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About overcaffeinated

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    Loyal Member

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    CO, US

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Naughty and outdoor peeing

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  1. It does seem entirely odd to admonish an active poster who is adding value to the site
  2. I've done both, it's situation dependent for me. A bush is nice for no splashback and better cover, a tree is just fun
  3. I'm craving giving one. It's been too long for me, but also, I won't pee on just anyone. There has to be a deeper connection with her for me to want to do so as it's such an intimate act of possession, care and dominance from my perspective
  4. I've always enjoyed when they do. I've had the pleasure of dating a few girls who enjoy it, also
  5. No apology needed to me, @pdawg I find this admonishment somewhat absurd. I often see moderators encouraging thread discussion and discouraging private conversations, especially in the "Intro" thread. Now, there's an issue when people post too often? While I understand trying to drive community involvement, this is a confusing stance. These posts offer excellent, fresh content on a regular basis, and at no point felt discouraging or excessive, from my standpoint
  6. I've been complimented by multiple women I've dated on my stream as well as how much I can hold
  7. Pretty much anywhere outdoors that's relatively private. Like you said, parking lots, the back yard, parks
  8. A friend recently invited me to come join her at her pool. Its about a half hour drive and I had to pee even when I left home. When I got there, I was planning to just pee in the parking garage but she met me there and we headed straight for the pool. I think everyone knows what happened next. I barely made it into the water before releasing and it felt amazing. I made sure to go before we got out and went inside. I noticed that she also didn't use the bathroom the entire time that night either, so I'm reasonably certain she also pissed in the water.
  9. I'd have to agree. And I did it once. Absolutely worth it, and it was everything I thought it would be
  10. In my 20's, I lived in an 11th floor apartment. I would at least once a week piss out the window or off the balcony onto the sidewalk below. Definitely something I enjoyed and would do again
  11. I agree with it being more of a western issue. There is a tacit double standard that exists here, best illustrated by women who will first claim body shaming is wrong or immoral, and then be heard using phrases like "big/small dick energy" Imagine a man publicly stating whether a woman had "big/small tit energy" It's my view that many younger women see this as feminism/female empowerment when in reality it's nothing but entitlement mentality and hypocrisy. Those who participate in this type of fuckery often feel they are beyond reproach and will become more aggressive if pressed.
  12. This is SO sexy. I love when classy women piss in inappropriate places. I've known a few and there's really nothing like it
  13. I know from time to time, I have, especially if it's a particularly inappropriate place, or an inordinate amount of piss
  14. Welcome! Hope you enjoy it here
  15. I certainly enjoy naughty pissing, pissing outdoors, and seeing/helping women do the same, but something I've realized lately is that it really heightens the experience for me if I'm able to piss on something pretty, or nice. For example, pissing on a white sand beach, or onto a flower garden, or a pretty girl's chest are all top tier within this
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