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About Kevin

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  • Gender
    Bi Male
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    It's a secret
  • About Me
    I just love watching men pissing everywhere they want.

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    I love when men just carelessely piss everywhere they want, I love the disregard some men show when pissing on people's belonging.
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    One day there was a festival in my city and dozens of dudes went to piss right under my windows and on my front door, there was so much piss that it flowed under the door in my appartment.

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  1. Interesting topic !! The largest amount I can remember rn is during a Feria in Bayonne. There was a street that had become a public urinal for men, there wasn't an inch of surface that wasn't used to piss lol. I remember I came towards some door to piss, it has already been used several times and was covered in piss. Three dudes had left at the same time so I took the opportunity and started pissing on the door, at that moment a police officer came and I was afraid he was going to fine us but nah he came right next to me and pissed on the front door too. I was so surprised that even
  2. I saw sink too, I remember there being food in the sink that the owner probably prepared for the guests but the girls didn't care and flooded it in piss.
  3. Oooh yeah I get it. But I was referring to pissing in public, like I saw some soldiers urinating in public and it's the hottest stuff ever.
  4. Yeah it happen sometimes lmfao, just like I saw girls using the oven as toilet. And yeah nice spots !!
  5. Yeah, it always start by hidden places and by the end of the party you pass by a dude using the fridge as urinal.
  6. What is the piss test ?
  7. I was wondering, are there military men here ? How is public pissing viewed between soldiers? I always imagine that soldiers are the kind to casually whip it out and piss anywhere. Can you share some experiences you had in the military ?
  8. The girls went to the owner's little brother's bedroom, I've heard they pissed on the carpet and on his bed.
  9. Yeah I mean I had to clean afterwards but luckily I thought a out it quick so there was not many peoples that used my bedroom to piss. There was only stains on two corners. Funny thing is that I caught someone pissing, he was standing in front of a corner and used it as urinal. It was one of my friend so he just kept on pissing and told me that I shouldn't have left my bedroom open to which I laughed. No hard feelings, I've done way worse.
  10. I like how you phrase it, most of the time once the guests start pissing anywhere it's random. It's up to each individual to find a good spot, but sometimes ppl officially declare some places as common urinals. Like ppl discuss and we agree that this room, this couch and this bed are to be used as urinals by everyone. Like one time we decided to split one bedroom for the men and one bedroom for the women. It's fascinating how once you broke the ice no one cares, you'll find people just urinating everywhere, not giving a fuck that they're trashing someone's place Of course he won'
  11. Yeah lmfao, I remember one time me and some other dudes decided to use some couch in the owner's bed as makeshift urinal. Other dudes joined and it became an official urinal for the men, but as it became completely drenched in piss we took out clothes from the closets and drawers and put them on the couch to piss on them as they absorb and the space of the closet was turned into another urinal. By that time the owner was too drunk to care and frankly he was an asshole. What kind of vandalism have you witnessed ?
  12. Fuck yeah that's how we aim lol, we don't care ! Bro you got a link to this video ?
  13. Hey everyone, I made an alternate version of @Public P2 story : Halloween party. With the authorisation of the author of course, I made it centered around male pissing which turn me on more than female pissing. This story contains: Male destructive peeing, humiliation, sex, pee drinking and naughty peeing. The story is about the not-so-popular Michel, who is convinced to throw a Halloween party. Only during the party, he quickly gets taken advantage of, as most guests do not bother to use the toilet to relieve themselve Enjoy 😉 The small fire inside the Jack-o'-Lantern d
  14. Yeah I mean when it's a project X kinda party you can expect the house to be completely trashed. People will not give a single fuck about the place. Writing tags are really rare though, they happen mostly when it's a rented RBNB. But other things yeah, like first of all you can expect the floor to be dirty as hell cause peoples are going in and out and walk in the grass and dirt, when they lean on the wall with a foot on the wall, they'll put their shoes on sofa, beds, tables and all so you can expect if to leave marks. Many things can be expected to be damaged, for example couches and be
  15. For real bro no one give a fuck about the owner's stuff, it's not our house why would we care lmfao and if he's not happy well... Suck to be him I guess. And yeah it only take some dude's and the other just go with the flow. The best is when the owner is passed out drunk, you don't even have to hide and can just openly flood any room with piss.
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