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About velwetleaf

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  • Gender
    straightish female
  • Age
    20 something
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  1. While I believe it is more common for men to pee in public than for women around here, of course those kinds of events would be the most likely place to witness women doing thier business outside and nobody diving a damn. However I tend to avoid huge crowds of people if alcohol is involved so I guess that explains why I've only ever seen men peeing in public and never women. And maybe it's also my own bias. When I pass trough an alley or a stair case that smells of piss I might tend to assume that only guys left thier mark there while in reality women contributed to it as well.
  2. I believe my biggest fears are people confronting me/telling me to stop or judging me. My ultimate goal is to be more spontaneous and bold about peeing, basically just going anywhere I want to. But what especially frustrates me is the fear for being judged while if a guy did it people would shrug it off. For example: I'm not bold enough for that yet but if I had taken a piss in that that dark elevator corner maybe some people passing by would have thought it's gross but nothing more. But picture this situation: Some time ago I'm waiting for my train to leave when a big group of footb
  3. I live in the city and don't go out much so the number of opportunities with a low risk of getting caught is low. But I'm planning to do more bike trips into the countryside and using that as an chance to get more comfortable about peeing somewhere else than a toilet. About the thinking about pee things a lot - yeah, I think I know what you mean. A couple of days ago I was at a train station and as soon as I got into the underpass connecting the platforms the smell hit me. It was rather gloomy and branching off from the main tunnel there were little almost seperate dark rooms for the
  4. I've had a pee fetish as long as I (f) can remember. It's mainly centered around men peeing especially publicly and naughtily but each time I witness it in real life I get upset and feel bad about myself. I'm jealous that it seems to be such an easy and widely accepted thing to do for men (at least around here), while I'm afraid I couldn't do the same without people getting mad or being shocked. It's gotten to the point I can't truly enjoy this fetish anymore :( I would really like to start peeing outside as well but I'm just so afraid I'll get caught and confronted about it. Ha
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