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Everything posted by swekiss

  1. For me it was probably the time I peed on a jacket. I was so extremely afraid of being caught that it almost outweighed the fun completely.
  2. I agree with the practise, practise, practise. Also, I prefer to stand (at least outside, in public and/or when not at home), but I've only tried an STP once and it was in general awkward and I was afraid it would leak, so didn't work in my favour. So instead I learnt how to hold my self to get a good aim and let go. Much more natural and as a bonus can be done anywhere anytime without needing some equipment for it, which makes it alot faster. I would practise in the shower, outside if close to water (it wet legs is an issue for you, for me it's the worst possible scenario) etc. And preferably
  3. It was the recycling room for the apartments around me. My back could be seen from the rather heavily trafficed road if anyone looked in at the right moment, from the front I guess if someone in the corner flats would look outside in the perfect angle they would have seen everything. So it was like 90% safe. Unless someone would have taken the trash out or just went for a walk so they could see the small passage 😝
  4. It certainly is, shame there aren't more opportunities..
  5. If I could reach up to be able to, I most likely would. Or if the door would open. Being both a woman and at that short makes it kinda hard to get the correct altitude to get it in a window which is about chest height 😅 I have peed in, what I thought for sure was an abandoned truck cause it was run down and open door, a few times. To my surprise it was gone when I went for the fourth time. So I guess it was just a really crappy car 😬 On the bright side it was a record hot summer so it had probably dried.
  6. Alone for once, so I stopped between a house and a hedge to pee on the wall. Felt amazing and a bit tingly in case someone would catch me. Here is the aftermath and I'm well on my way for my ride who's waiting to pick me up.
  7. Not at my own place, but I would absolutely love to do it at someones house if they let me.
  8. I'm female and a giver. I love it when a man wants everything I can give them. Never done it with a woman, but would be open for that too.
  9. My favourite is naughty places. Anywhere I should not and preferably something long lasting/hard to clean. Carpets, furniture etc. Pros: Greatest feeling I know. Cons: Risk of being caught and held responsible in some form or the other.
  10. Almost never. Mostly just glad I got away with it and then enjoy the memory later.
  11. Definitely one person tops. I have made videos and enjoy it, but then I get too pee in private and know that whomever watches it after is like 99% likely to be in to pee cause they asked for it or searched for it. With an actual person watching I get a little stage frighty and that has an effect on my ability to actually pee and/or how good and natural it feels. I wish I could be comfortable enough to do it in naughty places with someone actively watching and being as turned on as me, but I fear the stress of being watched could outweigh the fun of the naughty action. I have had one part
  12. I only once tried a STP and hated it cause there is no feel to it. I much prefer parting my labia with a hand or two, getting a good position (which is probably depending on your build and position/angle of peehole) and aiming my stream. It feels much more intuitive to touch myself while peeing, otherwise I mind as well pee in a container and pour it out somewhere. But with that being said. I love naughty peeing and anyway you can get that satisfaction I recomend it, so go you (literally) 😁💦
  13. Yes, hearing the word pee or similar makes my stomache flutter.
  14. Pretty much nails the way I feel. I wanna see the source and see where it ends up. And it has to be a proper pee. Not just two seconds for the sake of it or walking around to mark different things in the process. Pick one location and pee in it. It feels more realistic, regardless of if it's done in a naughty place or somewhere "normal".
  15. Since I can't share my excitement at home, I will here. I'm for once alone shopping. Been hoping to get to needing a pee, but as I was finished and only have naughty peeing on my mind (might have been reading on here while shopping)... I decided to go to the bathroom just for my little naughty fun. Went in to a free one, unzipped my jacket and pulled down my tights to my ancles, pushed my pelvis forward a little and grabbed my pussy to aim and sprayed the seat and floor for about 10 seconds. So the mess wasn't that big, but it felt great anyway and now I'm gonna go home to let my man enjoy the
  16. I think I must have been born with the fetish. I have always had a keen interest when someone has said the needed to pee. Trying to get to see it happen. And also loving going in other places than the toilet. For example, if we kids were playing in the basement we would usually pee in some corner there and I remember that I always thought it was fun. I could even be thinking about it as soon as we decided on playing there, like "I hope I need to pee before we go outside again". I also had a doll that I sometimes peed on a little. I hated dolls so for some reason I had one, but it was
  17. Pee porn is the only kind I watch. 90% of the time men, but the occasional woman can do the trick if the place is naughty enough or I'm just in that mood. But 100% of the time it's peeing in naughty places.
  18. I love the idea of it, but I never have. Did you pee on blueberries that someone was going to eat, your own or just wild ones in the forrest?
  19. Sooo many things. Carpets and sofas are first to come to mind. In a food store on something edible would be cool. But in general, anywhere I could get away with, the naughtier the better. Oh, and on my man would be good too, but he isn't in to pee so 🤷‍♀️
  20. I love this story! Ironically I would be mad if someone did it to me/my place, but the phrasing and reading this story got me hot and bothered. I read it in my mind earlier while my man got me off 🙈
  21. That could have been me. I almost always pee like that in public, if I think I will get away with it. I've had my fair share of "oh crap, someone is out here and reaching for that specific door, walk faaaast!" I would love it if someone ever did and reacted like you and thought it was sweet @Klaudia99. I somehow doubt the likeliness of it though..
  22. @Remi No, I will never admit to or bring up such a topic. I somewhat touched on the subject one of the first times we ever hung out, thinking he was only gonna be a casual neighbour with a pleasant tongue so who cares what he thinks kinda thing. In that matter it was the aspect of peeing on someone, and even if we were still both drunk af I can still remember his very strong: I think I'm pretty normal, but I know others like other things and I accept that. But how people could ever piss or shit on eachother, hell no! This said with utter disgust. I let slip that I have a couple of times,
  23. @88mphArtist I actually prefer it clean, I guess it was just some dumb luck paired with not wanting to meet another guest in the door and have them possibly judging. The roadtrip was just for a day, so now I'm home and ready for a beer and then gonna jump his bone 😅 @longbastard and @gldenwetgoose The risk of that would be getting the reply: But you never switched bathrooms. It was just two doors visible from the counter.
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