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Everything posted by swekiss

  1. I can pee while aroused, but it makes the stream slower and fucks up my aim. So I have this kind of catch 22 thing. I get aroused from peeing in naughty places, but if I get aroused it's harder to pee and/or messier which ruins it for me thus making it a turn off. After an orgasm it's hard to get any out. Like, if I try to pee within five minutes I have to push hard and even then it's just a dribble. I guess all the muscles are still too clenched at that point.
  2. I got my chance. Found a good corner outside a sunday closed workshop. Wasn't bursting, but enough to have a need to pee. Felt so good and a little risky cause of possible cars passing behind or people walking dogs etc. That however also made it a turn on 😇 Here is the aftermath..
  3. Got my drivers license two days ago, celebrated it by going for a short drive by my self to get champagne. As to my plan of "if I get it and get to go by my self" I made sure I had to pee at least a little just so I could stand by the car and pee 🤭 It was outside a second hand store, luckily noone drove in just at that moment cause then they would have seen everything. It was a lovely feeling and my aim (pun very much intended 🫠) is to need to pee again today as I'm going for my first ever meeting with a friend driving there. Hopefully it will work.
  4. Wow, thank you for that! Didn't make it through the entire list, but I just got my self of to this 🙃 Also got some inspo for the future..
  5. You seen to have a hard time understanding my very simple "I don't wish to be peed on". So no, I would not masturbate. I can give the experience to someone I'm very fond of if they are submissive to me, but that's the only time. I prefer it not happening at all.
  6. I prefer not getting peed on at all. But if I have to I would say stomache and pussy. But I'm primarily a giver.
  7. God no! If I ever get it on me I will 100% need to wash. I meant if playing with someone I want it to be as close to smell free as possible since I dislike the smell. And that was in the case of me peeing on them since that is what I'm most in to. A wash is for me a must after though. At least if I want to touch them after. My skin is super sensitive, so I get an allergic reaction if anything salty is left on me. And yes, that does unfortunatelly include my own sweat if I haven't drank enough liquids.
  8. A couple of days ago an opportunity I could not pass arose. I was alone in the drivers seat of a car, I didn't really have to go but when will I ever get the chance again? To be discreet I obviously had to sit in the car and not stand outside it like I would prefer, but a chance for a naughty pee is a chance for a naughty pee, however it needs to be done. So I slid up my dress, put one foot over the mid console, scooted my butt as far forward as I could on the seat and peed under the steering wheel and a little on the front part of the console. To my dismay and due to anatomy, some pee en
  9. If I liked the person during the brief or somewhat longer interaction I definitely would..
  10. I would never use one and can still easily do so 🤷‍♀️
  11. Pee on for sure. I can accept being peed on if I initiate it and I have all the power at the moment, but it would have to be special circumstances for sure. The smellpart is something I dislike, so I prefer it to be a wellhydrated pee and them washing after. Or if we go separate ways so any potential smell won't affect me 🤷‍♀️
  12. First of all I would probably have wondered if this was some kind of dare/joke to either mess with one of us or both. Secondly if I saw the question as real it would come down to a few factors. Do I think he/she seems harmless so the situation can't be dangerous to me? Do I find him/her at all attractive or at least neutral? Am I at that moment just hurried to quickly pee and get out cause I have company waiting? Am I'm already in the mood for a naughty pee? I would probably find it strange, but if I skipped the opportunity and all the other factors above was fulfilled I would probably kick my
  13. I prefer somewhat drunk. Like. Enough to lessen my inhibitions and being more daring with where I chose to do it, but sober enough to still look for a cctv or other people so as not to get caught. Also, when drinking I need to pee more and more ergently, making the pee it self feel better too. As far as I know I've never been caught while indulging, and yet there have been some extremly risky choices. Some that I the day after feel like: Holy crap, that could have been sooo bad if I got caught! Or almost the worst: I can't believe I did that, too bad I can't really remember the full feel
  14. I know, I still missed the feeling of a foreskin to move 🤷‍♀️ I'm gonna go ahead and guess someone who is with women might experience the same feeling of "wait, this is different, what do I need to potentially do different to make this good?" if they have been with 20 with very small inner labia and clits and all of a sudden get one with very long inner labia and a very protruding clit that's almost a mini-dick. At least I would probably think about if and how it might differ to how my touch would feel for them. But hey, that's just my personal opinion. 🤷‍♀️
  15. Lady here and I wan't my men uncut. I've only ever seen one cut IRL and wasn't comfortable in how to interact with it 😅 Also much prefer the look of an uncut one. Guessing it might have been the opposite if I was born somewhere where the custom was most being cut though.
  16. My native tongue is Swedish, but I'm fluent in English too. Years ago I spent hours chatting, but now I use it less and find my self sometimes having to think about the spelling of a word and second guessing it so I google it. And most of the time I was right from the start, but oh well. Noone ever got hurt from a double check. I think at least. I learnt german in school for a few years, so I think I can still get the basic gist of something written, but can't reply or speak it I think. Haven't tried since. Well. School. 😅
  17. I prefer narurally hairy. Perhaps trimming pubes down a bit to not get in the way of fun activities in that area (and by that I mean like at least a cm left, I still wanna see it and feel it, just not in my nose 😅), but chest is always better with hair. I love cuddling and pulling my hand through the hair. Also: A good beard is 🤤🤤🤤 Only time I ever do the "turn my head for a second look" is when someone with a beard walks by.
  18. Because of the extreme hurry and urinals being too high I would say I got like 95% where it was supposed to. Hard to say though since I didn't stay to check, I just ran to not be caught in the mensroom and potentially having to answer for it..
  19. Like I said. I hurried like there was a wildfire. First I basically ran in, did what I had to do and ran out. Second was a restaurant so basically the same and feeling stressed af.
  20. I'd love to. Only have twice though. Felt like a crook going in the mens room, so hurried like never before to not be caught..
  21. I didn't even have to go very bad, so it would have been alot better if I did need it. Yeah, I guess I have some power to it *lol*
  22. Same! Would I ever dare cause of the way society is? Probably not. Would I if completely alone? Definitely!
  23. God, I hate that they made him pee outside with people close by and her go to a closed bathroom. Way to go on being stereotypical. Would have loved it if they did it the other way around. So for me, that commercial made me want to avoid that product. Didn't want it before either, but now I will actively stay away from it if it shows up in my country/I stumble across it.
  24. I Think train seat or cinema, possibly just messy pee in a train bathroom. Don't remember which it was when I came 😅
  25. Peeing in naughty places. Always.
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