arc like I had a penis without any of the aiming abilities. I either have two options squat and my stream will arc up and go forward or stand and not worry about wetting myself while pee

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Power peeing, Nonchalant pee, peeing wherever
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    To many to tell

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  1. Aww my favorite types of pees the idgaf kind of pees the best I would have personally followed him I know a few people who have done something like this men and women and I have too.
  2. I sometimes pee against walls or car tires in public spaces since it provides protection and cover
  3. Nice to see more fellow females joining welcome to the beautiful community
  4. pool practice: Like when I would practice I would wear a 2 piece suit and my mom with me and my pussy slip out my mom said “Hey Honey your kitty escaped its cover.
  5. Like when I went to visit my grandma in mexico their was this 40 something year old woman in her cell phone tent shop she was sitting down she was wearing loose shorts with her legs wide and you could her hairy pussy
  6. My mom was once driving hot humid day and she was unsticking the drenched clothes from her body and did the same for her bottoms and pulled so hard her pussy stay out for the rest of the car ride
  7. Yes when its hot 120°F or 48°C you can only put on so many layers
  8. A couple years ago I was at target and I was wearing tight nike shorts and no panties the shorts where rubbing against my pussy and I was uncomfortable so I moved it and unknowingly to me I let my taco out to breath I literally walked around the store for 10 minutes until my mom said “Abby put the fish taco back we already have to much at home.”
  9. I had just turned 18 my friend’s step mom picked me up from my house so I could sleepover l let’s call her Ashley. She was around 35 when this happened Ashley had a smoky feminine voice perfect to read books, she black mix with white she has thick black long curly hair, the brightest blue eyes, plump lips, big boobs, she had 6 pack abs, muscular thighs that could possibly crush skulls. She’s is 5’10”and was a former policewoman but she didn’t have a muscular face she had an extremely feminine face like damn she’s beautiful. (The only reason im describing her so much is because she’s in
  10. Theirs no need for that when you have no aim Abby in the house
  11. Ya im not a expert in this field but sometimes he gives up shooting everything in the toilet.
  12. So my bf has been telling me that guys purposely miss the toilet like sometimes when he pissing in bathroom in a stall he usually paying attention to his phone than his stream plus he’s uncircumcised so he has a heavy spray factor which sometimes he makes a mess in our bathroom on the toilet sides, the sink wall, and the wall behind the toilet
  13. I share one about my aunt we were in her friend’s car and my aunt was wearing some loose pink shorts and panties. My was sitting next to me and she scooted over to face me as I turn I saw a wild unkempt thick ginger bush sticking out from the shorts and I caught a glimpse on her pussy she lit a cigarette up and casually scratched her pubic hair. (My Aunt is 15 years older than my mom)
  14. Oh, its fun trip I will share some fun experiences
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