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Admin last won the day on December 16 2023

Admin had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

14,407 Outstanding

About Admin

  • Rank
    Founder of PeeFans

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  1. None of these changes are intended to be permanent, but they seemed better than the alternative of the site not loading at all. Still working on it and will try to find something better.
  2. Testing some different options to see what helps with speed. Please keep the updates coming on when things are better or worse. From my side everything is running as normal right now.
  3. Nothing sinister, just tech issues. Should hopefully all be running smoothly again now, but please let me know if not. 🙂
  4. We comply with all valid DMCA Requests. Please email [email protected] if you need content removed that one of our users has uploaded without your permission. Thank you.
  5. Hi guys, I understand the concern, but there's no need to worry. If for any reason I decided I couldn't run the site any more, I'd find someone else who could carry it on. But I am very fortunate that we have a great mod team in @Sophie @gldenwetgoose@Scot_Lover so the site runs smoothly even without me being here much lately. I hope to be more active in future but the site seems to be ticking along fine right now as far as I'm aware. Having said all of that, if there are any active community members here who think they could do a good job of running/managing the site, by all means send m
  6. Your original post contained the word kik At one point we had a spam problem with people posting their kik contact info so a filter was added. Unfortunately the filter occasionally catches a genuine post like this by mistake, but mods get notified so it'd always be approved quite quickly. 🙂
  7. I see no link in your post Steve, just text. Make sure you're copying the URL itself (the https:// in address bar), not just the hyperlinked text.
  8. Hi @Sexismygod changing usernames is a feature of gold membership. (Done within user settings on gold accounts). I can't see a user here with that username, so you should be able to claim it as far as I can tell. 🙂
  9. Sorry about that, should be fixed now. 🙂
  10. Thanks for the info everyone. I have tried moving the backup to later in the night when hopefully less people are online. Please let me know if the problem continues though.
  11. Pretty sure this would be related to the site backup which I believe happens in that time slot. I'll look into changing this though, as it's actually not a very practical time since I imagine a lot of people browse the site around then. Later in the night would probably be better.
  12. Is it only in the midnight - 2am window (UK time)? Or has the same thing been happening other times too?
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