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About hentaixt

  • Rank
    Forum Legend
  • Birthday 05/25/1978

Personal Information

  • Gender
    So Straight I'd be a Lesbian if I weren't female.
  • Occupation
    Bit too nosey.
  • Age
  • Location
  • About Me
    Null... except I'm going to say I write some stories for here.

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Naughty peeing (Pee on everything), Lesbian peeing, Girls drinking Guys (full swallow no spill), Girls drinking Girls, Group peeing (Mostly Girls, some Guys present), Hentai and Anime peeing.
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Rather not share... still pretty novice.

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  1. A few weeks ago, I was invited to an impromptu orgy. That's not to say it was unplanned, no it was invite that was unexpected. I had some acquaintances through friends and they sent me a random note one day asking if I was interested. They were really polite, letting me know there was no problem if I declined. As it turned out some of the initial attendees got ill (just a common cold), so there was a free spot to fill if I wanted. I appreciated the joke, and as you might guess, I decided to try it out. Everything was well organized, you choose what level of interactions you were comfortable wi
  2. Fine, fine, fine.... Since we are all sharing embarrassing stories, I guess it is my turn. A few years ago on Black Friday, we were shopping after lunch. We had just left one store and were headed to the next when the need to pee started. I just figured it would be fine until we got to the next store. Then we got stuck in traffic, for an hour. I was still doing okay, nothing to panic about, until we got in the shop and the bathrooms were locked for repair. Apparently there had been a bit too much use during the "morning rush" sales, and two of the toilets overflowed, and then the last one gave
  3. While doing a documentary on wine production in France, we were given access to a very exclusive high-end winery. We learned a lot of their secrets simply by observing the process involved. As a result, we were only allowed to talk about certain things to maintain the privacy of the vineyard. Since the allotted time has passed on the Non-Disclosure, I can now talk about what I observed. During the fall when the harvest was the heaviest, they would crush the grapes from morning to night constantly. This was still a classic procedure and done by the women with their feet. We watched them prepare
  4. I know it is not the right season yet, but I want to tell you about our family secret for fire roasted yams. We set the leaves, get everything going, the embers have to be just right. Now the key to that special flavor that everyone loves is simple, when the yams are almost ready, right after they split open, you are going to pee on them. The liquid will get absorbed into the center and enhance the taste with just the right amount of saltiness. It also helps to put out the fire!
  5. "Hey, you know the other week when I urinated in that French horn at the thrift shop?" "WHAT!?!" " I was there again the other day and it looked genuinely repentant, so I bought it. I'm learning to play now." "So everything worked out... alright???" "Well sorta, I still have to punish it now and again when the notes come out wrong." "I... You~ BUT? O... K........"
  6. I walked into the girl's restroom the other day. The reaction was pretty expected. "Sempai! Why are you here?" "Hey look over here! Watch me pee for you!" "Sempai, you want a blowjob?" "Not from you, he wants me to do it!" "As if!!" Then Kiko asked the right question, "Are you here to relieve yourself too? If you like I will be your urinal." ..... and she was, while the other girls watched with jealousy.
  7. "Caught me mum taking a gash on the carpet the other morn." "Yeah, how was it?" "She told me to slag off and give her some peace. Then she threw her knickers at me." "Remind me why you still live at home?" "Because a bloody flat cost more than I make!"
  8. "I swear, sometimes I think I am the only person that doesn't pee in the shower. What is wrong with people??" "Oh! I don't pee in the shower either." "Finally, a rational person." "Right? I just go on the floor before I get in." *facepalm* (ALT) "EXACTLY! What is so hard about going before-hand?!?"
  9. "So glad they wrapped up the meeting when they did. Any longer and I was going to climb up and pee on the conference table." "You probably should've, it would have made it a lot more tolerable to be there." (ALT) "What was stopping you? The other three girls already had, no one was going to say anything after that."
  10. "Mom where is my 'Piss Chug'? We're going to a movie and you know I can't sit for two hours without it." "It's in the dishwasher baby, but it's clean, so you can take it with you." "Thanks, Still trying to get used to the two gallon bladder I inherited from you. I mean, you are on the toilet right now and it has been a half hour right??"
  11. As a nun I pee in the church regularly. I probably need to stop blessing it for the baptismal and serving it with communion. Though, the girl's choir likes to use it before practice. So maybe it is alright.
  12. About a year ago at a local bar I convinced a very drunk women to let me pee in her mouth. I told it would sober her up and she was just far enough gone to believe me. She immediately realized her mistake once I started. Normally this would be a silly one off story, but I have done it four times since then to the same women. I am convinced she just has a latent fetish and only acknowledges it when wasted.
  13. I was walking through the guitars at the 2nd hand store the other day when I stopped to take a piss on a French Horn... I didn't particularly needed to pee, but I went because it was being smug and MOCKING me.
  14. When I got to work the other day I found my boss taking a long hissing piss in my office. Normally this would be something to report to HR, but that's the department where we work. So, I asked if it was alright for me to go use her office to piss. Turns out she was in mine because the District HR Manager was squatting on the desk in her office!
  15. How long will this pee puddle take to dry, it's been here like six months now. Yeah, it MIGHT have a chance to go away if one of us was not refreshing the supply every four hours.
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