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About embruh

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  1. The responses to this online was certainly something. Of course a lot of "how could people not hold it a couple hours??" or "why are there no toilets on there??" I don't think people realise these trains need as much capacity as possible, and every inch of space matters when you're potentially carrying over 1,000 passengers. If the driver only allows one person to go at a time, of course a packed train would encounter this issue. It's also easy to condemn a situation like this without experiencing it first hand. I guess if it's any consolation, at least it wasn't on the similar Class 720 u
  2. PeteK123, sounds like you only attended the event on Monday? I had been there both days but I found out, for potential future reference (as it depends how it's handled next time), Sunday was a significantly better day for good locations. Now I don't mind either gender, so I was much easier to please. And for sure there was a LOT more men doing it out in the open (I could likely talk about that and the interesting spots I saw them go in endlessly), than I saw women. But there was still significant sightings. Monday however they seem to crackdown on prominent locations (you'll see what I mea
  3. I can't say I regularly use it, however other people do for sure 🥴 It's at the very end of an alley, right before the seaside. There's that little protruding wall that provides perfect cover for anyone coming from the beach for a quick piss, and you can really tell. If you turned back the alley takes a 90° angle so no one can see from behind either. There's some other really good spots in the town, such as the train station/car park that doesn't have a toilet. So the surrounding bushes are always filled with used tissues in the summer. I'm super curious how those pissy st
  4. great story! especially love that reference to the basement level house during the carnival, now she might be featured on the news lmao
  5. Whew that whole party must've been an experience, really appreciate hearing it! Would've loved to have witness the aftermath of that as well as the garage with the DJ. Would you happen to recall any other details of that time like the smell or any other/more detail on the particularly well used spots?
  6. Welcome! Your DMs will become very wet >:3
  7. How that's worded makes it sound so hot omg if it's as bad as it sounds that place must've got flooded! Does make me wonder if there any locations where that becomes the case not only occationally but all year round Another good bet is to probably find popular street festivals, there's bound to be areas where the organisers haven't set up temporary facilities nearby (or at all) the increased activity must lead to something hahaha, only downside being it'll be a one shot thing
  8. yeah it's a different wall but same night, got off the train busting for a piss and that's a well known pee spot for those getting off the train or for those parking in the car park. A few discarded tissues around but in the bushes, no visible pee stains
  9. https://www.redgifs.com/watch/mellowassuredokapi I mean maybe
  10. This is why I wish I knew of any Parking Garage Stairwells, since they'd already be be a prime target with puddles and because it'd be indoors, unless they're physically cleaned you could make a huge mess over time 🥴 Though carpets are indeed incredibly hot as well! Same with alleys, when I went to Spoons on Saturday I noticed two really smelly spots when I was heading to the train station near midnight, likely caused by the drunk patrons.
  11. There are a lot of things I'd love to see videos of. I'd love to see videos of people,l pissing in spots that have clear signs of "use" before. Like what you might find in alcoves, alleys or stairwells, and are basically just adding to the mess of others. As they've been mentioned before I'll keep it short, but I love unstaged peeing videos. But finding any that is of people peeing indoors is rare besides some stairwell CCTV recordings. Naughty peeing videos are really good too. Would love to see more done in indoor locations where the pee is directed into one spot for as big of a pu
  12. One of my fantasies is to find well used pee spots, either with indoor or outdoor locations. Like maybe a flooded alley/stairwell or like a hallway or any room that is soaked. Naturally with clear seeing evidence of use and maybe currently in use by multiple people. Definitely a reason why I'd love to go to a packed street festival
  13. I can imagine most people having different answers for this, as really any option other than holding could result in negative attention/trouble. If I had to go I'd probably go the safest route, which seems like b or c, depending on how easy is it to hide. Wondering as well what sort of doorway was b? Like was this sort of an inside "airlock" before the gents or was this just a general doorway to reach both toilets?
  14. Smell can be a huge part of it for me. I'd love to find a well used indoor area like a staircase, lift, alcove, perhaps an abandoned shed etc. There's a brick bus shelter nearby that always has a darkened puddle of piss on the concrete that's very potent
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