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About W1ll_B

  • Rank
    Active Member
  • Birthday 09/20/1982

Personal Information

  • Gender
    Straight male
  • About Me
    A nice and friendly person, maybe a little shy.

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    To see someone desperate, hearing or seeing long pee, seeing someone to pee in nature.
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    When I first saw a real accident.

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  1. I tried to send you a message, but I got a notification that you are unable to receive messages?
  2. As I say, this is basically an idea that I have in mind, but it's more uncertain than certain that it will ever actually happen. Anyway, you're right that the easiest way would be to take audio from online videos, but technically that would probably violate copyright and I want everything to be gotten "legally" and "honestly". For the same reason, since I am a man and there would be a female character in the game I think it would be wrong for potential players to use so-called male sounds and mislead them into thinking they are a female sounds. I think the sound should either be
  3. In fact, I've been thinking about making an 2D pee-themed RPG game for several years now (which in all likelihood will probably never happen) and in this context I've been thinking about different ways to artificially produce realistic sound effects. So far I've simply thought about filling a balloon or a water bottle with water, but a few days ago I had a new idea. I don't know what they're called in English, but what I mean is these cardboard wine boxes, inside there's a sealed plastic bag with a tap in the corner, either one that you twist open and close, or one that you press wit
  4. Yes, my first memories are from when I was about 10-12, or at least close to that, I don't remember exactly. Although I do have one very vague memory of something earlier, maybe when I was 4-5 years old, but it's so vague that I'm not sure if it ever happened or if it's some kind of false memory.
  5. I don't quite understand the question... I believe this is a public forum so anyone with access to the Internet can read everything that is written here. So anyone who writes something here has to accept that anyone can read it. Edit: The topics on this site may feel a bit extreme to someone with no previous experience of the subject, but it's up to each reader if they read them, no one is forcing them to.
  6. I feel like I've seen a similar message before, maybe from you, and I think I've responded to it or something similar, so apologies if there is repetition and I end up writing the same things. My situation is pretty much the same, although in some ways it's different. My wife and I have been together for a long time, and I've mentioned to her my interest, but she doesn't seem to have any particular interest in "these things." She has said that "it's ok," but otherwise, we haven't talked much about it. She is quite neutral about it and might casually mention something related to peeing
  7. No, I don't remember noticing at least. But I really like it when I hear someone use an expression I haven't heard before or that is somehow unique. Did she actually use the phrase how "she was about to unload all of that piss into the car seat"? I really liked it. About how it depicted the seriousness of the situation. (I also liked the other details of the story.) Edit: I read the message a bit carelessly. I thought it was asking, 'have you seen.' A more precise answer would be that it could be interesting to see, but I don't remember ever seeing it 'live,' so to speak
  8. I would have sent you a private message, but for some reason, it didn't work.
  9. I don't think it's possible anymore. The web site says: "Instaudio is shutting down. On September 28th 2019, all remaining content, and all user accounts will be permanently removed, leaving only a message of what once was."
  10. So, I have a friend in another country. We chat every day, but we've never met in person. We talk about ordinary everyday things, what we've done, where we've been, who we've met, etc. We both use English to talk for each other, even though it's not our first language. That's why I'm writing this message and both of our conversations using Google Translator and ChatGPT, to keep the message easy to read. So the messages below are not 100% the same as the original, but the content is 99% the same. But I will add a direct quote from her text in a couple of places because I think they are the
  11. Something a quite similar has happened to me some years ago, at least a couple of times. I have a friend who lives in another country and we've never met in real life, but we send each other messages on Messenger every day. A couple of times I've received a similar message from her, how she has a bad urge to pee and she's on the train, etc. And just like you, when these things happened, I gently tried to ask for more information about the situation (How much distance do you have left, is there no toilet on the train, etc.), but I didn't stay on topic when she started talking about oth
  12. Heh, same here. My wife often goes to the bathroom once in the morning and then not until the evening. Going more than three times a day is already unusual for her. This can happen even if she's at home all day. She doesn't even seem to have a strong urge to use the bathroom in the evening. But if she waits too long to go to the bathroom, suddenly she can feel such an urgency that she needs to rush to the toilet, even though just a few minutes earlier she was completely calm. And if her bladder is full, for example, in the morning, it takes an incredibly long time to empty it.
  13. My favorite writer on this website is this one: Francine-frcxa All of her texts belong to my favorites, but my personal top 3 are: A Quite Large Lady Date On Wheels The Lady Godiva Game And then one of my favorites is this 5-part series: The Secretary Who had to Pee Ch. 01 (Desperation and holding pee is main theme in these stories)
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