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About Jlpee

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    Loyal Member

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  • About Me
    Love being bursting to pee, and female pee desperation.

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Peeing outside with my partner, both absolutely bursting.

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  1. Very desperate to pee, going to keep drinking!
  2. Really trying to hold my morning pee now!
  3. Need to pee pretty bad, lets see how long I can hold!
  4. A few days ago me and my wife nearly pissed our selves driving. No planning, just pure chance and desperation. We had been driving for about 3 hours, about an hour in I start feeling a need to pee, but being short on time I pushed on, but it was hot, so we was drinking plenty of water. The satnav was telling me I had about an hour to go when the need started getting bad, but I thought I could hold it. I noticed my wife starting to change position a few times so I asked her, "are you ok?" "Erm yeah, I just need to pee and I think my knickers are going to be wet if I dont stop soon" "ok, I
  5. Really bursting now, unable to stay still. Hand in my pants, first leak done!
  6. Yeah, i do like touching it too though!
  7. I am, having to squeeze my tip every so oftern
  8. Need to pee pretty bad. Might wet, or pee somewhere naughty
  9. Need to pee a fair bit, watching pee vids isn't helping much!
  10. This ended in a wetting trying to get to the toilet, very fun though
  11. I wish I had time to find something to let go in!
  12. I burst! I started leaking and someone knocked at the door at the same time so that stopped my wetting chance. I did make a mess as I fished my leaking cock out my pants to let my flood go!
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