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About Bob3322

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  1. and I wanted to add that I would never miss a Thursday night for those women in need of using the bathroom.
  2. I know exactly what you are talking about... we had a window with curtains that I would peek through as a you kid... I remember their facial expressions when they really needed to pee.
  3. I am wondering if there are any people that grew up in the 1960s or 1970s where women would be coming over for get togethers, and use the bathroom. At the time I was like 11 or 12 and hormones starting. The bathroom was next to my bedroom so I heard a lot. Enjoy talking about and thinking about those times.
  4. I’m just wondering if anyone else had their experiences start at 10:11 or 12 years old. I mentioned this before, but as a kid in the late 60s my mom would host weekly meetings of the local women’s club. Every week they would come over my bedroom was next to the bathroom so I was treated with wonderful noises. Anyone else have these kinds of experiences?
  5. That is such a great sound description! That is exactly what it sounds like.
  6. I have posted my story before. It started at about 9-11 years old. This was in the late 60s. Mine just had to do with listening to ladies pee. My mom hosted weekly meetings of the local womens club. 10-12 ladies would show up most more mature some even 50-60. All wore those long dresses and skirts. My bedroom was right next to the bathroom which shared the other guest room. So it had a door to each room. The walls were paper thin and the toilet was right next to the door to my bedroom. We had a long hallway with wooden floors do I would hear the clicking of the heels. Sometimes the clicking wo
  7. Many experiences I like to share.
  8. I really enjoyed watching them as a kid growing up, listening as well.
  9. I had much of the same experiences in the 1960s with mature women who would come to out home for weekly meetings.
  10. When I was a kid growing up and guests came over I would knock in the door as they were peeing. Just to hear them talk over the hissing sound.
  11. You’re good. I’m glad you caught that.
  12. I have posted a few other things here but I was just curious to see it other people that had the same experience I had early on as kid and around women using the bathroom. I had mentioned before that every Thursday night my mom hosted meetings and ladies would show up. I would always be waiting for the First Lady to ask where the ladies room was. I could always tell if she seemed like she really needed to go. Normally the lady would walk at a very fast speed as I would follow from behind. When she shut the door I would put my ear to the door and try to imagine what was happening. More times th
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