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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2023 in all areas

  1. Lunch time today, I decided that it is not right to spend all day sat at the desk and so I took an extended lunch, put a kayak on the top of the car and went for a paddle on the canal. I took my lunch with me, paddled a bit over a mile to a nice wharf with a picnic area and then got out and sat on the front of the kayak to eat lunch. Whilst I was there, I saw a tour boat moor up and various walkers came by. I needed to pee and with people around I decided to go for the discrete option and peed down the side of my kayak whilst I was seated and with my spray deck hiding the action from pas
    5 points
  2. 4 points
  3. haha. thanks. 😇 truth be told, i was sooo nervous. i'm just glad no one seemed to mind, which let me enjoy the exhilaration of it, too.
    4 points
  4. So a couple weekends ago I was talking with a friend who encouraged me why not enjoy the drive home. I was with hubby and mother inlaw. I hadnt been to the restroom about 30 min before this but I also had drank 3 glasses of iced tea at lunch. It really was so hot outside. Plus I drank an entire bottle of water on the way back into town. They wanted to stop at the dairy so I figured why not. I waited in the car and the need to pee was starting to set in strongly. I had decided to wait until I got home. It was so thrilling as it built up worse. About 30 min later they decided to come out and we
    3 points
  5. I was standing by the ATM at the end of the street watching people coming and going when two girls came walking down the main road and immediately turned up the steps to the church. I crossed over the road and followed up after them and at first I thought they had just walked through but as I walked through the courtyard I heard voices round the corner. When I walked round the corner I heard one of the girls quickly say “someone is coming”. I continued walking and found the girl who had just spoken standing leaning on the wall whilst the other girl, a slim brunette, was squatting down at the b
    3 points
  6. i prefer to do the peeing, but i definitely like aiming a pissing cock at my nipples!
    3 points
  7. I figured I'd start my own thread for when I feel like sharing a bit with you all. Today I've been a tiny bit naughty. I am working from home. As I was preparing to do some laundry, I remembered reading about others using the dirty clothes as an appropriate toilet. So I piled the clothes on the bathroom floor. I decided to leave my blue underpants on and stood over the laundry pile, legs spread. I sighed with pleasure as I released my bladder. The pee stayed in my panties for a while before coming out in a steady stream over the clothes. Some of it was going down my leg and s
    2 points
  8. Hey everyone, if you're in to watching guys piss all over hotel rooms, I'm about to let loose soon in one! Any location requests??
    2 points
  9. This is my nerdy place , M is rarely seen in here, lol. Windows 11 pc running FLStudio (I’ve had this forever, lifetime free upgrade is a wonderful thing) with a launchpad in performance mode. The other pc is FreeBSD running Audacity as a sampler. I can edit out bits of mp3 files and load them as samples into FL Studio, pretty much on the fly. Semi retirement is another good thing, so much free time.
    2 points
  10. Soak the couch and chairs please
    2 points
  11. After the work day, I went to the indoor swimming center with a friend. It had been a warm day and I had been drinking a fair amount of water. We got ready and got in the pool where we swam and chatted for around 30 minutes. Towards the end I was starting to feel a need, but I didn't want to go in the water. As it was a warm day outside, it was fairly empty at the center, but we were by no means the only ones there. We got out and started walking past the other lanes and a booth where the personnel sits, towards the showers. I had peed during this walk last time, but the floor
    2 points
  12. Following the piss over the laundry, I was quite turned on and had to take a small break from work to pleasure myself. After the orgasm, I had to pee again. I decided that the balcony would be nice. The options there are very limited though. If I pee on the floor or the pee flows onto the floor through something, there is this pipe system that will direct the liquid to pass straight in front of the downstairs neighbour's balcony. It is a fine system for rain, but random liquid flowing past when it is not raining could cause suspicion. However, there were some flowerpots in the stor
    2 points
  13. It was definitely quiet in town and after the girl in the churchyard there was nothing going on. I was caught in the debate of whether to hang out because something might happen or just give up and head home. Once the street became completely dead I decided to head up to the top side and see what it was like there before getting myself an uber. I walked up the main road and stood outside McDonald’s. There was quite a crowd of people so I stood against the railings checking people out, still debating whether I should head home. There seemed to be an influx of people coming up the main road
    2 points
  14. Hi! Long-time lurker, first-time poster. I lived a dream as an AFAB person last night at a very packed stadium show. I went with my mother, aunt, and a family friend (all women, and I use the women's room as well). We obviously had several drinks over the course of the three-hour set and needed the facilities several times. As much as I tried to hold it--I have a stronger bladder than most--I finally needed to find a song that I didn't mind missing. My aunt needed to pee as well, so we went together. I'd heard from the others in our group that they'd been using the men's room, as it had v
    1 point
  15. Okay, so technically the sign was directing people to walk behind the shipping containers where there were two port-a-potties, but I was very amused at how the sign seemed to be pointing towards the ocean. If there weren’t so many people around, I’d have taken the sign at face value and squatted/aimed through the fence.
    1 point
  16. Last night and no video. A lack of interest from my GF and a lack of dating or interest from any other women has caused me to take things mostly into my own hands the last couple of months. LOL
    1 point
  17. I was idly spidering about on the Interweb and found a reference to a Druid called Figol. He is written about in the Irish saga 'Cath Maighe Tuireadh'. In the saga he "boasts that he has power to resist the enemy Fomorians; he pledges to rain down fire upon them, reduce their strength by two-thirds, and bind back their urine into their own bodies and that of their horses" (according to the Oxford Dictionary of Celtic Mythology). He's one of us for sure. [Edit: I am sure @WendyMarty knew this already 🙂]
    1 point
  18. You're completely right 😹 There were way more men's rooms which seems like an oversight to me. Not that I'm complaining!
    1 point
  19. Forgot to pee in one of the hotels but I’ve peed at least a little bit in every other one so far on the trip!
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Thinking of you @steve25805 - as you know and as we’ve said in our communications. One a tenuous link, over the last couple of year I’ve had a couple of cardiac CT scans, where during the procedure they inject me with a trace dye which shows up. I think it’s also radioactive. Now at the point of injection it creates a really hot flush that follows the path of the dye being pumped through the body. The point of this whole anecdote is the very cute nurse who told me ‘when we inject the dye it’s going to feel like you’ve wet yourself, but you haven’t ‘. Another of those miss
    1 point
  22. Hope this doesn’t break any site rules. If you have anyone you don’t like, sounds like the perfect time to pee on their lawn or something like that
    1 point
  23. It's easy for guys to hide it even from others staying with you, my husband does so all the time. Women tend to create puddles, as it's more difficult for women to disperse it, my husband will pinch the tip of his penis as to make a rather fine multi-stream mist and spray it randomly over the carpet. Even moments after doing so there's no sign of him having done so. There has been an occasion where a maid knocked on the door as he was doing so and I let her in as he was finishing and she was non the wiser.
    1 point
  24. The Hunt - 2020 - unknown time stamp Gary and Crystal walking next to a train track while beeing hunted. Crystal needs to pee so she squats down and Gary gives her some privacy. After she peed they continue walking.
    1 point
  25. Unless you are dehydrated your urine should be a light yellow that will not show on the towel. If it does just rinse the towel in the shower. True story, though I didn't do this intentionally. I was in a hotel and I woke up in the middle of the night with a painfully overfull bladder. This was surprising since I normally don't wake up at night to pee and here I needed to go very badly. Going back to sleep without emptying my bladder was out of the question. So i got up walked naked , half asleep into the bathroom peed for a long time and returned to bed and went to turn out the li
    1 point
  26. Love a good gender neutral bathroom, especially at a bar. Was recently at a club in Toronto's gay district, it was very busy, they have three bathrooms in the basement, no labels, two had urinals. The best bathroom had a U shaped ring of urinals, with the ends basically lining up with the sinks, so if you were pissing there there were hands being washed in full view a foot to your right or left. I didn't see any women using them, but I did see a few drag queens. Enjoyed them myself though, giving the full view with the button down and everything out to anyone who wanted to see next to me
    1 point
  27. PLUMBER [talking to self]: so, it goes from this drain to this pump to … huh, that’s unusual…
    1 point
  28. @Albionis that’s crazy that they approached peeing in the pool as something totally socially acceptable and something to teach their kid, yet they treated you like the weird one. No one every taught me to pee in the pool growing up. Instead I was reminded to get out and free to take a pee right next to the pool or anywhere out of the pool regardless of who saw.
    1 point
  29. Lucky me got a few squirts for giving her oral pleasure on the bed. First wet spot on our soaking bed :-) My errands include buying some sexier clothes just so you guys know. Not gonna be rock in that Willie t shirt the whole time haha Just a lil tease since I have a couple errands to run for her sexiness before we really get down to business. Shouldn't take more than an hour. We'll keep you guys posted! <3
    1 point
  30. Just been putting some washing out to dry 😁
    1 point
  31. I was at a county music festival this evening. Unfortunately I was with friends so my time to explore myself was limited. I was fortunate to leave twice to “go to the toilet”. There was two portaloos (a male and a female) set up but it was not near enough for the large crowd in attendance. To begin with i witnessed a lot of girls in line pee dancing in the queue, some would even use the male toilets to avoid the long queue. I was unfamiliar with the town and so queued up myself for the male portaloos. Waiting in the queue three girls appeared, clearly desperate to pee, they only waited in the
    1 point
  32. thank you. 🙇🏻‍♀️ lol. its not something i typically like to share, but sometimes it just happens to be occurring when i'm up to other shenanigans. so i kinda figure since y'all end up finding out about it, why not? but honestly it still surprises me that people actually want to see it. 🥴 so its always nice to receive positive responses in this thread. i'm not sure if i have a real preference of one over the other. but i feel like i probably use pads more often than tampons. they kinda just are comforting i guess, since its what i've used since the very beginning. though i do find tampon
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Many of our local parks don’t have bathrooms. Bushes, trees and parking lots are the most frequent pee spots. Although sometimes just the grass or dirt out in the open. There seems to be some mutually agreed upon pee spots that have even been given names. For example one park has the “pee tree” that many parents take the kids to. The older ones have just learned to take themselves to pee on / squat behind the “pee tree.” Another park has a space between a line of bamboo and a wall to the next property. Some parents don’t realize its the park’s defacto bathroom and let their kids play in the b
    1 point
  35. There are a couple of parks near me that have bathrooms that have been closed for ages. One In particular in In a location that has bushes behind it. I like to watch from a distance as people make their way over to them and see what they do when they realise it’s closed. A lot of the time they sneak off round behind them. A lot of times the mums take their kids behind them to pee, either against the wall or in the bushes. It’s common to see used tissues on the ground in these bushes.
    1 point
  36. Sorry about that, that image didn't upload. The one I meant to post is of a lady with a Bourdaloue.
    1 point
  37. Not sure where to post this but i found it to interesting to not share. It also never occurred to me that the whole "peeing from under the skirt" can be done with a full blown dress as well. Maybe some of you will be a naughty disney princes on next Halloween xP. I screenshottes the relevant part but here is the link to the full article: https://medium.com/history-of-women/victorian-women-wore-the-most-hilarious-underwear-ec2cc1ecf848
    1 point
  38. Another good one caught in the charging station
    1 point
  39. We had finished work and had gone for a couple of drinks at the pub just down the road from our club. After a couple of drinks we headed our seperate ways and one of the girls I work with said if she hurried she might be able to make her last bus home. I was heading into town so I set off walking with her. Her bus stop is located just outside of the bus station on the main road and when we got there we had a few minutes to spare. We stood chatting until her bus arrived and when it did a bunch of people got off, most of which looked like they were arriving in town for a night out. My at
    1 point
  40. Nothing too fancy here I'm afraid...
    1 point
  41. these today. so far i’ve just been using these nylons as pants. haven’t decided if i’ll wear a skirt or shorts if i get out of the house today.
    1 point
  42. No and no. They told me at my GYNO appointment that it would be best if I had a full bladder, but not required. I think it's to make mapping organs and babies easier but I'm not so sure.
    1 point
  43. Omg I can remember having my ultra sound for both my kids and having to have a full bladder. With the 2nd one I took a spare pair of knickers and I needed them.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
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