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About Jayne78

  • Rank
    Forum Legend
  • Birthday 06/13/1978

Personal Information

  • Gender
    straight female
  • Occupation
    Sales and Marketing (part time) & mum
  • Age
  • Location
  • About Me
    Im from the UK, married, 45 years old and mum of two primary school boys.
    I wouldnt say we have the greatest sex life but we do try to experiment.
    My husband loves to watch me urinate and went as far as setting up a camera in our bathroom without my knowledge (at first).
    After being initially shocked I came round to the idea and now enjoy the fact he may be spying on me.
    He particularly enjoys me having an accident which i do with more regularity recently (I have given birth twice).
    Although i find my accidents upsetting (I am a grown woman after all) your love in this form has indeed helped.
    Another benefit to come out of this is that he now knows I have accidents and he is there for me when I need him. I had tried to hide my issue for years something that I know now I should not have done. I cant speak highly enough of the people on this site.
    Im glad you enjoy my accounts but the support and sympathy at times is overwhelming.
    Over the last year I have had numerous accidents, some small some floods.

    After a couple of difficult years (at home) I am back.
    I can't wait to update you and also read your many accounts.

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Being watched on my terms
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Having an accident out jogging which ahs led me to be more daring

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  1. I was playing badminton with a friend. I jumped and was at full stretch when a squirted a large amount of pee into my gym shorts (over which I was wearing a skirt). I let out a little squeal and stopped mid rally. I felt and looked under my skirt I was soaked. Kerry asked if I was ok. "I've wet myself" I replied. We ended the game there and then and had a chuckle over a coffee (once I had changed)
  2. Well things have been reasonably OK for a few weeks in terms of accidents. I have had to change my underwear during the day a few times but in general I have managed to be a normal woman. That was until last Thursday when I took the boys to the park. I was sat reading a novel glancing up occasionally watching them happily playing on the swings and slides. Stupidly I had a large coffee before we came out and all of a sudden the need to use the toilet hit me. Their are toilet but they had been in a state of disrepair for months and to my dismay I had noticed on the way in they wer
  3. Following my wet jogging experience (see my-morning-run) I decided to go out early immediately after I had dropped the boys off at school in order to avoid the two old ladies and further embarrassment. Thankfully although I did have to squat in the bushes again I did not encounter them (or any stray dogs). During the week a comment from (@Alfresco) got me thinking and maybe for the first time in my life I could turn an accident into a pleasurable experience. I decided to take his advice and nip into the bushes once I was sure I had been spotted. Reverting to
  4. A few pics taken pre-run - hope u all like them.
  5. Just hoping that next friday I don't bump into them, it would be so embarrassing
  6. Again thank you for such wonderful support. And again I hope you enjoy the accounts and photos 😊
  7. Looking back on this mornings 3 mile run it even makes me chuckle. As I don't work Fridays I dropped the boys at school and nipped into the supermarket on my way back before changing for my run. I don't wear a pad when I am running, I know I will leak, they just get heavy, uncomfortable and can often rub. In fact I sometimes don't even bother with my knickers (though this morning I did). I just have to accept I will be wet and as long as I wear black leggings the wetness is very hard to spot. I had run about two miles down a quiet path by the side of a wooded
  8. So appreciate your offer to talk. I will no doubt contact u. In the meantime I hope you can enjoy my posts.
  9. Thank you so so much for the kind words. I really do appreciate it. I hope however that as well as cheering me up you do indeed enjoy the photos and you are getting something out of my posts in return. That you from the bottom of my heart xxxx
  10. This account will help explain why I post on here and so love to receive your warm and friendly comments (and hopefully you enjoy my accounts) because my husband can be such an uncaring prick at times. This accident (which was one of the reasons I hadn't posted for sometime) happened in very similar circumstances to the previous one I posted. It was a Monday morning (15th February to be exact), I was due to head into the office my husband had the week off and had planned to erect a garden office. Due to covid we seem to be working more and more from home at the moment and plan to for
  11. Well its been far to long since my last post and for that I must apologise. I wish I could tell you that I hadn't posted because I had managed to act like a grown woman and use the toilet without any mishaps, unfortunately (though not for you) this is not the case. My reasons for not posting are time, family, work and personal problems which I wont bore you with now. As far as my bladder issues are concerned little has changed over the last few years, on the bright side I suppose it hasn't got any worse, however I still carry spare underwear around which gets used most days and
  12. As a middle aged woman and mum of 2 I can say well for me At least leakage is common. I have never been great at holding my pee but childbirth has had a big effect despite pelvic floor exercises.
  13. Hello May I first first apologise for my lack of posts. Weird times with Covid etc. but thats no excuse. I got myelf slightly depressed yesterday as I had been keeping a log of the boys toilet activities as part of the gold stars I hand out each week. Depressed because it is now clear that despite having 2 children (2 and 4) its there mum has has the most accidents. Since 1st July: My 4 year old - 1 accident which was a complete flood My 2 year old - 9 accidents of which 6 were complete floods Mum - 17 accidents of which 3 were complete floods Which bri
  14. Definitely not explosive and if I'm honest embarrassing. Although my hubby likes to see me pee being peed on is not his thing
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