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About gottapee87

  • Rank
    Active Member
  • Birthday 11/20/1987

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  • Gender
    Straight male
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Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Holding it for women who enjoy male desperation

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  1. For me it's being told by a woman that I'm not allowed to pee even though I'm absolutely bursting and hopping around in desperation and about to wet myself. I love holding it by myself, but when it's combined with the denial aspect, it becomes my absolute favorite thing.
  2. I need to pee extremely badly right now. I've had five bottles of water since I last had a piss. My plan is to try to hold it in as long as I can (ideally an hour or two, but I'm losing confidence that I'll be able to do that) and then piss myself uncontrollably or measure it in a jug.
  3. I need to pee really really badly at the moment... been holding all morning/afternoon and have been pacing around the room for the last hour. I'm going to try to hold it as long as I can and then measure later... but I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this in...
  4. I am quite desperate to pee at the moment but I'm going to try to hold it in for another hour or two. I'll probably piss in a measuring jug, but I'm going to try to delay that as long as I can...
  5. I am hugely into pee desperation/denial. Most of my biggest fantasies relating to this fetish are of a woman trying to prevent/delay me from taking a piss because she wants to watch me squirm and dance around as long as possible. One particular fantasy I come back to a lot is someone trying to stop me from getting to the bathroom right when I wake up, when she knows I'm going to have a very full bladder. It's an unusual fantasy but I just think it's extremely hot when I need to go badly and someone else is enjoying it and trying to keep it going.
  6. I'm going to drink a ton of water this evening and try to hold it all in as long as I possibly can. For the past couple years I've had a goal of peeing 1500ML in a measuring jug. I routinely get measurements between 1400 and 1500 but have never quite been able to get 1500. Several weeks ago I almost did it -- I set a new record, but it wasn't quite the amount I wanted. It was frustrating to miss it by that much, but now I'm more motivated than ever, so tonight I'm going to try again. Wish me luck.
  7. One of the things I find incredibly hot is when a girl is dancing around in desperation, starts leaking, becomes visibly wet, but keeps trying to hold on. I've always considered myself more into the desperation part than the actual wetting or peeing but this is one situation where I can enjoy seeing someone wet. There's something extremely sexy to me about seeing a girl pee-dancing frantically while in wet pants... even better if she's holding herself and pissing into her hands but still fighting to keep it in. I've never been a fan of videos where the girl just gives up instantly after starti
  8. I am convinced that this fetish is way more common than some people realize. I have actually known several women who I suspected enjoyed the feeling of a full bladder to some extent, based on comments they made while having to pee. Obviously I could be wrong but I really strongly suspected it with several women I knew. It's just that they don't all announce it on the Internet (for reasons that are completely understandable).
  9. The other night I pissed for around a minute straight in a measuring jug after drinking four bottles of water. I squirmed and danced for about an hour and then ran to the bathroom and peed 1300ML or so. It was a lot of fun, and the relief was amazing, but I felt like I should've been able to hold it longer. So tonight I'm doing the same thing -- I'm drinking a ton of water and I'm going to try to not let any of it out for another three or four hours. Hopefully I'll be able to get a bigger measurement this time...
  10. For me it's a minimum of twice a day, because I do it at night to help me sleep, and I'll do it again in the morning also. I could easily do it another couple times in the same day but I generally try to limit myself to two. Although sometimes if I have a really great conversation with someone on a site like this, the following day I will do it three, four times or more because I cannot stop thinking about the convo. I've always been very consistent with this... there's no up-and-down with me; I'm like permanently "up." There's almost no situation where I would skip an entire day.
  11. It's amazing how much worse it gets when you're looking at the toilet or you know that it's very close. Years ago I was desperate in the car for several hours and I started leaking badly *just* as the car stopped and we were home. It's like the anticipation of finally being home made me begin losing it. (Side note: I'm feeling inspired now to drink a ton of water this evening and push my bladder to the limit. Wish me luck...)
  12. I love the thought of you stuck in traffic and desperately trying to hold on. That's a situation I know very, very well...
  13. I have three separate interests relating to this fetish and they all started with a different event. Years ago I saw an extremely desperate woman waiting in line for the bathroom in the food court at a mall. She was literally holding herself with both hands and hopping/bobbing up and down rhythmically, knees bending, with an incredibly desperate expression on her face. For some reason I was fixated on it and I ended up with a lifelong interest in female desperation. Years later my family was hosting a New Year's Eve party and I had drank six sodas over the course of the night, so I obviou
  14. I'm male and in my 30s. I've never had a genuine accident where my bladder just released everything on its own. Even if I'm at the point where I'm utterly, utterly dying, I'm still able to hold 90 percent of it. I will eventually start dripping (although it takes me a long time to even get to that point) and the leaks will gradually get bigger and more frequent, but I never lose it all until I decide to give up. I've always considered myself really lucky that I'm more interested in the holding/desperation part than having accidents, because it's incredibly difficult to get me to have a true ac
  15. I am holding at the moment -- I haven't peed in around six hours. I'm not in danger of wetting but I'm having an increasingly hard time sitting still. Part of me wants to give up and run to the bathroom but it would also be fun to grab another water bottle and wait a little longer. I think I'll wait...
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