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Turkis viking

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About Turkis viking

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  1. No, not at all unless when you can see a guy and a girl peeing side by side. I like to see the difference, but thats the only time.
  2. I think I know what video you are talking about. Girls filmed at music fetival in Denmark. I also think maybe I have that video. Let me search a bit and send you the link if I find it
  3. For me it must be when a girl sits on the toilet and pees with hissing sound that hits the toilet bowl hard.
  4. I once peed 700ml, but have never again reached that amount
  5. Have you measure the time it takes for you from start to finish when you measure your pee volum?
  6. If its not to much to ask can you explaine how you look down there. I am trying to figur out if certaine lookes down there producer hissing sound while other lookes dont
  7. Thanks for the answer. So you would say it is more girls with a bit longer inner labia maybe folding innvards that makes the sound. Maybe like a tulip type vulva
  8. I was wondering why some girls have the hissing sound while they pee and some don't? Is it due to the type of vulva they have?
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