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About Hightower

  • Rank
    Forum Legend

Personal Information

  • Gender
  • Age
    Mid 20s
  • Location
  • About Me
    In a relationship (pee-free, sadly). Been into watersports for a while but not really able to talk to anyone about it! Just here for craic about the kink
    Play rugby and lift heavy stuff in my spare time

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Golden showers
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    My gf being caught short in the airport car park and bending over to piss behind my car

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  1. Mindgeek is a genuinely evil company and they did the pornhub purge because otherwise they'd have been exposed to litigation regarding hosting content of victims of sex trafficking and other disgusting shit. The real catastrophe is that it saved their bacon and they're free to monopolise entire sections of the internet. They're also getting lucrative contracts from governments to help clamp down on online anonymity.
  2. I'm going to sound like I am soon, picking up the accent already and playing for a local rugby league side!
  3. I find the playing with it hot but I agree about the forced stuff, I hate that! Piss fun is supposed to be intimate and sexy, making it look like some grim dungeon torture is horrible
  4. Heyup! I've just recently moved up to Donny, are you yorkshire born and bred?
  5. Part 3 Kitty was in sexual rapture under Paula's golden shower. Somehow it was as if she could feel the viral effect taking hold, grinding her hand against her soaked pussy and eagerly sticking her tongue into the stream. She mewled with disappointment when Paula's stream slowed, but as Paula stripped her and kissed her in their puddle, she felt another need between her legs. "I need to piss again so bad...how is this happening?" "I told you you'd turn fast, it's like you just want to never stop, like someone flipped a switch and you're insanely horny and piss
  6. Epeedemic -Kitty and Paula 2 Kitty's head was all over the place as she drove onto her estate. She was bursting for a piss but for some reason she felt devastatingly horny. She thought it might have been because of the hot man at the club last weekend but her mind had kept coming back to seeing Paula watching porn that morning. Any confusion was swiftly put to the back of her mind when she reached her drive. Still keeping her hand pressed over her crotch she ran through to the toilet, where her heart sank. Locked. "For fuck's sake Paula, let me in, I need to piss so bad!" Kitty wail
  7. I've had a beard since Christmas, I don't keep it very long though because on my chin especially it's really thick so just looks better shorter! I really prefer it though, I look at old pics before I had the beard and I can't believe I didn't grow it before
  8. I've recently stumbled across Dainty Wilder, who besides being hot as fuck herself gets absolute perfect 10s on her videos all the time and does "squirt" scenes with them. Obviously as I have a piss kink I shouldn't be complaining but the screaming and rubbing with no continuous stream ruins it from a watersports kink perspective. They're already just doing pee porn so they might as well do full uncut golden shower scenes at this point
  9. Part 2 "Oh shit babe, it's not what it looks l-" Jess started, panicking as she rolled away from Dominique. "How can it not be? Who are these bitches? Are they the hosts? Was she pissing on you?" Before Jess could respond, Dominique butted in. "Yes, we're the hosts, we were just looking after your girlfriend. Don't you think she was having fun?" Jess shot her Mark a scared look. "I'm so sorry Mark, they cornered me in the hot tub and-" "And her little pussy got wet so she begged me to piss on her." Dominique interrupted. "Right, that's it, I'm done here." Mark h
  10. Part 2 coming soon! Dominique: Jess: Rafaella:
  11. Note-The first chapter is just girl-on-girl and is a purely watersports story with elements of reluctance and seduction/corruption. Straight sex watersports will be more prominent in the next chapter. If you're more into wetting/desperation type stories this probably isn't for you, but there will be naughty peeing elements later. With that said, it's just a ridiculous porno plot I typed out over a few days Chapter 1 Jess rolled her car into the unoccupied bay, eyebrow slightly raised in surprise. "Hmm, the host must still be here," she thought aloud as she glanced at the c
  12. Seriously, it'll happen when it happens, I lost my virginity at 18 which was very late for the standards of my home town. As soon as I moved away to uni it happened in like two weeks, sometimes it's just a change of scenery/social circle
  13. I've always wanted to piss inside a pussy, bit anatomically easier for me though!
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