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About murshymaze

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  1. I had a dream about this scenario recently, so allow me to share. I had been in a mall shopping and was getting desperate to pee. The bathrooms as usual were across the mall and had long lines. I had entered into a clothing store and noticed they had a toilet and urinal side by side in this area in the store, sort of in a closet but no doors, simply open to anyone in view. I was hesitant to use it at first as the store was quite busy, but then I noticed people were lining up to use this make shift bathroom, so I decided to as well. The store was quite busy with plenty of customers, and mo
  2. Have you ever used a single use bathroom with a member of the opposite sex? I'm not talking about gender neutral public bathrooms that anyone can walk into. I'm talking about bathrooms that have a door that locks, meant for one person at a time typically with a toilet, a urinal, or sometimes both, usually without any dividers. These seem cheaper to build depending on the establishment, and can be found in certain bars, clubs, restaurants, at beaches and so on. I've read some stories on here and in other forums about this, but definitely not enough so I'm asking anyone to share their exper
  3. I love it. Unfortunately I've never actually seen a girl piss outside (only in a toilet), at least not in my adult life, but I've heard plenty of stories about women doing so outside. I missed out of the college experience, but I've read in forums online mentioning that at say parties for example, if girls had enough to drink, they'd just casually pop a squat just about anywhere. Does anyone have any sightings like that?
  4. Have you ever been complimented while peeing? Whether it'd be from a stranger, friend, your S/O or whoever, and whether they commented on your stream, your dick/pussy, how long you pee'd for, or your courage/bravery for peeing in a certain spot?
  5. I was having a conversation with a girl I'm friends with the other day about drinking a lot of water and how much I've been drinking, and she said "you're gonna be pissing a lot. You'll be pissing so much." I was a bit surprised cause I've only ever really heard her say the word pee, but it was hot. Do your guy friends ever say it around you and do you mind if they say it or not? And do you say it around them?
  6. I too love when a girl uses the word piss instead of pee. Something about it turns me on so much, and when a girl I'm friends with says piss, it opens up a door into possible conversations, and also saying it back without thinking they're grossed out for you saying it.
  7. I was out at this small little pub with two of my friends, Kate and Claire. Many drinks were had, therefore plenty of bathroom breaks, but this pub was very old and only had small, single use bathrooms, and with everyone drinking, the wait would get longer to pee. At one point I excused myself to go relieve my bladder, when I came to find out the bathroom was occupied. I came back to our table sitting back next to Kate. She was a tall brunette with very beautiful eyes and a nice ass. She had been wearing a low cut tank top with her boobs showing quite nice cleavage the whole night. Across from
  8. That's nice! Did she watch you pee next to the car or anything like that? Would love to hear the details.
  9. I was out at a bar with some work friends, just having a good time drinking. As the night ended, one of my female co-workers and I were both headed in the same direction back home as we walked throughout the town during the night. I hadn't used the bathroom in a while, as the bar was quite busy full of lines, and at that point I was bursting from all the drinks. I blurted it "Damn, I really need to take a piss." She looks over at me and says "Just whip your dick out and piss in that alley. You're a guy after all." I was surprised by her boldness, but she was known for not having muc
  10. I just watched a movie with a peeing scene in it (I won't say which in case of spoilers), but it got me to thinking, before you realized you had a pee fetish, did you ever get turned on or in any way interested in seeing people pee in movies? It's more common to see men peeing in movies, shows, etc. rather than movies, so if you're a woman (or man) who likes to see men pee, what did you think of this when you first noticed it when watching these movies/shows? And men (or women), what did you think when you saw women peeing in the same example above? One of the women who's watch
  11. These are all awesome. I’ve always had the boldness to pee anywhere when alcohol kicks in, but not too many opportunities like yours. Only time I really recall is taking a huge bursting piss outside of my apartment while the bathroom was in use, and a woman walking by on the street saw me standing there, dick in hand and all and giggled at me but went on her way. I’ve had plenty of conversations with women who tell me about their outdoor pissing experiences, and how guys would be surprised how often girls piss outside bars, clubs, etc. but have yet to see that yet.
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