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About Hallmarker

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Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Pissing wherever I damn well please
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Pissing against the stage in a packed club/pissing in a girlfriend in the parking lot with cars driving by

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  1. Just took a look at the top floor on Google maps. Hoping your puddles will be captured someday soon - keep at it!
  2. Lived up to my username the other day. It had been awhile since I visited this building that I basically consider my personal urinal. Left a nice mark and was on my way much relieved shortly after.
  3. Had the opportunity to test this "sweat absorbent head band" that was lying around still with the tags on.
  4. With the warmer weather finally arriving these stairs in the parking garage are by far the most convenient place for me to piss as I go about my day. I'll be making the rounds of all of them soon enough.
  5. Decided to take a much needed piss down the stairs of my favorite parking garage in broad daylight. No one's going going up or down here without getting some wet shoes.
  6. Lived up to my username the other evening and left a big puddle in a hallway nearby. Was looking forward to marking the carpet but was surprised to see it had been torn out. There was no time to find another spot as I was bursting so emptied myself copiously onto the floorboards instead. Edit: apparently my new phone takes gigantic pics and none of the best ones would load so here's the best I could do for now.
  7. This one is definitely going somewhere naughty. Stairwell of the next building over. More intense if I get the encouragement. Which I have before on here.
  8. Well it's the evening. There's the stairwell if the building next door. But that's easy pickings. There the carpet of that building if I can piggyback off someone through the entrance. Various other avenues on top of that.
  9. Check out my profile. I haven't been on in awhile. But I've had a few beers and I'm feeling a little naughty for a fun next piss. Let me know if this feature actually works well in real time.
  10. Morning dentist appointments mean a lot of held morning coffee. Which I released on the back of the building on the way out. I never stand too close to the wall anyway but it was crucial here as the stream was so strong. Got the last two spurts pretty high up there.
  11. I did really have to go and purposely held during a chat with someone to go here in public. There was definitely some coffee being released.
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