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About Takashi96

Personal Information

  • Gender
    Asexual (formerly bisexual). Biological male.
  • Occupation
    Health Care
  • Age
    Over 18
  • Location
    The Midwestern United States
  • About Me
    I'm deeply interested in understanding this fetish. This includes studying the various ways it manifests in others, how they became aware of it, and how it effects their lives?

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Honestly, it evolves.
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Hard to pick one.

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  1. So many! I don't remember the first time I saw a woman pee onscreen. Those scenes were far and few between in American movies and pretty much always a turn on. But by far, the most unforgettable simulated scene I have ever encountered was the one from Doc Hollywood.
  2. By "ending" do you mean climaxing while pissing? I know it's possible for biological women because I've talked to a woman who loves doing it. Aside from its multi-orgasmic capabilities and superior innervation, yet another advantage of the clitoris is that you don't need to piss out of it. Us penis wielders have one basic hole. So, unless you're one of those enviable men with the ability to orgasm without ejaculating, I don't believe it's possible for us to cum and go at the same time. I've watched a number of videos produced by female and trans male piss fetishists who pleasured themsel
  3. I don't see it as often as I did in the early 200s. It was one of those whimsical decorating trends meant to show people you're a free spirit who doesn't take life too seriously. I wish you could too. Coincidentally enough, I just had to replace my toilet. My old one is currently sitting by the door waiting for me to gather the strength to haul it to the curb. I honestly want to convert it to a planter but I'm about 99.9 percent certain my condo association would order me to remove it after fining me into oblivion. I would happily allow you to. Especially if you let me watch!!
  4. Does anyone else wash their laundry baskets? Is it weird that I use different baskets for clean and dirty laundry? Yes, I have peed on my laundry in my laundry basket. But only because the bathroom was too far and I was already in the process of doing laundry. I never gave my clothes time to absorb my pee. I also washed the laundry basket immediately after. As someone who also started naughty peeing while still living with my parents, I know your predicament well. PLEASE be careful. I worry that your cloth laundry basket might eventually start to smell or pick up permanent yellow s
  5. Toilet planters are not uncommon in the U.S. One questionable evening I pissed into one that had been strategically placed in the dead center of someone's front lawn. I doubt I was the first or the last drunk to leave my mark there.
  6. Welcome, Carp33! I believe you'll enjoy it here. I hope your therapist doesn't know about your piss kink. If he ever discovers your handiwork he might add new cushions on to your bill.
  7. That describes my experience as well. I'm generally far more aroused by ideas than visuals. We're probably desensitized by the sheer amount of piss porn we've been exposed to at this point.
  8. Yes, I love it!!! And I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in my appreciation. Furthermore, the less bothered she is by peeing outside the more it excites me. There have been times at parties and festivals where I've witnessed an individual woman nonchalantly relieve herself against a wall or a tree as casually as any man in the crowd would. Mind you, I'm not talking about those sloppy drunk women who are beyond the capacity to care. I'm talking about a woman who's in control and gives no fucks about societies' expectations. She steps out of the crowd and pops a squat wherever, making no effort
  9. I peed with a woman at a party a few times in a single night. We had been drinking and talking for hours when we both realized we had gone way too long without relieving ourselves. I announced that I had to pee "immediately!" And she followed me to the bathroom. The party was at an ex-frat house with a single use bathroom on one of the floors, featuring a urinal and toilet side by side. We reached the line together and by the time the bathroom was free our shared desperation was so far beyond reasonable there was no question we were going to go in together. I pissed in the wall mounted urinal
  10. I had only known her for a few hours. I wasn't going to encourage a girl I had just met to pee outside after she had already told me her anatomy wouldn't allow it. Besides, it sounded to me like she had already decided what she was comfortable with. Telling her I really admired girls who are brave enough to pee outside would probably sound like a thinly veiled admission that I'm very interested when girls pee outside at events I am attending.
  11. I was at a little music festival in the woods last weekend hanging out around a campfire with a bunch of fun people. Most of whom I'd never met before that night. Although we were in the woods it wasn't without porta potties. As the night wore on, one cute girl stood up and lamented that she had to trek back to the nasty smelling porta potty to pee. I agreed, they did smell. So I recommended she try the woods as I had earlier. However, she balked at the idea saying, "Um, yeah. I don't have that option because...you know. Girl." I felt sad for her on many levels.
  12. I should have phrased it my "former" partner. This happened one time, around 20 years ago. What made it so hot wasn't just the feeling of peeing in her mouth while being sucked off. It was that I had never requested that of her. It was completely her idea and it was totally spontaneous.
  13. Yeah, that bums me out as well. Pouring pee on is not the same as peeing on.
  14. Why is my quote in Spanish? Oh wait, that's not Spanish, it's Latin.
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