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spywareonya last won the day on July 21 2020

spywareonya had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

37,933 Outstanding

About spywareonya

  • Rank
    ★★★★Best Forum Contributor 2018 - 2019★★★★

Personal Information

  • Gender
    Bisex girl
  • Occupation
    Secretary, wannabe-pornstar, producer of exclusive contents for this forum
  • Age
    Aquarius, 30
  • Location
  • About Me
    I am a Witch. I'm no Wikka. My Path is extremely darker: scientifical exploration of psychic powers, and civil disobedience, to foster freedom and chaos.I risked arrest, death, and insanity, and met the most dangerous people in existence. I am not turned on by danger, but I need effective tools to change the world a bit

    I am also the forum main commercial partner as I shoot copyrighted videos of myself pissing in public places, and I'm in marvellous terms with everybody here, both Staff and people… so for ANY tip, feel free to Pm me!!


    *Hierarchical people who are proud and yet are able to bow to somebody who did more than them
    *Heartful people, full of sensibility
    *Getting likes for the things I post, as I put all of myself into them
    *People who send PMs
    *Lesbian chitchat


    *People who think that the supernatural is impossible (they never studied quantum physic)
    *People who miss to understand that showing appreciation is the only way to favourably impress somebody like me as it proves you got HONOUR and you do NOT ONLY take but also give
    *People who send too many PMs

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    The freedom of pissing literally EVERYWHERE
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Pissing in actual public places in full daylight, risking arrest, people around. Indoor, lesbian piss orgies. They happen also outside porn videos. Sometimes.

Recent Profile Visitors

32,570 profile views
  1. Not strange that you are among the biggest fishes here, as your heart is just as much gargantuan... thank you... I can be the pumping heart of this place, but a heart needs to receive blood in order to give it back empowered...
  2. Guys I am sad I have been away, but really, really life got in the way About taking me for granted, that thing is not dead, I really was sincere about it and it's not a temporarily rant: I react to everything, and will continue to do so, if people don't feel like doing it with everybody, at least do it FOR ME. When people see a pic or something heartouching I wrote, even if they are not in for a tight chitchat, click a reaction takes ONE SECOND. People have feelings and we should always ask ourselves how others could take our behaviours. Beside this, I am happy as hell that you are
  3. I adore wearing clothes, nudism is an attitude
  4. @Admin I am happy to the core that you fully understand me now. No vanity, just a way to crack the shell which isolates every human unto his own. Visibility and gratitude have this meaning. They are tools. Tools to oppose love to squandering. Our lives are often squandered: love gives us a compass. It must be steel hard. And honestly, I think I can rock things about showing gratitude. Not blackamiling the forum but being open&clear about it. @Sweets You cannot lose sexyness, my love, for your sexyness never came from attitude, it was exhudated from you like a delicate
  5. I prefer to add rather than to edit because posts of such an emotional intensity should not be edited because maybe somebody is preparing an answer to them and should not be puzzled if the posts suddenly changes. So I add instead of editing: I do not wanna accuse the people of this forum. The thing is much subtler and more delicate. But really, click a reaction, knowing that feedback is my fuel, is the least people can do if they really do not wanna write anything that could potentially start a fascinating chat Completely ignoring this after I stated it so clearly, is a c
  6. The quality of things I posted, and the fact that unless I got more likes and replies I'll leave forever and all my contents will be removed, will have to make people less superficial and selfish Just see, I put a like to you, even if I did not appreciated part of the contents of your post, it is obvious that you put heart, brain, and time into writing it So I just clicked It isn't so hard to do the same with me, and with the countless very sexy and arousing things I posted It's enough to go to my profile and start scrolling I do with a lot of people in order to be sur
  7. Hi people of the forum I have been absent for a while, struggling with personal problems of such a size that they prevented me from logging in When I finally solved them, Pandemia broke out forcing me to 12 hours-per-day shifts, turning me into a trashed and exhausted thing. I finally got my work back and here I am again But there is one thing I also need to make you understand I am here on this forum for a very precise reason I am convinced that lack of emotional flow is the reason which turned the world into a cold place where people only have mate
  8. It's an attempt of being back I will soon tell more
  9. Me Sorry for the absence, son... shitty moment. Never stopped loving you If it isn't impossible for me in this moment, let's try Tell me what you want
  10. Fuck, missed to mention you with the @ function I tought I mentioned you first 'cause your post was just above mine, but I didn't Well, chapter 7 posted just above
  11. @steve25805 Thank you, thank you a thousand times for your heart-touching analisys It proves why you have such a spot in my heart Alex is cute but also mysterious, and I LOVEEEEEEE it!!! The Butterflight Flowerduck!!! While the Prinsex is not a positive character She was part of my purge, never forget this book was written as a therapy book She will be the chance for Nancy to display her darkest side The crystal is gonna be a problem… it will be the pivot of the book...
  12. @steve25805 @Peefreak99 @speedy3471 @nopjans @Alfresco @Sweets @Alfresco @will64 @Brutus @HitEmAll @hyde07 @Paulypeeps @wetguy321 @PissingBlonde CHAPTER SEVEN Always check if you missed the previous one!!! Ps. This chapter will introduce the Oracle, whose features means a lot to me. A LOT. Such features won't be explained, but I invite you all to have fun with me! The room was filled with light. A huge rich pool of tortuous shape was sorrounded by plantpots with flowers and a lot of
  13. The Oracle will be stunning in many ways, but from a different angle than people expect... ihihihih... Terry Pratchett weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Yes, Nancy the silly vampire is the person I would be in a world where violence is not forbidden. The Powers That Be sanctioned that currently Humanity cannot cope with violence and it's wiser to hug humans rather than to shock them, and since I love hugs just as much as I love violence (even more, to be honest) I perfectly fit with Their orders, which I would have followed anyway even if I did not enjoyed them, as a Witch has swor
  14. Had some bad moments I have contantly things happening to me and it's boring
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