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  1. Hardly a secret to us https://sports.yahoo.com/olympic-swimmers-fess-dirty-secret-110545697.html
  2. I'm curious about this too. I'd love to know what makes women's pee more energy-rich. All the components in urine that AI says could be used for energy are either equal or lower. I just think everyone should get to create peelectricity, regardless of differences in urine composition.
  3. That is exactly the joke. There's a lot of images of Iran before the Islamic Revolution circulating social media. This one is pretending that this picture was from there/then, implying it was a normal practice before said revolution, even though obviously the actual origins are from elsewhere.
  4. Hopefully the caption is not too political. I hope we can all agree that this would be a more fun country if it was normalized.
  5. I don't mean to be that person, but what about the environmental impact?
  6. I had just stepped out of the store, and as I turned around my car to get to the passenger side, I see a woman appear on the passenger side of the next car (through the windows) standing up (she must have been squatting) and pulling up her pants. I get into the passenger seat of my car, and discreetly watch her buckle her belt. I was optimistic I'd get to checkout the puddle as I was waiting for someone to return. But she refused to leave for some reason, loitering though it wasn't obvious what her intent was. The person I was waiting for eventually returned before she left, so I didn't
  7. Like Alex said, it's not about a chemical in the pool but rather the woman was taking a drug (AZO) that turns your pee orange. Like how vitamin B makes it's neon yellow.
  8. https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/woman-urinating-on-ttc-subway-gets-little-reaction-from-other-passengers The video itself: https://twitter.com/AlfausX/status/1751337983523877323
  9. Don't know why this was in my feed, I think Facebook knows too much about me know.
  10. AI tells me the average is 500ml for women and 700ml for men. Seems to differ on whether the urge starts at ⅓ or ½ full. In an ultrasound I (male) was recorded for just over 600ml (pre void minus post void), though I probably could have held more.
  11. If someone really wants to make their pee visible in the pool, take Phenazopyridine. And please post pictures, I have to see that.
  12. To be honest, I would absolutely love to see a video or at least picture of this, it has sparked my curiosity.
  13. Taylor Swift concerts are known for having women take over the men's room. This has been widely reported in previous tours, and the Eras is no different https://nypost.com/2023/04/07/taylor-swifts-eras-tour-has-women-taking-over-mens-restrooms/. Picture from an older incident: It would be funny if someone tried selling those disposable FUDs in there. How much would women willing to shell hundreds be willing to pay to pee quickly, I have no idea. On topic, people get away with dick shaming quite often, and I know I'd be accused of having small dick energy for saying that.
  14. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/paulina-rubio-urinating_n_3658210 Very old article. I don't know if it's just the translation, but her tweet seems to be very nonchalant.
  15. I stepped into the ultrasound clinic. They had told me to drink 4 cups of water 1 hour before my appointment to arrive with a full bladder. The receptionist at check-in directed me to the waiting area. The atmosphere was clinical yet strangely calming. Soon, a technician called my name. She guided me to a small, dimly lit room. "I'm Sydney. You'll need to change into this gown," she said, handing me a pale blue garment that felt soft yet paper-thin. After changing, I lay on the examination table, its paper cover crinkling beneath me. Sydney began preparing the ultrasound machine. She
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