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  1. I was called a "lovely pee partner" by a total stranger last week at Roskilde Festival. In front of a food / drink booths hangar called "Food Court", there were two toilet containers, with 4-5 stalls on each side. That's a total of maybe 20 stalls, normally sufficient, except at peak hours. At the end of big shows on the main stage, everybody congregated to this area to buy something to eat or drink. The lines for the toilets quickly started to build, and sooner or later, people started to go behind the containers for a quick pee on the grass. There was some space between the containers a
    25 points
  2. So I 18f just got into pee recently and today because of the encouragement from you guys I tried a naughty pee. I help it for around 3 hours while drinking a lot of water then I pissed outside on a nearby hiking trail. I know it seems tame but I am trying to work my way up. I'm willing to answer any questions.
    24 points
  3. I was away over the weekend attending a small festival. It is not like the huge festivals with massive crowds, excessive toilet queues and a plethora of sighting opportunities. Instead, it is a low key event with smaller numbers of people and more than enough clean toilets that people don't feel the need to find anywhere else to pee. So I was not expecting to be having sightings, but I am pleased to say I did have one sighting, which was an interesting situation. There is a main stage and then a walkway across the field to another stage area. I was in the area between the two when
    21 points
  4. A real short one today ... I have some other ideas for some very short stories as well. Contains outdoor female urination. You can read my other stories here. ... This story is from just last weekend. My girlfriend, Riley, and I had decided to grab a pair of inner tubes and go floating down the winding river channel that cuts through the small city we live in. It seemed to me like a good way to both stay cool amid the early July heat and see Riley in a swimsuit. Riley doesn’t disappoint. She wears a patternless black string bikini that struggles to contain both her perfect breas
    21 points
  5. Here's how I always do it: as others have said wear no panties and a short skirt, preferably black. Try not to sit on it when sitting down and the best place is right between fabric type couch cushions so my stream floods right down between when I lean slightly forward. It's actually better to be a little more forceful when peeing. This way you can pretty much piss a whole bladder, even after drinking, right into their sofa without anyone knowing. I've done this multiple times in one night before at college parties. If you create a small stain you can always "spill" some drink a
    21 points
  6. I am currently working in Switzerland, more precisely in Zurich near the tallest building in Zurich, the Prime Tower. Those of you who know Zurich are probably also familiar with the Pfingstweid parking garage, very close to the Prime Tower. This parking garage is quite run-down and will soon be demolished. It looks accordingly. The stairwell is full of spray paint, some of the light bulbs in the stairwell are broken, it is just fucked up - or as I call it: a perfect toilet. It's now part of my daily routine to go to this parking garage after work, take the elevator to the top and squat down o
    20 points
  7. Picture from today's work 😁
    20 points
  8. Yesterday I was driving home from work. Because there was a concert in town, the road was crowded and there was a traffic jam. At the last parking lot, many cars went off the road, to fill up with gas or buy some snacks, as well as for a bathroom stop. I too went into the parking lot and behind me drove a small black van. once in the parking lot, three men, obviously going to the concert, got out and almost immediately started peeing on the shoulder of the road. More interestingly, three women about 35 years old also got out, looked around for a moment, and then disappeared into the bu
    20 points
  9. One day I was feeling a bit kinky, so I decided I wanted to play a little pee game with my wife. I had her drink 5 glasses of water, which took her about an hour to get down. It wasn't long before she told me she had to go pee. I had her lay on the bed (we had a water bed at the time). I started playing with her, taking my time exploring her body. She was telling me that the urge to go pee was getting worse and she had to go. I told her to hold it continuing to play with her. After awhile she said that she couldn't hold it any longer. I got between her legs and had her spread them. She compl
    18 points
  10. This story is about two girls stranding on a lone island and finding out that they share a love for pee. It features mostly casual peeing, wetting and peeing during sex/masturbation and a bit of naughty peeing. The setting is heavily inspired by @Vassals The Island with no Toilet, so check that out as well :D It's my first time writing any story at all, so I'd appreciate any feedback you might have. Lastly, I want to say for transparency's sake that I used AI support for the formulations and filler writing, but it is heavily edited and the "story" and ideas were mine. So, with that out of the
    18 points
  11. Today, I was on my way to pick up lunch from this local café for my friend and I. I knew I had to pee even before I left her home, but the idea of having to pee in public was too much to ignore, so off I went wearing a mini flared skirt, a tank top and an about to burst bladder. It was quite difficult to not squat right at the bus stop or stop my teeny tiny leaks into a full flow, but hey I held most of it in and boarded the bus. My initial plan was to wet the seat on my way there but unfortunately all the seats were taken except for the one at the back, and even then I had to share the
    17 points
  12. Felt extra kinky and just pissed a massive stream into this elevator today!
    17 points
  13. Hey everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve been around on the forums. Some family drama led to basically no free time on my end, but I wanted to come back and get active again. 🙂 I figured I’d share a quick experience I had about a month ago. I actually have a few different stories, but I don’t think I have enough time to type them all out now, so I’ll just do this one for now. 😅 I was on the way home from a concert in a nearby city—about a 3 hour drive from my college town. I felt the need to pee when I was getting close to one of my favorite rest stops on the highway, so I figured I’d
    17 points
  14. I’ll piss anywhere I can hide behind lol. Took a piss behind the pool earlier today actually
    17 points
  15. 1. Meeting PeeFans from this site for a big, wet, sexy party where anything goes. 2. Being peed on by a group of men (I am a female). 3. Going to dinner in a fancy restaurant and everyone peeing whenever they want in their seats as they eat their meals. 4. Going to a concert where the band pees onstage.
    16 points
  16. This may seem trivial but I have just discovered this joy and I have found it so enlivening that I wanted to share. I have never started a topic on here before so please delete it or ignore it if it is of no interest. During the recent hot weather in England I like to keep my plants watered on a daily basis, and I do this in the evening after the heat of the day has passed. 2 days ago, I was crouching down to irrigate the base of my tomato plants when, all of a sudden, I just knew I was going to have an accident. I think it must have been the combination of crouching down and the sound of
    16 points
  17. This is a short but sweet chapter returning to my most popular series about Kiki and her mother Cheryl. This chapter contains furniture wetting and public wetting. Full transparency: I've been in a bit of a creative funk lately, so I used Pirr to help with ideas. Most of the words are my own, however. “My God, I needed this,” Kiki said as she opened the door to the beach house and walked through the main room to the balcony overlooking the ocean. Her mother, Cheryl, came in after her and laughed. “To be fair,” she said, “you're the one who chose to go back to school.” She followed K
    15 points
  18. No photos this time, but a lovely wetting and pee fun experience to write about. Around 9:30pm yesterday evening, K had finished a glass of wine and told me to stop watching the football and follow her upstairs. I always do what she tells me 😉 and it was no hardship to walk up the stairs watching her bum wiggle. She was wearing some over the knee socks and a very short miniskirt, so showing a lovely three inches of thigh 🙂 She led me into the bathroom and said "I need a wee and I thought you might like it if I didn't go in the toilet," then she took off her long socks, stepped into
    15 points
  19. When you wanna tease your husband after a shave 🤭
    15 points
  20. So this is sighting is connected to the previous one. Monica( the women from the post above) and I managed to met up later that same day before parting ways to different destinations. We met at a bigger service station just one exit before our ways would part. There was a big Gas Station and a dinner style restaurant. Also a lot of Greenery and Trees, a playground and a small dog play area. I got us two coffees and we choose to enjoy it outside as the sun was slowly settling down. We had a great talk again, wont bore you with details. But in the Future there is a big chance that
    15 points
  21. Yesterday's embarrassing story: we went with mum, my sister and my girlfriend to the center for a tour of the various shops, because mum wanted to buy us something for the holidays (costumes, etc..) and obviously my sister and I, being students we are always short of money, and we gladly accepted haha. Due to the heat i was forced to drink a bottle of water so as not to feel sick, so after buying two bikinis (which mum defined as a bit skimpy, but then she gave in 😄 ), a hat and a sarong for myself and other things for my girfriend and my sister. We headed towards the car, I needed to pee
    14 points
  22. I had worked with this girl ( gina) for a few months but we eventually went on a date. She was wearing a really nice dress, no stocking, just panties I guessed. After dinner we parked at this cul-de-sac which was a common hang out place. There were no houses, just weeds and then a river. Since it was a dead end you could park facing the road. This spot was at the bottom of a steep hill. In the dark if a vehicle was approaching you would see the headlights for a while before they could see you. Enough time to get rid of beer, joints and pull up any clothing if needed.
    14 points
  23. Last Saturday was Music Day, and there was a huge party downtown and on the lakeside area, many temporary stages with concerts until 2-3 am on Friday and Saturday night, and of course many food and drink booths... and a few toilets. As you may imagine, this resulted in massive outdoor urination. I think last year I wrote a few lines about that event on another, now defunct, forum. Let me share some about this year party here. In some areas, even during daylight, many men and women were peeing in the bushes, behind trees or food trailers. Specially on the lakeside and around the public bea
    14 points
  24. All, Just this past week my wife had a kinky request- she wanted to piss on my face. I said, "I can hardly wait, make your bladder full and hold it till I tell you to release it". She went to work in a slinky short light blue dress with 3 inch heels and white lace silk panties at 8 am. Was back home at 5 pm and held her piss all day!! She has a huge bladder just like my SIL and MIL. Upon arriving home we went to the basement where I had an air mattress on the floor and a bunch of towels and disinfectant to clean up after. Both MIL and SIL would not be home for a couple of hours.
    14 points
  25. My names Will I've been with my fiance kayla for almost a decade. Pretty early on she knew about my fetish and was willing to do most things. She would send me videos and photos of her peeing in various areas around the house, she was always good at cleaning so her mother wouldn't find out. After I moved in with kayla and her mother the high-jinks continued from time to my fiance would piss on the bedroom carpet either out of desperation or just to put on a show for me. I didn't care much to join her peeing on the carpet so instead I would whip it out and spray all over my fiance she woul
    14 points
  26. ^^ the precision a guy is naturally supposed to have while peeing
    14 points
  27. I know how strange the title seems, but not even joking, this one plant that my friend has bloomed for the first time in 4 years after I started peeing into it. You might be thinking, oh maybe my friend got some plant stuff for it. NOPE. She was just as surprised when she told me that that plant got 2 buds recently, and she doesn't understand why specially when she hasn't been doing anything special. Clearly my pee is magic. Anyway, we now stay barely 5 mins away from each other, so we have stay overs every 2 to 3 days. And every time I stay over, been like a month, I pee into
    13 points
  28. Hey! I already had an account here once, where I called myself Wetling. For those of you who don't know me, I might as well just link my original introduction. It looks like my old account got deleted after I became inactive, but fortunately my posts were not. I actually don't know if I'm going to be allowed back, so if not, the mods can just delete my account and I won't sign up again. I think most people liked my posts, but some had a problem with me speaking my mind and being political, so I became a bit of a pain in the ass for the moderators, and I didn't feel welcome anymore. But this wa
    13 points
  29. I really enjoy nature walks where I can squat and relieve myself with whoever I’m hiking with. Parking lots are good. Late at night hidden between several cars squatting on the pavement. I also like to find places to pee at outdoor wedding receptions, lol.
    12 points
  30. This one is a shorter story and summed up pretty well by the title. It contains wetting, a little bit of casual peeing and lots of naughty peeing. Just like last time, I want to say for transparency that I used AI to assist me in writing this story, mostly with formulation of sentences or "filler" content albeit heavily edited, the ideas and most of the writing are as always mine. Let me know what you think about it if you want and enjoy! A Trip to the Wellness Centre I took a sip from my water bottle, feeling the cool liquid splash down into my bladder. It was Friday afternoon and t
    12 points
  31. About an hour ago, I just had a very stressful (and desperate) trip home from a party at a friend's house. So, the party ended around 11:50 PM and the carpool took us back to the lot where our cars were. During this time. I had a few objectives 1. Go To McDonalds since I was still hungry 2. Get gas since I was low 3. Get home and use the bathroom (I had to go but I didn't feel like going out in the open or anything like that) So when I got to my car I put in the GPS for McDonalds. Since it was past midnight the cafe was long closed (as expected). I was hoping it
    12 points
  32. I have always had pissin contests with my friends since high school, still do sometimes. We done all kinds, who can piss the furthest, or who can aim the best where we put out empty bottles or cans and try to get piss inside without spilling. Or we will stand next to a car in a parking lot and try to see who can keep his arch over the car the longest before getting on it. Last weekend me and my friend Chris went to our other friend, Mikey's apartment. Got drunk and decided to have a new spin on a pissing contest, who can piss the longest. Not just that but piss the longest while walking u
    12 points
  33. Normally on a Friday night you might see Tammy driving around town helping out fellow party goers and clubbers she found the biggest tippers were at the local night clubs. She started her usual rounds as she had no reservations that night she pulled up to Mike's brewery because she new they started the drinking early. As soon as Tammy pulled up she waved hello to some of her regulars. She made small chit chat with them asking how the latest brew was and crowd was proclaiming how amazing it was but they were in need of her service. And Tammy is always happy to help first few walked up to T
    12 points
  34. this jilling session was actually quite intentional. and it felt sooo good bringing myself to two consecutive orgasms. 😋
    12 points
  35. I understand, I tend to go shopping at times when it is the least busy. Bigger department stores offer plenty of opportunity at least from my personal experience. Not to mention, a lot of the places around me either have reduced staff or employees who just plain don’t care so I rarely run into any. Glad to hear about your hotel stay! I always drink a ton when staying in hotels. I’m usually by myself which means I don’t use the toilet for peeing at all during my stays. I’ll piss all over the carpets, walls, curtains, couches, chairs, extra bed, in drawers, in the closet, in the pool and po
    12 points
  36. Basically I despise using public restrooms, but I stay well hydrated so having to pee while I’m out shopping is usually inevitable. I only use dressing rooms that are carpeted. I’ll go into the dressing rooms and take off my pants or lift my skirt and start pissing on the carpet. Since I can pee so much I have to be careful not to create puddles so I’ll move my hips to cover a large amount of the floor. Sometimes if it’s very small I’ll pee on the walls or mirror to spread my pee out even more. I only pee on the chair in the dressing room if the carpet is super thin and the chair is absorbent,
    12 points
  37. I love seeing videos and images of public wetting, but I always prefer to wet myself discreetly when in public rather than being seen doing it. Similarly with bed wetting - It is lovely to see but the best way to do it is snuggled under the covers where there is nothing to be seen. I think I must be the world's biggest hypocrite!
    11 points
  38. Hello, I'm kinda new here. I just wanted to share some little sightings I had during my day at the beach. In the first one, I was in the sea with my friend, and I see 3 young girls probably in their 20s approaching the water. They were not that sexy and neither ugly (but it could just be my pov fault), except for one who had a nice ass. The girls were sunbathing and basically doing nothing all the time, so it was really suspicius to me that they came to the water just 2-3 minutes with the water level up to the belly and then returned to their beach umbrellas. I leave you to your speculati
    11 points
  39. Kept my yellow morning piss until I got to this staircase to completely mark the white walls with my yellow stinky piss. Felt so good!
    11 points
  40. Hey everybody, I just wanted to give a little personal update to some of you. Unfortunately these few days I've reached a point where the love I have for this fetish of ours has backfired on me and has now become quite a burdening addiction. It has started to mess with my head a lot and I need to take a step back before it becomes more severe. I don't know why or how exactly it happened but during this past year things have gone out of hand quite significantly and I can't continue like this anymore. It's time for me to take some measures and one of them is to reduce my pre
    11 points
  41. During the summer has got to be in the beach. I'm lucky to have a few around me so I've done a few naughty things there, like peeing in the sand while sunbathing or behind a rock. It's also great because there's no clean up involved and no one will notice it
    11 points
  42. This story contains: desperation, female peeing, naughty peeing, public peeing A blonde college student with her hair tied up in a short ponytail was sitting in class. She'd been crossing and uncrossing her legs repeatedly for the past half hour. She was a keen student, so keen indeed that she refused to leave her seat to go to the bathroom, fearing she could miss something important. An empty water bottle sat next to her laptop. It had been full at the beginning of class, but now it was her bladder that was full. She looked at the time. 15 more minutes. But there was another issue
    11 points
  43. Such a kind and generous person
    11 points
  44. Hello, On the way back from work needed a massive piss. If I had waited even 2 or 3 minutes longer i would have pissed myself. Saw an alleyway and thought this would have to do. Didn't even have time to record or take pics during the pee as I was just bursting. I have attached an aftermath pic and the pictures speak the truth. The main pee itself was at least 35 seconds. Another 10 seconds at least of me shooting out the last 2 or 3 spurts. There was piss on the wall the pee river running down already some went in the drain and there in front is the after spurt event also.
    11 points
  45. A friend was a guest at a wedding in France. He told me that the reception was quite a distance from the church. So all the guests had to get into their cars, and hurtle off, after the bride and groom, at the end of the ceremony. He also told me that the bride was pregnant. The journey was too far for her, so her car stopped at the side of the road because she needed to relieve her. My friend said she was squatting behind her posh car, wedding dress around her waist, pissing into the dusty soil, and waving at her wedding guests as they drove past her, honking their horns.
    11 points
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