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No Toilet

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About No Toilet

  • Rank
    Loyal Member
  • Birthday December 6

Personal Information

  • Gender
    Gay male
  • Occupation
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  • Location
  • About Me
    The apartment where I live has NO TOILET facilities nor any access to a men's room as none are provided in the building thus when I get desperate to relieve myself I have nowhere to go. This leaves me little choice but to improvise and urinate in my own apartment, go outside somewhere or just pee my pants! Therefore the carpet, sink, bath, an empty bottle, my clothes, the great outdoors, communal areas of the building or any other suitable item double up as a makeshift urinal whenever I get desperate for a pee and cannot hold it any longer.

    Connected with the above, I have never been formally toilet trained so don't know how to use an actual toilet. Therefore if I need to urinate in public or when visiting someone, I cannot go to the bathroom or men's room and have to discreetly find somewhere else to piss or resort to wetting myself!

    In addition, due to the above factors I go commando and do not wear any underpants. This is so that if I have to pee in my clothes then only one layer- my trousers- gets wet if I am dressed. Though, I am usually naked at home as I feel too restrained in clothing and makes it easier for me to urinate anywhere in my toilet-less apartment as there is are no clothes to get in the way!

    My penis always has freedom to hang loose and there is nothing to stop it if I get aroused!

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Makng puddles on the carpet
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Discreetly peeing under the table in a crowded pub

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  1. https://www.erome.com/a/frJE65v4 Without any toilets in my apartment nor lavatory facilities within the building or nearby to use, when I came home one evening desperate for a wee I had to seek somewhere else to relieve myself so I stopped and urinated on the stairs en-route to the building. I then just walked away and left the pee to flow down the stairs.
  2. Woke up needing a piss but with no toilets in my apartment, I just stood up and urinated in my room across the bed
  3. During these hot and humid days at work, one way I try and cool down in the warm workshop is by wearing my overalls with nothing underneath them (not even any underpants as I go commando). Unzip them and my penis is on show...
  4. Due to me having to piss anywhere at home as there are no toilets in my apartment, I often do the same whilst away from home too rather than use a men's room. So when I got desperate for a wee at work, I urinated round the back of the building. https://www.erome.com/a/AeUoUZvd
  5. My stairwell piss... https://www.erome.com/a/s1irXAEq I took to urinating in the stairwell of the apartment block when I came home one day needing a piss as there is no toilet installed in my apartment nor a men's room within the building. So without any lavatory facilities to use, I had to pee somewhere...
  6. I often resort to relieving myself by urinating on the carpet when I am at home and get desperate for a piss because there is no toilet in my apartment nor any communal lavatory facilities provided within the building. This means I have to improvise and use other means like this to seek relief every time I need to go! https://www.erome.com/a/zww7yx00
  7. Late night piss on the carpet. I live in an apartment that is provided with no toilets nor has access to such facilities thus when I got desperate for a pee whilst relaxing in the nude watching TV one evening, I simply stood up and relieved myself on the carpet beside the TV table. https://www.erome.com/a/p42Rvggp
  8. I was having my breakfast when I needed a wee but without any toilets in my apartment, I had to think of something else to use to relieve myself. As my empty cereal bowl was next to me at the time I decided to use it to piss in. https://www.erome.com/a/VOLelF3G
  9. I was working on a time critical job nearing the end of my shift when I needed a pee. Rather than down tools to urinate outside somewhere or go to the men's room in the other building, I decided to just kneel down and relieve myself on the workshop floor to crack on with the job. https://www.erome.com/a/md6h22CP
  10. I was driving in an urban area and needed to pee however I could not find anywhere suitable to stop and urinate, especially in my uniform and a branded van! I grew more and more desperate for a piss but I then realised I was driving a van with an easy clean interior and a drainage hole in the floor so I quickly parked up and sought relief in the back of the van- it was either that or wet myself! https://www.erome.com/a/KyrCBHhR
  11. I have no toilet facilities in my apartment and I had just finished cleaning the dishes when I felt the urge to pee so I took the opportunity to urinate in the dirty water of the washing up bowl before tipping it down the drain. https://www.erome.com/a/wovWysSI
  12. I have wet numerous train and bus seats particularly on suburban trains without any on board toilets. I often do this by peeing through my dark colour pants onto the seat in short bursts so the fabric of the seat can absorb the pee but sometimes the pee does overflow and runs onto the floor. I will get more photos when I do it next time but here are two for starters.
  13. I often wake up in the morning with a pressing need to pee however with me being in the nude and with no toilet in my apartment nor any communal lavatory facilities within the building itself, I simply use the carpet in my room as a urinal to relieve myself as there is little else I can do! https://www.erome.com/a/8kftBTLe
  14. https://www.erome.com/a/o8wlNi2f As there is no toilet in my apartment nor any lavatory facilities in the building to go to, whenever I am at home and need a pee I have to think of other ways to relieve myself without a toilet like laying down and urinating all over my naked body.
  15. After a few months away, I am back with some new videos. I was out and about walking around town when I became desperate for a pee but without any public toilets nearby to use as my local authority has closed all of them down, I had little option but to relieve myself outside or end up with wet pants! Thankfully, I found a suitable spot then waited for a suitable gap in the light traffic before getting my penis out to openly urinate at the side of the road. https://www.erome.com/a/SO3aj7eK
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