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MidoriLemonade85 last won the day on March 18 2023

MidoriLemonade85 had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

2,068 Outstanding

About MidoriLemonade85

  • Rank
    Forum Legend

Personal Information

  • Gender
    Married female, but bi-tendancies
  • Occupation
    Sit in front of a computer, dreaming of the beach.
  • Age
    40’s but act 25
  • Location
  • About Me
    My intro: https://peefans.com/topic/17763-introducing-myself-my-favourite-drink-is-midori-and-lemonade-how-about-you/?tab=comments#comment-247120

    As a child I used to dream about freely peeing anywhere. I see this relationship with pee as something spiritual, perhaps something you are born with. They say that you can never destroy energy, it just changes form, and perhaps that is the fascination with drinking the powerful element of water, that becomes part of you for a short while, and then is released to become part of the earth once again. I think it is the freedom aspect of it that appeals to me….

    Oh, I wrote some stuff…










Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Freedom you feel when it wets your clothes.
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Most has been virtual, with my Pee Fans friends, but I loved waking up early one day, walking into the shower cubicle, and asking my husband to piss on my favourite tee shirt.

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  1. I have a question. If you go to bed with a full bladder, can you sleep? Will your body let you? Does anxiety take over? If you fall asleep and the bladder wants to release, do you wake up then? If you go to bed with a full bladder how many pees in bed does it equate to?
  2. So gorgeous. You, your windswept pee, the countryside….all just wonderful. 💚
  3. My favourite toilet is the kitchen floor. Also the dog’s mat outside and the potplants and compost bin. Peeing in the sock drawer is fun. And dirty washing…why not? One day I will be brave enough to piss on my bed.
  4. You interested in pee? That’s what we do here. Welcome to the party. We’re all friends here. As long as you are nice. 💚
  5. I wonder if she had any idea that her pee would entertain so many people? I wonder if she would do it again or if it has put her off? Many would be embarrassed by the torches. Sounds like she was just doing it for practicality though and was not too worried. You are brave to compliment her. (And also a massive flirt…!😜). Love your work, Alfresco.💚
  6. 1. Meeting PeeFans from this site for a big, wet, sexy party where anything goes. 2. Being peed on by a group of men (I am a female). 3. Going to dinner in a fancy restaurant and everyone peeing whenever they want in their seats as they eat their meals. 4. Going to a concert where the band pees onstage.
  7. Super hot. Super sexy. Super wet. Made me smile. So lovely. So perfect. Sounds like an amazing shag too! Don’t ever change, Kupar. 💚 Your wife is incredible. I am so glad you light each other’s fire. 🔥
  8. When it is cold weather I crave chocolate, biscuits and coffee with sugar. In warm weather I crave ice cream / fruity ice blocks but also chips (crisps) especially at night time. Or hot chips on the beach. Vegemite is good too for its saltiness on a cracker. Cheeeeeeese makes me happy. I drink sugar free lemonade. Sometimes I crave Indian food or Asian food with chilli. I eat lots of mints in the car!
  9. I have a 13 year old boy who prefers to pee in the garden and also pees in his school pants on washing day. He has autism…I think it is something that brings him joy but may have been inherited too.
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