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About WantonLee

  • Rank
    Forum Legend
  • Birthday 11/22/1975

Personal Information

  • Gender
    Straight Male
  • Occupation
    I do work in sort of an ok job. Not my dreamjob, but then again I have no idea what that would be.
  • About Me
    There's not much interesting to say, actually.
    Male, single (which is probably part of the reason why I am here, other then curiosity), a computer-game nerd, a bit obese, socially arkward, a bundle of bad habits and a German.
    At least there is some consistency... .

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Naughty peeing, almost exlusively
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Peeing in a phone booth... everywhere. O_O

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  1. Same as Bacardi, I was just a silent reader on EP. I saved a lot of stories and, a couple of years back,, after EP went down, I reposted them here (with permission; or not, if I didn't got any). So, sorry, no ^^
  2. @GenericUsername: I was trying to react to this, but I could not find the "cringe"-emoji. ^^ In all seriousness: EverybodyKnowsShitsFucked.mp4 😉
  3. Yes, I did a couple of years ago due to a urethral stricture. It was only to x-ray the urethra, though, not so much about the bladder itself.
  4. I can not give any advice here - sorry - but would like to share two thoughts... for food... errr... food for thoughts. ^^ 1.: Keep in mind that not everyone in need for a loo just needs it for a number 1, but also a number 2. You might end up compromising people in more ways you can handle. ^^ 2.: I personally am not interested in seeing someone pee who does not also enjoy it for the same reason as I; preferably of course while having me not also present, but in mind. But this is just me. My empathy just works in this specific way. -_- That does not mean that I _HAVEN'T_ done
  5. My first thought was "wear a mask", because after the pandemic people walking around with masks are a bit more common then a couple of years back. Then again, since you are using your own car to get into the garage, and your number plate is likely to get filmed, this is more or less pointless. ^^ The idea with the cup is good. I would set myself up so that I am out of sight (you sure there is only ONE camera? ;)), but still behind something... rummaging in a bag or what ever... and have the cup somewhere where you can "accidentally" knock it over. Do not forget to act upset at yo
  6. I have got the distinct feeling that some of us here are not really in need of this option... as any regular seat will do juuuuust fine. ^^
  7. WantonLee


    Set your priorities, Steve. Quality over quantity. ^^ Enjoy your time here, it's not supposed to be a chore. 😉
  8. I know that struggle, Gotah. I can not give you any specific advice, other then trying to break down the point of view of yourself (and your interlocutors point of view, if that helps). Do not just spurt out your thoughts; try to figure out the core of what you want to say. What is the driving force behind /beyond your trail of thoughts? It might also help to meditate regularly; if only for 5 minutes. The core of meditation is to realize that you are not your thoughts, but your thoughts are a part of you. They come up, just like the grumbling of your guts while they digest
  9. This is SUCH a broad topic, I don't even know where to start. I'll try to break down my point of view as a Atheist (with an interest in spirituality, which is NOT to be confused with religion!): You do you. Do not be dogmatic, but rather curious on how others see the world. Dogmatism is - to me - the main reason we humans can't get along with on another. I have seen "fundamentalist" (so: very dogmatic) Atheist, as well as very relaxed and laid back Christians and even Muslims. I found the later ones to be far more tolerable then the first ones. Then again, _fundamental_ Chr
  10. My brain just played "Rrrate your hack!" ... from that guy on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/A2rozm8hdss ^^
  11. Take all the time you need. Cya! 😄
  12. Sorry, no luck here. But thanks for reminding me that Hazbin Hotel is now out - I almost forgot. However, since I am not interested in any streaming services (no pun intended!), I hope to catch it when it releases in another form... are DVD's still a thing? ^^ Anyway... I think I gotta catch up on Helluva Boss as well... hum. In regards to the book: amazon seems to sell it at around 45 € (about 50 $ + shipping) - at least on the German amazon site. Not sure if they ship to where you life, and if that price tag is worth it (to you). 😉
  13. Was kinda thinking the same. I do not know how to word it, though; I might word it like "that was more exiting then it should have been", or something like that. Well, YOU know your husband best, Bacardi. 😉 Tease him at your own risk; he might like it, he might not. Unless you are to blunt about it, the only thing you can loose is the uncertainty about your hubbies position on it. (Which can be a downer, if he actually dislikes it your ego might take it personally a la "if you don't like my favorite thing you don't like me, too", which is nonsense of course, but name me ONE per
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