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About TylerHasFun

  • Rank
    Forum Legend

Personal Information

  • Gender
  • Occupation
    assistant manager pizza place
  • About Me
    Pretty chill white gay guy, 6" athletic, likes drinking with friends, getting together and playing music. I'm a slob and my friends know it. I burp all the time, I think farting with people around is hysterical. And I love pissing in public. I piss in apartment buildings, both outside and in the hallways, trees, sidewalks, walkways with people around, once at a red light in traffic (though that got me in deep shit), out of windows. I piss with the door open when my friends and I are hanging out, or in their yard while we are smoking. And I love hearing other stories from guys who dont give a fuck like me.

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Real men piss outside. Whenever and wherever we want.
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    One of my hottest piss experiences was in college. I needed to piss real bad so I walked up to this brick wall fence (sort of) that separated the parking lot from the campus pathway. MY back was facing the campus, not the parking lot. So I let it rip, then a class must of let out because fucking 10-15 people came out of the science building (to my right) and were walking to the parking lot. Some said nothing, a couple girls said that was disgusting, a few guys thought it was funny, all of them stepping over my stream cause I can't fucking stop because. The last guy to pass, at this point my stream trail was long, the puddle was big, says Damn dude, pointing at the piss. He steps on the stream as he walks to the parking lot.

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  1. thats interesting cause I feel the exact opposite for me. Men usually leave me be, or make a joke or laugh at it. But I always have troubles with women when they seeing me. Last week alone I got chewed out four different times by women.
  2. Fuck. i wouldnt stop pissing neither, you wanna get in the way thats cool bro, i aint stopping. Nice one
  3. thats great news to hear bro. i needed some good news today
  4. Fuck yeah thats awesome bro. You got it right, It ain't no big thing to u, stand ur ground and they will back off.
  5. I hear ya bro. Sure bunch of my neighbors dont like me im sure cause of what i be doing, but a bunch do like me. Some think its just funny what I do, if u can believe it, others dont pay no mind to it. It aint about being not worried ever, cause I do sometimes. I get these urges to do some crazy shit, and i just act before i think about it. Sometimes during I do look around, making sure no cops or nothing. i aint hardly the one to give advice to no one on how to behave, just wanted to say being brave is not having no fear, just acting in spite of ur fear. Someone from the site told me
  6. Sure thing bro, bunch a times. I'm a pretty big guy so usually men aint fucking with me. But a few times some fucker tries something but usually it dont get to nothing physical. One time i remember pissing inside my building by the mail area in the lobby and this new neighbor or maybe i just aint seen before comes to me and is like what the fuck man, tries to get all close I kept pissing and just looked at em, was like its just piss bro back off, and whatever else I said. Stand ur ground and that usually ends it. I have had some real fights before but never one cause of pissing somewhere
  7. Lol, my friend works in public services and he says the same damn thing, it helps em a lot just find some part to piss, people aint the wiser about it. I should ask em to get me a vest too
  8. Fuck yeah! God damn bro, u a real good writer. U remind me of a good story I got for ya, i will tell ya about later
  9. its cool bro, i get it. i think just practice. I been caught pissing hundreds of times. used to get stuck and frozen, other times used to get too hard. I guess i would say just bite through it and do it a lot. i think its hot when i get caught, even if they get all angry and whatever.
  10. learn from em bro. piss everywhere and anywhere
  11. So I was at work, pissing out back against my managers car, lol (he's my friend and he does it to me too so fair is fair) and this woman is walking back to her car. Weird cause the back lot is mainly for the delivery rivers and such but it happens. She sees me and comes right up to me and she is french and is hooting and hollerin at me, and i aint got no idea the fuck shes saying. One of my friends here on the site is French and I told em and he tells me it sounds like she called me dumb or some shit like that. Lol, I aint never had no woman get so up close to my face like that, i werent e
  12. Fuck yea dude, love this. he aint never cleaning that smell
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