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About A_AShes

  • Rank
    Forum Legend

Personal Information

  • Gender
    Pussy Cat
  • Occupation
    Carpet Massage
  • Age
    Aged pussy cat
  • Location
  • About Me
    I am nicely aged pussy cat who always felt passion to peeing excitement. I am interested to find peesoulmate sharing some of my fetishes and interests...
    I follow pantiless path, though I am quite reserved cat and prefer open but intimate realtionships

    Peeing pleasures, Pee Marking Carpet wetting and scratching, Cross-wetting.
    Pee as medicine
    Pee as a fragnance
    Pee ointment full body massage
    "Médecins sans frontières -
    Pantyhose sans patières"

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    wetting household stuff and carpets
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Pee spraying Wetting Marking
    Wet Scratching carpets

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  1. A_AShes


    Captivity of clothes is over! The Flower of the glorious Queen of Weesdom has opened...
  2. A_AShes


    All she wants is attention in unhappy situation in relationship. Alko is a protest... smelly cloths- strip her, even or stage, see what may change.if ever
  3. A_AShes


    Perhaps increase her load otherwise it is wasted opportunity for both... Sad story...
  4. Another time will be better Your body is for your Soul... your share your Soul .... body is just an instrument to feel connection with another Soul... Not one, many .... What it may want next time no-body knows... no-body could predict.. Do not be afraid. Just float...
  5. Just enjoy your feeling... it is magic and your hubby is helping you... Let yourself float relax and enjoy every touch...
  6. From prespective of physics: It is the energy the Lady gets after interaction with a big dick... The bigger dick the lesser you are tired after Kathleen.Thats perhaps from where all those 25 cm dreams come...
  7. Your romance with Remi...Does her penis brings more pleasure ? Skillful Lover?
  8. I believe you will accustom the Real Pleasure and Freedom the latter... I trust You are beautiful Sans Fairy as great as a non-compromised wetting Goddess.... "Fairy Tales of Sans Goddes of Puddles..." are coming?
  9. A_AShes


    What an ellegant stylish and tasty Flower of Warm Rains Valley... @puddyls !!! May your white skirt never dry...
  10. That magic beautiful smile of underwareless secret... You getting dangerously gorgeous, @puddyls ... Hope getting out , not just for petrol... :)
  11. A_AShes


    Is it wetting or wedding dress @puddyls? Congratulations!!!
  12. Velvet Wet Underground!!!
  13. After 15 years to send by mistake??? Hey, no way it was an accident. why that way only you might know. A chance remains that he is amongst us and hoped to please you but it did not work... The pity is it was made that way, perhaps too late for you... plus your short talk to him made him shut the door... I think you could easily open it if you really want it after so many years of life with hidden passion... it may change your life "to be finaly found" by old solemate...
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