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puddyls last won the day on October 15

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Community Reputation

25,655 Outstanding

About puddyls

  • Rank
    ★★★ Wettest Member 2017, 2019, 2020 ★★★
  • Birthday 05/10/1983

Personal Information

  • Gender
    that which they call fairer
  • Occupation
    i’m often at the beckoning call of others.
  • Location
  • About Me
    um. hi! 👩🏻‍💻 so i guess you’d never know it, but i’m typically just a shy, introverted, kinda nerdy, kinda not, girl next door. things i find fun include hikes, camping, snowboarding, tennis, movies, disney, books, and naughty peeing. lol which if you haven’t inferred, is how i happened upon this site. i work too much, and cherish my freetime- although am prone to wasting it, too. but, yeah. just a little sneak peek into my deal. XO hugs and 💋, all.

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    so i like to hold, and often become quite desperate. also, i love wetting, and going pee in places i know i probably shouldn’t 😇
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    lol. idk if i've had any, but i'm happy to share and let you decide

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  1. probably won't be any harm in leaving these behind in the car. 😇
  2. embarrassment is a very personal emotion; in that i feel like one can have exposure to the kink, but still have reservations about putting themselves out there. so the most important thing is to be true to yourself- as in don't feel pressured to share more than you're willing. and its ok to defend your feelings and dignity. i started toying around with pee stuff before the internet was really a thing. and it always made me feel like a weirdo and broken. i did date a couple of fellow fans of so called watersports. which was enlightening, but that wasn't really my thing. and it really wasn
  3. haha. just because this thread popped up in my notifications. been completely shaved most of the summer. though i do need to get new razors soon.
  4. definitely i good tool to have. and use.
  5. that infuriates me to no end. i'm glad y'all caught it. no one should be made to feel that way. there is another site i've revisited lately (one that isn't fetish or porn related, but also doesn't censor my content), where that seems to happen to me a lot. and i use the block button there quite often. which kinda reminds me why i stopped going there in the 1st place. though, i also feel like a lot of the "members" are bots now. which in it's own way is a little amusing. but can also be quite annoying. like i know translation software isn't perfect, but sometimes the messages and comments i get
  6. totally unacceptable. and i'm sorry its something you're experiencing. i know i kinda didn't expect the onslaught of pervs/creepers when i first began opening up about my interests and shenanigans. and its really a shame, and ironic even, because people like that are what makes us so hesitant to express ourselves. one thing i started doing a long time ago is setting expectations right away. in that, my profiles always state to some degree that i do and share stuff for my own ends. not that everyone reads those, but its out there. and i can't speak for all of us, but IF i decide t
  7. while i do post in (visit) a handful of other places online, this "pub" has always seemed kinda like home. its definitely the one that i have frequented the longest, and feel the safest at. i'm sure that is not only due to the admins' diligence, but also because of the members that do end up sticking around sharing the vision for this unique space. 🥂 ¡salud!
  8. my being caught doing it is usually ignored or might cause silent gawking, sometimes with a little laughter. and i can't always hear the whispers or chatter between people who've caught me. but it isn't usually negative, often just factual: like, oh my god she's peeing, or do you see what she's doing?, or jeez, don't stare! the most common thing people do though is apologize. but i have also occasionally overheard someone passing by say that's disgusting, or something to that effect. the closest thing to being yelled at i can recall experiencing is more of just an excitability of a raise
  9. lol. i've tried. its a lofty goal. best of luck sweetie! 😇
  10. well first of all, y'all (the boys, specifically) do know that the urethra and vagina are two different orifices, right? one is, just like men's, for urination. the other is for reproductive things- like the 'mensies'. so a tampon in the vagina shouldn't affect the urethra too much. but, i suppose, like almost all things, there is a spectrum of abilities, and physical characteristics of the genital architecture, for each woman. no one i've personally had any conversation with about periods has had that be an issue. and as for my own experience, tampons aren't a hinderance to the physiology of
  11. puddyls


    kept my skirt out of the way because my muffin was feeling friendly this morning.
  12. lol. it wasn't actually. but might as well have been since my thong was being hidden by my top. 😊
  13. i don't feel like it changed my sex life really. but i also know that i wouldn't be answering this question if it weren't for the internet. lol. like i think this site, in its previous form, was the first place i could open up about being the weird girl who secretly kept wanting to wet herself. and discovering that there were other people like me, or even just people who found it desirable, helped me overcome the stigma of it. like without the encouragement and advice i received in those early years, i doubt i would have ever truly embraced the lifestyle. and even so, like who would i end up s
  14. y'all. omg. i thought i had another box of midol. but it was no where to be found when i really really needed it last night. 😖 i ended up running out to get some more, and picked up some coffee too, since that seems to have also run out.
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