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Alfresco last won the day on January 24 2020

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11,517 Outstanding

About Alfresco

  • Rank
    ★ Best Real Story 2018 ★
  • Birthday September 12

Personal Information

  • Gender
    Straight male
  • Occupation
    IT Manager
  • Age
  • Location
    South East England, United Kingdom
  • About Me
    Love outdoor and naughty peeing. Both watching and participating!

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Naughty peeing
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Of equal standing: My wife being bursting and making me stop the car so she could flood the tarmac and another time going for a walk in quite a public area, she was bursting but didn't want to squat in case she was caught so she sat on my knee on a bench and peed between my legs. My trousers got wet but I wasn't complaining!

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  1. I have never done statistical analysis on it but as far as I remember only women, mostly aged early 20s. Numbers - probably around 10 over the last 20 years.
  2. I am well on my way to joining you @DoctorDoctor. I am mid 50s and have lost a lot on the top. I keep what’s left short with a buzz cut. My frustration is that hair grows very happily just about everywhere else, but not where I want it on my head! I shouldn’t be surprised. My grandfather was completely bald by 60 and my dad had a large bald patch early on - although mine has gone quicker than his.
  3. Congratulations as your post was a couple of days ago so I assume you are now married. Hope you had a great wedding day and a great life together in the future.
  4. I have never minded my wife seeing me flaccid. To be honest, I really couldn’t be bothered with the faff that it would involve to avoid that situation and it would seem totally unnatural to try and hide it all the time. We don’t sit around the house naked but we have never hidden ourselves either. We don’t close the door when using the shower or toilet and if we often walk around naked when getting up in the morning or getting ready for bed. We get changed in front of each other and of course we are naked in the lead up to sex. I think we would both find it very difficult, unnatural an
  5. Sorry for the delayed reply. If you spend most of your time naked, surely your Mrs would know there was a good chance you would be naked at that point. She could have easily ensured she went in first and asked the friend to wait, or she could have called ahead to let you know. Do you think she set it up to see how you and her friend reacted or do you think she never gave it a thought? She obviously had a good laugh about it either way at your expense.
  6. Yes, I was expecting a bit more of an issue with the policeman but he seemed to accept that I was in a difficult position and that I'd made an effort to walk away from the main road and whilst it was a public area, it was quiet and I chose to face into a corner to be discrete. I am sure that many police officers (men and women) have had to pee outside whilst on duty, so maybe he understood and felt sorry for me. I have seen people pee in full view of police on a Friday/Saturday night in nightlife areas and the police don't bat an eyelid, but then on the other hand there are some places
  7. the other side of the coin - if I catch a lady peeing in the street on a night out, I invariably apologise as this makes her more relaxed and less likely to get stressed or panic. I usually then make some light hearted comment such as "Looks like you needed it" or say that I had come down that way for the same reason. Usually they are then fine with it. Very occasionally I have had ladies tell me to "Fuck off, can't you see I'm peeing" or something. That is a rare response though.
  8. I have been caught peeing multiple times. Mostly people just totally ignore it and either walk past or turn around and go the other way. Sometimes I've had people make comments like "Nice Cock" or "Looks like you needed that" A few times I've had people say things like "That's disgusting" or "Couldn't you have found a toilet" To which the response is "Sorry I was about to wet myself" or similar. I don't think anyone has ever been more negative than that. One time I did get caught by a policeman when I peed in a corner between two buildings on a street in London in the afternoon. He
  9. This post puts me in two minds in what to reply as firstly I feel very much sympathy for you @Mary Moon as you were in a position that you did not want to be in, being desperate and feeling that you would not survive unscathed. But on the other hand it was so super sexy that you and your friend ended up peeing in a stairwell! That was a hot and naughty place to pee. Knowing about your general difficulties with holding and getting very little notice, you were brave going out like that and you did really well to manage to hold on until you found a suitable place. Your group obviously p
  10. Had to - No. Have done it - Yes. So I've never locked myself out naked, nor have I been stuck in a hotel corridor with no option but to piss somewhere. However, I have chosen to pee in hotel corridors and stairwells multiple times. I have even chosen to walk past the toilets, go up the stairs and find a quiet corner in preference to using the toilets. For carpetted stairwells and corridors, I have peed onto the walls where it runs down to the carpet, or peed directly onto the carpet and I have also peed on the concrete floor in emergency stairwells that are not carpeted.
  11. The whole AI arena is a very interesting one. It is not something that I have really done much with. In some respects, the AI abilities could be very helpful, but on the other hand it is slightly concerning when it is difficult to determine what is real and what is AI. Although you could say that about things prior to AI - for as long as people have been writing, when someone writes something as a truthful account, how do you know that it is really true and not from their imagination, at least with certain embellishments. Same with AI, how do you know if it has been produced by AI? H
  12. Would I like to just pee in my bed and go back to sleep? Absolutely. Do I actually do it? No. I wish that I could just pee the bed and let it soak into the mattress, but there are two issues with it in reality. First I don’t want to use a mattress protector because the whole point would be that I would want it to seep slowly away into the mattress. Therefore I would say that I could only do so much of this before the mattress is ruined. Secondly and more importantly, my wife would strongly object. If I lived on my own then yes I am sure I would do it, as well as peeing out of the
  13. I did an experiment at home on the biodegrading of typical domestic toilet paper. I put toilet paper outside in several locations - one amongst vegetation on open waste ground exposed to the weather to simulate discarded tissues in nature that were just dropped where you pee, one pushed under the edge of a deck to simulate where someone pushed it under something to hide it and one on a concrete pad behind the shed to simulate it being discarded in a parking lot. I wet each one slightly to simulate it having been used to wipe pee. i monitored them over time. The one that was out in t
  14. I had a brief conversation with a member of the other emergency service - a paramedic - the other day. We were part of a training exercise which involved a train failing and then having people evacuated and moved to another train for recovery. We had all got on the train and it did a short run, then back to the station. Everyone knew that we were going to fail and be stranded for a while. However when we got back to the station after that first run, this particular lady ran to the toilets. When she came out I said to her that she was lucky that the crew of the train hadn't stage
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