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About swekiss

  • Rank
    Loyal Member
  • Birthday February 12

Personal Information

  • Gender
  • Occupation
  • Age
    Upper 30s
  • Location
    Northern Europe
  • About Me
    I ride a motorcycle cause using a vibrator in public would be wrong...

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Peeing on items and naughty places. Also seeing others do the same.
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    A few carpets some to mind. Also the first time a man drank from me and loved it.

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  1. I have a few times, but it requires a little work since I'm short. But when motivated enough it has happened that I've pulled up a chair and done it in the middle of the night at my mothers place. Stream would have been completely visible for any neighbour looking out the window, but hopefully noone was awake and looking out the times I did it..
  2. Gotta correct you there. You assume all girls/women sit to pee. I stand and the height of a normal oven feels like it would be perfect for the purpose. However it has no appeal to me, so don't think I ever will either..
  3. I've had two brilliant weekends in a row peewise. Well, otherwise too of course. I've been to two mc gatherings. The first one I got to see alot of guys peeing, perhaps about 20 with visible stream and/or even cock. Unfortunately I can't stare and watch as much as I'd like, but definitely got my little share of eye candy. As a bonus, our tent was next to a bush that was behind the outhouses (which I'm guessing most girls used as I didn't see anyone openly peeing). But the location was perfect for me to be able to say I was going to the bathroom, walking in that direction and then simply using
  4. I definitely prefer having a target of some sort. I guess I enjoy seeing the effect of it after. So in grass = gone instantly. On a tree = wet spot on the trunk. I would however pick grass if the goal was that it should go unnoticed. But when alone or noone close enough to tie me to the spot, then I go for a target/somewhere visible every time.
  5. Unfortunately not, I don't go to that many parties at all and if I do I 100% know the person and don't want to do it to them. If left alone a few seconds in a strangers home I would most likely concider it, like if the person I'm in a room with says they have to go pee. Then I know I have like a minute to my self and could find a suitable place for my own pee. Like under a chair cushion or something that would go unnoticed. In a chair or sofa for me, it would have to be one that's in a secluded room or like the basement or something where noone is. I'd simply stand beside it and spray it.
  6. Naughty place for sure. But on the other hand that makes me hot and bothered even without a sigh *lol*
  7. Same here! Or the tracking back can happen if I'm aroused and the stream doesn't act like normal. It annoys the hell out of me when it does happen 😝
  8. I love that too. When it's a proper pee of course. If it's just a few drops it doesn't feel like the sigh is real, but in combination with a big pee it's hot as hell 🔥
  9. I can't remember ever being encouraged. Possibly by a friend or something. Or perhaps I was the one encouraging or we sort of came to the idea between us. Either way, ad long as I can ever recall I've peed in pools. Always make sure to pee before getting out too, doesn't matter if I need it or not. That way I'm comfortable out of the water after and it takes longer until I need to pee 🤷‍♀️
  10. See, exactly that was kind of my reason for chosing sex. Sex I engage in with others. Pee play is done alone 99% of the time for me. Watching porn while masturbating or making a move is also done alone. Therefor I concider neither of those sex. So in my mind my life would be excactly the same with the choice of sex 😅
  11. It's an absolute favourite of mine too, so thank you for those wonderful links 😍
  12. Definitely sex. Pee play with a partner has only happened like 10 times IRL anyway.
  13. Maybe for those who sit to pee I guess? 🤷‍♀️ I mean, I *could* use a drawer and would get a thrill out of it too, but I'd stand next to and aim in to it. But the risk of being caught would increase since you have the added time of pulling out a drawer and also, if someone walks in there is no chance of putting it back in before them noticing there is an open drawer and it would be kinda weird to go around and open peoples drawers at a party. So just spraying a wall would go faster and therefor decrease the risk of being caught since all you have to do is cut off the flow and take two step
  14. Even easier and faster for a woman wearing a dress or skirt with nothing under. And any pee stain on a wall will most likely be blamed on a male as well, so unless caught mid stream it is basically the perfect crime.
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