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on the porch

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About on the porch

  • Rank
    Forum Legend

Personal Information

  • Gender
    m and Ruth
  • Occupation
    Retired business owner
  • Age
    As old as dirt
  • Location
    mid west
  • About Me
    Retired , happy with Ruth with me , I lost some one very dear to me .
    Very involved in this life now ,Ruh is a dream come true

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    All of the above ,,,, and more, the woman's taste is the most favorite
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    My first pee , was going down on a older woman , she squirted in my mouth, I was hooked from that time on , there was no turning back

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  1. My boyfriend Wayne said he could arrange a get together with a mother woman if I wanted that ... WOW , It sounds so exciting and yet so scary . I have never done anything like this before in my life , thinking of a,women's pee all over me. And mine on her ? I ,have to give this some serious thought ....Ruth
  2. Ruth here , since I have been coming here .Seeing the photos , reading the ladies post . I think about how it would be with another woman . I think of it a lot . being held by her , feeling her warm pee on me . yes I fantasize about it . who knows,one day it could happen .
  3. Ruth here , I need to ask Mr Goose if I can post about " a girl peeing outside " Its a very dark part of my life but stills on topic . And its all true .
  4. Ruth here , They are all so beautiful , so young .I look in the mirror and ask ? did I look like that when I was young ? Wayne tells me to forget that . He says. You are here in front or me a woman I make love to. The photos are nice , but just that , photos
  5. Ruth here. ,I love the act of peeing outside , we sit on the front porch , no one can see in from the black screening and high bushes . We both are nude and enjoy our bodies so much , So to me its all new and so natural . If I need go , I always tell him so he can have his hand on me , its so enjoyable . The up side is that he will go down on me at times drinking my pee , and of course , I do the same for him . I hope this never ends . I also hope the girls here can have this wonderful enjoyment I have ... Ruth
  6. Even at our age, we can still hold our own ....Ruth
  7. All of these young ladies are so pretty. I'm jealous.....Ruth
  8. When we were on my boat in Florida ,we are always in the water , you could here the stereo on and its like we were dancing in the water. Ruth held onto me tight and wrapped one leg around me and peed a long warm stream on me , then told me ,I'll do that when ever you want me to . I'm so Lucky to have her n my life.
  9. I'll speak for Ruth , she is to embarrassed , When we were in Marathon Fla. . I own a home there. I told her to put on a short skirt , and we drove to Miami , at a very high end woman's store. she was pushing a cart and pitting things in , I leaned over and told her to let out small amounts of pee as she walked between the clothing racks. Walk pee , walk pee just a few drops at a time . I dropped my car keys and bent down to get them then wiped my hand on her wet leg and licked it off . Exiting would he a weak discretion of the day .
  10. Ruth here , I'm so new to all this I some times wander off topic .Its not that I want to do this but rather its hard to express my self the correct way I have been told to " stay on topic " . I believed I was on topic . just explaining my feelings and thoughts . Wayne said , don't give a second thought ,this is how the internet works
  11. Not until I was with Wayne , last year . we were on the boat and I said I, had to go , He told me let it rip . I did blushing this whole time . there was more than a release of pee , life long taboo went away . Now its like second nature for me , and Us
  12. Every time Ruth and me are in the water , jumping off the back of the boat we pee , why get out , walk to a crapper ,she just holds on to me and I feel how warm she is
  13. Hang a length of PVC pipe out the window and pee in the tube out the window lololol
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