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About pguy2981

  • Rank
    Forum Legend

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    Security consultant
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Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    The sound, how it catches the light, the positions, the power
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    It was the night of a huge noreaster and we were holed up on the third floor with my family members on the other side of the door. She didn't want to disturb anyone and said shes gonna pee on a surface so no one hears her peeing. She stood up and sprayed the window and heater with her hot piss stream. I had a behind view of it and saw the pee stream catch the street lights as the heater got soaked. She held her lips apart and stood like a man. Probably the hottest thing I've seen to this day. I let her use the carpet the rest of the night.

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  1. Yeah quite a few times. One time my short raven pixie cut friend who said they had to piss and considered pissing out the car but "didn't want to piss in front of the clowns". There was a carnival being set up where we were parked but the lot was empty. I was sad not to see her go( or hear her, I would have respected her privacy by averting my eyes). I never tried much to create situations for them to piss in public or in front of me unless they brought up the need themselves. I would make suggestions like "You can pee in the pool, i don't care", or "Just go behind the shed" to which they'd re
  2. It's a drug test that you give to military docs on site. You give a urine sample. If you've ever held a public sector job you know what it is.
  3. Damn this must be fate--I just took the oath today so I guess you could call me active duty though I haven't done basic. I went through MEPS though and the piss test wasn't pleasant. You have to whip it out in front of a commanding officer and three other dudes. If you get pee shy (which I did) it only makes going that much worse. I imagine if you really have to go, like on a mission or such, you just...go.
  4. I can't believe it's actually been two years holy f--...
  5. There are two stories in here. One doesn't matter as much so allow me to get that out of the way. Long first story short: I am enlisting in the armed forces by the end of today. As to why I decided on this.... is another long story. You're all welcome to ask. Now onto the main story. I was bused to a hotel in the middle of nowhere midwest state next to my state. Today is the day in which we are paired up with a roommate and shipped out to the medical site early in the morning. Like most people, I was paired up with a teenager, thankfully somewhat mentally mature. He's a nice guy, l
  6. I've done the last one. Makes for an easy clean up/ easier to get away with around friends.
  7. I was incredibly high and there were a couple inches between the bed and the wall so I just pissed on the wall discreetly. No one noticed and I made sure it was on the carpet beneath. There were a couple things in the way but I moved them before peeing. I was pretty hydrated so I didn't attempt to clean it.
  8. Oh man how did I not see this post before. I love urbex and where I live we have a lot within close proximity. The only thing is that many of those places tend to be alarmed. In any case, any time I've done any sort of urbex, I've also peed in said abandoned places. Would love to explore an abandoned mall or something big with furnishings still in place, maybe an abandoned house too, thats more fun Would you join me @vivi54?
  9. Waterproof walls and cheap carpeting in some rooms. Though if you stay hydrated you shouldn't have much of a problem with smell. I would install an auto disinfectant of some kind for the shower, and shitty non-expensive furniture, likely found from college student dorms or cheap garage sales. If you go to cities often you'll find some really good deals on some decent furniture rather than crappy.
  10. Just got out of one so I can no longer speak to how isolating that is, but it was indeed isolating. Much like @Quiet V, I am not good at relationships and don't have a group of friends currently, so only knowing people into the kink that are online can also feel quite isolating, but I get enough from porn when I feel like it. When that's not enough, I am usually distracted with work and hobbies and that is enough for me. I really don't like the idea of meeting someone and making those dark parts of me known to them in a way that could come back to bite me later. Some may argue that connections
  11. Yes and no. Yes, either when I meet up with the one like-minded person in my life and we fool around a bit but never to the point of sex. We've cuddled and I've gotten handsy with this person but never to the point of physical penetration. I've watched them pee a couple times and I occasionally get videos from others I've met. As of right now, I don't do anything physical with anyone and, for the time being, I am perfectly okay with that. I haven't been active for over two years now and I'm not suffering but if I'm high then the horny feelings hit like a gold rush era train (if you've seen an
  12. Did you let go in little spurts, or let go completely? Did you ever piss on the back of the seat in front of you?
  13. I have! Twice in fact, and you can read about those occurrences on my profile. I have a mat down so I'd let any woman piss on the floor as long as they were hydrated. If I really like you then I'd let you piss on the left side of the dash too.
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