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naughty_rosie last won the day on December 22 2023

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About naughty_rosie

  • Rank
    Loyal Member
  • Birthday 07/24/1992

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  • Gender
    bi female

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    naughty peeing, outdoor peeing

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  1. Thank you for the information. I'm surprised at putting toilet planter in the garden is not so uncommon. Now I wish I could pee in the every toilet planters in the world haha If you put a toilet planter in your garden, Naughty Rosie might come to water the plants in the toilet bowl lol
  2. I've peed on the potted plants for many years but never have been brave enough to pee on potted plant for sale haha I hope your girlfriend's pee make them grow better and the shop owner appreciate it lol
  3. Yeah she saw everything...lol I didn't care what she might think. I needed to pee and the glass needed to be watered anyway haha
  4. She didn't tell us to pee around the pool but she said “Don't pee in the pool!” so I peed just outside the pool haha
  5. Last night a girlfriend of mine invited me to her new house. Her house is large and it has a large garden too. When I saw a nice flowerbed there I thought like "I can pee in there for a housewarming present" lol After drinking a few cup of tea, she showed me her beautiful garden. While walking among the flowers I was busy to think about which plant should be served as bland new my personal toilet. But when we got the corner of the garden, she showed me one of the strangest things I've ever seen. There were three old toilet bowls used for potted plants. She told me the reason why
  6. That exactly the way I pee when I'm around the my friend's backyard pool. Some might say I can pee in the pool but I prefer to water the grass with my pee. I'm sure the reason why glass around the pool grow better than any other areas in her backyard lol
  7. I don't dump my pee in my garden but I do directly pee in there. Whenever I get a chance, I pee in my garden and even sometimes I pee in my friend's garden too. Every plants and flowers can be watered with my pee. I can make every planted areas my personal toilet haha
  8. It's quite simple really, my mom used to pee in front of us when we go camping or hiking. Just like me, she never hesitate to pee somewhere else. When I had to pee, she used to say "C'mon Rosie, let's water the plants!" and we end up to pee in the bushed or planted areas. It was a little bit embarrassing when she pee in front of my friends but now I'm proud of it. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree anyway lol
  9. Literally anywhere outdoor lol Especially I love to pee on the beach, pee off the side of the boat and pee off the top of the mountain. To be honest, peeing outdoor is my favorite part of outdoor activities haha
  10. I have a girlfriend who works as a lorry driver for 10 years. She said she has funnels to pee in the bottle and she sometimes even pee standing up with them haha But she usually pee on the roadside, parking lots or alongside vacant lot, And I know sometimes she even pee on the tires to cool them lol
  11. Thank you for sharing. I've peed on plants and trees many years and strangely I've never seen them withered either. Now I'm proud of being a human watering can lol
  12. It depends. When I have to pee, I feel like every bushes and trees are there to be watered with my pee haha Actually it's same for me because usual low bush can't hide my huge butt anyway lol
  13. I would love to. I've peed in the male urinal several times but never used a female one.
  14. I often pee in the sink, shower, garden and of course potted plants. I sometimes think I don't need a proper toilet and my plants don't need proper watering anymore lol
  15. We usually take turns on the toilet like any other girls when we are bar or restaurants. But when we hold a party it's quite different. First of all, I'm notorious for naughty peeing behavior so my friends don't let me pee in the proper toilet lol I have to pee in anywhere like bathroom sink, shower, cat litter box or indoor potted plants. Especially I've peed in their garden so many times so they call their own garden as "Rosie's toilet" haha
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