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About Kirby23

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  1. As a guy, I can say it's very possible for me. If I happen to jump in the shower with a full bladder, it's one of the quickest / easiest ways to masturbate for me. I usually let out a few spurts as I go, both for lube and just because it feels good. When I'm finished, I let the rest out. As for women, as best I can tell, experiences seem to vary. For exanple, this topic is discussed on Reddit a lot - on forums like r/sex and r/askredditafterdark. Women will post topics like "masturbating with a full bladder," or "sex with a full bladder feels better." Women seem to be split 50/50 bet
  2. My kink has definitely evolved over the years. In my college days (20+ years ago), I had many opportunities to see girls pee, but I was a little shy, and was always trying to be a "gentleman," so I missed out on opportunities. There were numerous times at parties, hanging out with friends, etc., where girls peed pretty much right in front of me, and I would always look away to try and be polite. If given the same opportunities now, I might approach the situation differently. After college I got in a relationship with a woman who I refer to here as "my ex." She was very sexual, and probabl
  3. This is hot! Thanks for sharing! I'm finding, through sites like Reddit and similar, that women peeing over the edge of the tub is actually pretty common? I find it hot... maybe because it's slightly "naughty"? After you're done peeing in the tub, I assume you wipe? Where do you put the paper? Do you rinse the pee away when you're done? One time, in college my roommates and I hosted a house party. Toward the end of the night the girls were going in the bathroom to pee in groups of 3-4. One would pee in the toilet, and the other 2-3 would pee in the tub. Hot.
  4. Just to get the ball rolling: I've been married 15 years. My wife and I have sex regularly, on average about once a week. There are a handful of activities we do: I pee in her vagina during sex sometimes (maybe between 1/4 - 1/2 of the times we have sex). I sometimes pee on her vulva and/or butthole to lube things up if things are dry. I sometimes pee in her vagina to "clean things out" if we want to have sex during her period (once every other month?). Once in a while she lets me lick her after she has peed on the toilet (maybe once/month?). Once in a while she l
  5. I'm curious to know - for those of you in a relationship, what kinds of Pee Play / Pee Sex / Watersports to you regularly partake in with your significant other? How often do you partake in these activities? Is it fairly often, or only on "special occasions"? How did it begin? Is your partner into it? What is their tolerance for it? Are some things ok and some things off-limits? What is your "favorite" activity that you regularly partake in? What do you wish your partner would do? Or do more often?
  6. I LOVE the smell when my wife pees in the shower. She hardly ever lets me watch, but she'll pee in the shower if the curtain is closed and I'm hanging out in the bathroom with her. It usually smells like warm buttered popcorn.
  7. My biggest pee-related fantasies involve the mixture of nonchalant peeing and sex. For example, when in the midst of good sex, the woman announces "I have to pee," and their partner, not wanting to stop, says "Just go." This happened to me a few times with my ex, but I'd love for it to happen with my wife. I've seen it in a few videos here and there, but it's rare. I've seen it discussed on Reddit too, for example in the r/sex forum. Apparently it's not all that uncommon. One woman said something like (paraphrasing) "I have a weak bladder, and if I'm too focused on it during s
  8. This reminds me of a recent experience of mine. A few weeks ago my family and I went camping. We were in two tents - my wife and I in one, and my kids in another. Our site was pretty secluded - no other campers nearby. The toilet/shower building was a few hundred yards away. Not super far, but just far enough to be inconvenient. Over the course of the weekend my wife peed at the campsite at least 5-6 times. When it was still light out she peed behind the kids' tent, which was against a fence, at the back of the site, completely out of view. After it got dark, and we were going to bed
  9. One additional experience to add - one time while on a weekend getaway my wife and I had sex in the shower. It was something I had wanted to try forever, and she finally allowed it. As I recall, I finished rather quickly because of the excitement, and she probably didn't orgasm. Not long after I finished, she was rinsing her hair, back and butt, with her back toward the showerhead and her front toward me. Next thing i knew, a big arc of pee shot out, and slightly forward, landing about 12" in front of her, near my feet. As I recall, her eyes were closed at that moment, so I don't even kn
  10. I am a male, but answering only from my personal experience with my wife (and my ex), I would say yes, it is difficult for them to pee when aroused. In my wife's case, if she has orgasmed during sex, if definitely can take her an extra minute or two to pee afterward. On the occasions I've asked her about it, she says it's because everything is "clenched up" down there. My ex could pee pretty much anywhere / anytime, so for her I would say it was not difficult, even when aroused.
  11. Being that I am a man, and have no training or particular qualifications to comment on women's bodies and health practices, I am in no position to comment on that. As for my own experience, after we are finished, my wife pees, and I would assume that most of my pee trickles/drips out as she's sitting there on the toilet. She doesn't shower afterward, we just go to bed.
  12. This is a topic that's discussed here fairly regularly. I've commented on it several times in the recent past. Generally speaking, it is safe. But every woman is different, and results can vary. I have been doing this with my wife fairly regularly for about two years, and she has had no ill effects. We've done everything from a little squirt here and there to a full bladder release. She has not had any problems with UTIs or vaginal infections as a result. The only complaint she has had is that she doesn't really enjoy the "full" feeling of when her vagina fills like a water ba
  13. I am married, and happily committed. So in considering a "hot stranger," it's difficult to assess, because I have no plans to cheat on my wife. But if we're talking purely hypothetically, yes, I would be turned on by partaking in pee acts with a stranger. Yes, my fetish definitely affects my sex life. Even though I don't incorporate pee into every sexual encounter with my wife, I am usually thinking about it in at least some regard.
  14. As with some of the other commenters, my wife pees with the door open usually, so it's pretty much a daily thing. We have a bathroom adjoining our bedroom, so we pee before bed, while the other is there. Watching my wife pee on the toilet doesn't really do anything for me though - to me it's not much different than watching her brush her teeth. I'm aware that it's occurring, but I don't pay much attention to it. But when my wife pees somewhere other than the toilet, I pay attention. This past weekend we went camping, and she peed outside several times. Behind the tent, etc. That was
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