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About xenomar

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/16/1993

Personal Information

  • Gender
    Staight male
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  • About Me
    Just a guy who enjoys some naughty peeing :)

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    naughty, (soft) vandalism, messy, inappropriate places
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Personally i had quite a lot of experiences with a few girlfriends in the past. I've got to experience many great features of this little preference and love so many different aspects of it.

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  1. Part II Bonjour, my name is Emmanuelle. I work as a vendor on the market, when I don’t work on the farm. Before the sun rises, I back our truck and head to the village. As I arrive, I set up my vegetable stall at the market. My parents grow the vegetables on our farm. I secretly hate it to be the one selling on the market, but what can I do. I stay at the market the whole morning. It is busy and noisy. People come and go, buying and selling. But I am always alone at my stall. There is one girl I see every day. Her name is Claire. She is about my age. When Clair
  2. Hey, my name is Claire. I work in the kitchen of my parents' bistro. Every morning, I get up early and walk to the market when the sun is rising. At the market, I love to see all the different stalls and the variety of food. As people are setting up their goods, I smile and greet the vendors I trust. I pick fresh vegetables and herbs. Afterwards I visit the butcher for some fresh meat. With my baskets full, I head back to the bistro. The streets are still quiet and calm. I like the mood before the day begins. When I reach the bistro, it is still empty. The chairs are on the
  3. this one should kinda fall into a simular category, simple light from behind
  4. I'm into photography myself and did this a while ago. Guess it belongs more into the food section, but the composition took long enough to concider it artsy? 😄 Always wash your veggies before cooking!
  5. Hey, this is my first story and i'm not a native english speakter. So grammar and times are kinda picked randomly in some cases. I hope you enjoy it! Also made a little generated graphic for the characters that fits to the point i surrendered trying 😄 This story contains content like pee vandalism, property damage, female despeartionm female peeing. All characters and events are works of fiction. Act I The blurry noise of people around her filled the air, as Sam, a determined businesswoman, settled into her seat in the train compartment. Dressed in a sleek charcoal skirt
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