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About martan1258

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  1. It must be hard for a girl to aim good in an oven 😄 The sink is the easiest solution for girls. But carpet is more fun 😄
  2. I like how girls are more often hiding it or hesitating a little, but convinience wins every time. Why use a toilet at a party where everyone pisses everywhere? 😄 If I was at this party I would never use it. First some more hidden places and later more and more open and by the end every room is a toilet 😄
  3. Good job with the couch. It must have been completely trashed. Where did the girls go? Noone would use toilet if the party went this far 😅 maybe some bedroom carpet?
  4. The couch must smell really bad afterwards. You left 1 liter of piss there if you did it multiple times... For guys best is to use empty rooms. Your toilet is everywhere where you cant be seen 😂
  5. A girl in short skirt without panties sits on a sofa, pees and the pee soaks in a cushion
  6. If you can piss on a wall in a club, you are not too polite to not pee on a carpet, especially if alcohol is involved
  7. My point was to show that party vandalism takes many forms and is not just about pissing. It's about the overall attitude of the guests. The broken window theory can be applied here. If everything is cleaned and the guests behave "respectfully", this will most likely not happen. But things can change during the evening. It is enough to start this chain reaction when someone does something quite insignificant, for example throws garbage on floor, soils a carpet of furniture with dirt as you mentioned. Later someone spits on floor or takes a secret pee in a bedroom. Others seeing the evidence th
  8. In this situation you dont have to hide anything and just openly piss anywhere. If others see, they will quickly do the same. I also didnt mention other forms of vandalism can be done by the guests - spitting on floor or carpet, writing tags on walls or furniture, especially in the bathroom or destroying things etc.
  9. So a conclusion of this discussion. When at a party, piss everywhere you want without any regret. The other guests will be grateful, because someone "broke the ice" and will join you. Girls are more shy, but they will join too. Together while having fun you turn the entire house or at least some parts into a convenient urinal foreveryone. Have fun and dont bother finding an always occupied toilet 😁 its unnecessary. The organiser will obviously be not happy about his house drenched in piss and stinking like a public toilet, but its not your problem 🤭
  10. When you put the blanket back on a pissedon matress, it will become wet immediately with a noticeable wet patch. Best option for a stealthy pissing is to simply piss on a dark carpet. Ideal is a corner where noone steps in it. Or to pee on some furniture. The pee flows on floor without a wet stain on a wall. But even if you hit the wall, it dries quickly. Some bonus is these stains will encourage more people to do so 😀
  11. This is a good point. Peeing somewhere in a corner is much more convenient than waiting to use a permanently occupied bathroom. At parties, most people would like to do this, but they are shy to be the first ones and does not know what the reaction of the other guests. But most people when see someone pissing like this, they will do the same without regrets. Someone had already done it before them, so they just joined 😄
  12. Yes 😄 there is nothing wrong with standing in a bedroom. A piss torrent can be stopped immediately if someone walks in. So its the most convient way to pee during a party for women. No need to wait a line.
  13. My high school was was almost empty in the late afternoon because few students still had classes. The toilets became an ideal pee playground especially during a class. Remaining puddles were not a big deal, because a lot of boys missed the toilet or urinal by accident or for fun. The pee smell and puddles of some liqiud on floor were quite common, so every time I was there alone I made them larger 😄
  14. It's also possible that it was happening, you just didn't detect it. For men its very easy to hide their peeing and it takes only ca 30 seconds to do it. So the house could be pissed on multiple times and and you, and also the owner, did not notice anything unusual. You just can't guard and prevent this. Someone comes into the bedroom, quickly pisses in a corner on a carpet and nothing is noticeable if u dont watch him actually doing it. Of course, in the following days, an unpleasant surprise will come for the owner in the form of piss smell in "misused" places. But its too late to find the c
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