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About Remi

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    Straight male
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  1. Yes, unless i feel like peeing in some other interesting way like peeing off something from a height for example, its always more fun to aim at something. Its just fun in a satisfying way. Depends on the surroundings though. But sometimes its also nice to pee directly on the ground, especially on concrete, and watch the puddle grow and the splashing patterns on the surface.
  2. A kinda hefty piss right on the path. @Bilove6967 Then i think i might have, unintentionally, recorded some stuff to your liking over time 😅
  3. Wow, amazing technique, this is amazing. I love this 'one leg up' approach, all the more when its in a naughty setting!
  4. Wow, you are wild. I love how you test the boundaries and grow the confidence to just go anywhere you want. Also this part is so hot: Wow. Pretty inspiring to read your stuff!
  5. Amazing, you went all over the place. Thanks for sharing!
  6. I try to film myself peeing in basically any deserving and interesting enough circumstance, outdoor or naughty. For rewatching purposes and for sharing with likeminded people which increases the fun a lot.
  7. Wow, that is a pretty hot story. Witnessing someone peeing and doing it yourself at the same time in such a naughty way is a neat experience. Interested in the reason why you choosed to pee in stealth mode instead of announcing 'hey i'm going to piss too!'? Was it the thrill of peeing so close to them without anyone noticing that outweighed the potential sensation of peeing in front of them?
  8. Saturdays event made me have this stuck in my head again. People may say what they want about Mr. TFury but this is an epic song, let alone for an entrance! Excellent.
  9. Hell no. I like my car clean and care about it too much. Besides that i think its much hotter if she just hops out of the car after i stop and leaves a nice puddle somewhere.
  10. Yes, i regularly piss in the drain of the communal laundry room of the house where all the washing machines are located. Collecting your clothes down there and casually taking your morning piss into the drain is a nice way to start the day. Sounds awesome. I hope you'll have lots of fun down there!
  11. This is awesome and reminds me of certain conversations with the exact same sometimes innocent seeming 'girl next door' type of girls when i least expected it. Though most of the times i wasn't as good or didn't try enough to keep the conversation on that topic. Now you had the initial ice breaker so that you'd be able to make some remarks IF there is any fitting situation. I hope this keeps going your way!
  12. An up and down is probably normal for anything. And kind of analog to food...if you eat your favourite meal everyday you will eventually get tired of it. No matter how much you loved it before, over indulging in anything will most likely flatten the heights you are experiencing. Another thing might be the stuff you choose to watch. I get its all personal preference. But some of those sites you mentioned, that i only know due to the usual leaked videos on different hosting sites, are kind of similar in a way. Mostly unpersonal stuff. Same way of filming, same fakeness, hardly any passion i
  13. Well if cameras don't bother you just go ahead and do it. Maybe if we are lucky some of those are running and we get a nice 'girl pisses inside walmart cctv' video on youtube out of it. But seriously, aren't some of those walmarts open 24h anyways? Just go during the later hours when its presumably empty, wear a hat, cap or some glasses to be unrecognizable and off you go. Wearing a dress, standing with legs apart acting like you are looking at something in the shelf and let it flow. I bet you the thrill will be unmatched.
  14. You should try to avoid things that can lower your testosterone levels like stress and start implementing things that can boost it into your everyday life. A good sleeping routine and enough quality sleep at night are crucial. Same goes for movement, workouts. This will not only increase your well being but can also boost testo levels depending on what excercises you are doing. Sprints are excellent for that. Whatever you do, start slow and according to your level. Next thing is eating habits. A good diet can make a huge difference. Doesn't even have to be too restricting. Its all about
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