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Real Pee Encounters & Experiences

Genuine pee stories and sightings. 

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    • Reading and enjoying everyone else's stories, I figured I would give it a go and attempt to write one of my own in my own style.   Contains female desperation, leaking, and public urination.    "Why don't you try running?" Jasmine said, "It's a great way of getting back in shape and you get to explore all these lovely outdoor places"    At 37 years old, and wanting to get back into shape after two kids, Sarah figured 'why not, what's the worst that could happen?'   Sarah quickly took to running, beginning with running around the local neighbourhood with the more experienced Jasmine for support.  Which eventually led to the two of them joining an evening running club on a Monday night to meet new people.  There with the additional support of the group, the months went by and Sarah found she was getting back into the shape she had in her mid/late 20's, alongside starting to beat her personal best day-by-day.   One evening during their scheduled Monday runs, Jasmine and Sarah got chatting and Jasmine suggested a new place for Sarah to try running, a nature trail around a large lake just outside of town.  "It's one scenic one path all the way round, you can't get lost" Jasmine said.  Sarah made the plan to try this new route on Wednesday on her day off after the school run.   Wednesday came around and despite all of Sarah's preparations, she only just made it out of the house in time and out to the school, mainly due to the boys playing up and taking forever to get ready.  As such, Sarah didn't have much time for herself, including have a chance to use the bathroom that morning.  Despite this, once the kids were dropped off at school, Sarah was determined to continue with her original plan and set off for the nature reserve.  Arriving at the nature trail mid-morning, Sarah began her usual warm-up routine, put her headphones in, and set off on her run.   The minutes went by and Sarah was making great time, smashing personal best after personal best at each split, the lake was used for a local half marathon every year so each mile was neatly signposted, Giving Sarah that extra motivation to carry on.  When all off a sudden her momentum was interrupted by a small twinge of pain in her lower abdomen, pushing this to the back of her mind, Sarah carried on with her run.   Another 30 minutes passed by and once again, Sarah was rudely interrupted by another ache on her bladder.  All the fluids she had drank to keep herself hydrated, and the fact that she hadn't had the chance to use the toilet this morning were both starting to catch up with her.  Sarah was mildly annoyed with herself; she was an experienced runner at this point and was normally more prepared.  Another spark of pain forced her to rethink her situation.  She was just over an hour into her run at this point and by her calculation over half way round the lake.  This was too far to turn back at this point so she made the decision to push on and attempt to make it to the toilets in the car park.   Another mile or so down the road and Sarah was positively bursting.  She was losing time on each mile due to the growing pressure on her bladder.  She was in agony and was starting to panic, how long could she hold this for?  It was taking all her effort to hold back her pee at this point.  Her mind was starting to frantically race.  What were her options?  She was too far to turn back now, and she was convinced at this point she wouldn't make it to a toilet.  The path around the lake was around one car wide, lined with trees to her left, and a sheer drop down to the lake on her right with no cover in sight.    Sarah recalled the time last summer on a road trip with her husband and the kids having to squat at the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, lamenting how easy it was for the three boys when in the same situation.  She began scanning her surroundings for somewhere to go.  Tree, Tree, stinging nettles, nothing!  This temporary distraction caused her left foot to hit a rock, making her lose her concentration, allowing for a small amount of pee to escape her bladder, soaking into both her underwear and sky-blue running shorts.  'Never mind, I can pass this off as just a bit of sweat', Sarah thought.   A couple hundred meters down the path and entering a brisk walk, Sarah saw a gap in between two trees with a clearing where service vehicles would be able to pass each other.  This was it; Sarah had no other option at this point. Darting towards the passing place and using the nearest tree for stability, facing the lake Sarah quickly adopted a low squat, pulling down her damp shorts and underwear in the process and releasing her morning's worth of fluids onto the ground around her.   Ahhhhh, sweet relief, Sarah thought to herself as the puddle between her legs grew ever larger.  Peeing for what felt like forever with the panoramic, picturesque view of the lake in front of her, Sarah was oblivious to the world around her.  But, her moment of bliss was interrupted when she heard footsteps and chatting approaching from her left-hand side, further along the path in the direction she was going, accompanied by the familiar sound of a dog barking.   Immediately afterwards, two ladies in their early 50's came strolling along the path accompanied by their small Yorkshire Terrier.  Very quickly they and Sarah caught sight of each other and Sarah's thoughts turned to panic once again; it was too late to stop at this point.  But no sooner than her face turned red from embarrassment, the lady closest to her, with short greying hair and a red cardigan, exclaimed "don't worry dear, we've all been in this situation before, I used to run this lake myself back in the day before my knees gave out" and carried on walking as if nothing had happened.    Finishing her business, shaking herself dry and pulling her shorts back up, Sarah carried on with her run, feeling 10 pounds lighter and making the same good time as she had before.  In her head, once she'd gotten over the awkwardness of what had just happened, she couldn't help but feel slightly turned on.    'Maybe I'll put myself in this situation again?  But somewhere more private' Sarah mused.  Not that she'd share this experience, or these thoughts with Jasmine, or her husband any time soon.
    • Nice! I've found my favorite way to fill my bladder is by drinking shandy. I use a 50% lager and 50% lemonade mix. It means it's alcoholic so it's good for relaxing and enjoying the fetish with less worry about mess, and also it makes you need to pee really quickly. I've just finished my first pint of shandy. I need to get food delivered at 19:30 so I'll likely rewet for the first time in about 30 minutes, then it'll leave it 30 minutes for them to dry enough before the delivery arrives. I think I'll put a pair of boxer briefs on between my wet sports briefs and my joggers, and perhaps change my joggers if the little damp patch is still visible by the time my food comes.
    • I've done this, except I was wearing blue jeans and it was great!!
    • OMG ! I never thought of that .So true
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