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  1. Picture from today's work 😁
    20 points
  2. Last night a girlfriend of mine invited me to her new house. Her house is large and it has a large garden too. When I saw a nice flowerbed there I thought like "I can pee in there for a housewarming present" lol After drinking a few cup of tea, she showed me her beautiful garden. While walking among the flowers I was busy to think about which plant should be served as bland new my personal toilet. But when we got the corner of the garden, she showed me one of the strangest things I've ever seen. There were three old toilet bowls used for potted plants. She told me the reason why
    12 points
  3. I love seeing videos and images of public wetting, but I always prefer to wet myself discreetly when in public rather than being seen doing it. Similarly with bed wetting - It is lovely to see but the best way to do it is snuggled under the covers where there is nothing to be seen. I think I must be the world's biggest hypocrite!
    11 points
  4. It's quite simple really, my mom used to pee in front of us when we go camping or hiking. Just like me, she never hesitate to pee somewhere else. When I had to pee, she used to say "C'mon Rosie, let's water the plants!" and we end up to pee in the bushed or planted areas. It was a little bit embarrassing when she pee in front of my friends but now I'm proud of it. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree anyway lol
    10 points
  5. Definitely! The whole stairwell smells like pee... No, I am always very careful not to get caught. And I haven't seen anyone else peeing in this stairwell, but judging by the strong smell of pee, I'm definitely not alone... I use tissues every day, yes, I don't like the feeling of a (pee) wet pussy. But the tissues are usually gone after a few days. So someone must be cleaning the stairs. Also, the pee smell is not too bad, you can smell it but not too much. So I guess they clean the floor with water from time to time. But definitely not too often... As I s
    10 points
  6. Damn learner drivers! 🙄
    8 points
  7. I see some people here saying it's a guy-thing, but I promise us girls do it too 😂 When me and my bestie were still in high school, she would mess up the girls bathroom all the time. And she got told off for it more than once too, but lucky for her it's not like her mother cared... I not so much, because my parents definitely would have cared if I ever got caught... But when on the last day of school (after the graduation ceremony was done and most people had left the building) I went to the ladies' room with my bff for one last time, you betcha I hiked that fancy dress right up and
    7 points
  8. Hello all, im new to peefans, got recommended here by a friend. Im 22 years old, female and i prefer to pee elsewhere than the toilet. I enjoy peeing in my car or in diapers or pull ups, I don’t currently have a boyfriend or girlfriend but if they let me I love going in their mouths. I recently started getting off to nonchalant pees or stealth pees like in a diaper while talking to the server or in a car during a test drive ether diapered or not depending on if they come with me. My favorite pee experience was under the couch cushion in my therapist’s office. He needed to pee and i figured i m
    7 points
  9. Created an absolute lake of piss in this dark staircase. I hope that it isn’t cleaned anytime soon and that other guys add to it hopefully😁
    7 points
  10. I am currently working in Switzerland, more precisely in Zurich near the tallest building in Zurich, the Prime Tower. Those of you who know Zurich are probably also familiar with the Pfingstweid parking garage, very close to the Prime Tower. This parking garage is quite run-down and will soon be demolished. It looks accordingly. The stairwell is full of spray paint, some of the light bulbs in the stairwell are broken, it is just fucked up - or as I call it: a perfect toilet. It's now part of my daily routine to go to this parking garage after work, take the elevator to the top and squat down o
    7 points
  11. Plenty of outdoor peeing going on in India, here is a sample of what I received recently from some outdoor festival where ladies are all doing it outside in the open.
    7 points
  12. Not quite an adventure but it was fun. I was with a group of friends and as we were walking towards transportation I could not even walk properly because of how bad it hurt and started nagging my friends and one was like damn okay just piss here. It was like a parking near a street thing idk how to describe, and my friends were standing around me because i started slow at first but then thought it would be funny to add pressure and aim towards my friend’s shoe lmaoo. So i soaked his sneaker and he probably washed them or something and hates me for it now but it was fun to see the reaction
    7 points
  13. Literally anywhere outdoor lol Especially I love to pee on the beach, pee off the side of the boat and pee off the top of the mountain. To be honest, peeing outdoor is my favorite part of outdoor activities haha
    7 points
  14. 1. Meeting PeeFans from this site for a big, wet, sexy party where anything goes. 2. Being peed on by a group of men (I am a female). 3. Going to dinner in a fancy restaurant and everyone peeing whenever they want in their seats as they eat their meals. 4. Going to a concert where the band pees onstage.
    7 points
  15. We went to a small independent garden shop and walked into the greenhouse when my girlfriend needed to take a piss. She had a dress on. So this made it easy for her. We walked down an aisle and she stood to the side, faced a few potted plants on the ground, moved her dress slightly out of the way and pulled her panties to the side and sprayed piss into one of the pots.
    6 points
  16. 6 points
  17. It was a lovely summer night in the Dominican Republic and my cousin had taken me out along with some friends for a party at a car wash. We were talking, dancing, drinking, having a good time. I’d never been this drunk before, and I could feel my bladder filling up pretty quickly. Soon enough, I was desperate to pee. I hadn’t seen any bathrooms when I’d arrived. I knew we weren’t gonna be leaving anytime soon, and I was afraid but also kind of turned on at the thought of possibly having to pop a squat somewhere. Luckily, I found out there was a single toilet for women. I stumbled over there an
    6 points
  18. I was away over the weekend attending a small festival. It is not like the huge festivals with massive crowds, excessive toilet queues and a plethora of sighting opportunities. Instead, it is a low key event with smaller numbers of people and more than enough clean toilets that people don't feel the need to find anywhere else to pee. So I was not expecting to be having sightings, but I am pleased to say I did have one sighting, which was an interesting situation. There is a main stage and then a walkway across the field to another stage area. I was in the area between the two when
    6 points
  19. A real short one today ... I have some other ideas for some very short stories as well. Contains outdoor female urination. You can read my other stories here. ... This story is from just last weekend. My girlfriend, Riley, and I had decided to grab a pair of inner tubes and go floating down the winding river channel that cuts through the small city we live in. It seemed to me like a good way to both stay cool amid the early July heat and see Riley in a swimsuit. Riley doesn’t disappoint. She wears a patternless black string bikini that struggles to contain both her perfect breas
    6 points
  20. I remember first peeing outside at my friends. We were in her pool and she said she had to go pee and judt pulled her suit to the side and squatted in the grass lol. I was like what are u doing and she said her mom always just tells her to piss in the grass. I ended up copying her cause I had to go to
    6 points
  21. All, I recently hired an office girl to help me with some administrative duties in running my business. Of course I not only looked at her qualifications but also how she projected herself outwardly to my clients. I did not need a real experienced individual so went with a young girl of 19 who is going to community college now. She is 5.5.120 pounds with a full "D" cup bra that she likes to show off with tight revealing tops. She has wavy elegantly styled thick dirty blonde hair along with perfect nails painted a dull red which are fake as well. I don't think she has had a boob job a
    5 points
  22. I was at a club with some friends of mine and I was padded with a abena pull up but about 10:00 pm or so this guy, skinny and not very tall kept coming over and trying to talk to us, we weren’t interested but he started ordering us drinks and hitting on me especially, after about 30 minutes of annoying me I felt a pretty big urge to pee. I went to the bathroom and took my pull up off and went out and asked him if there was anywhere private we could go and we went out to his car, it was a blue nissan pathfinder so it had a roomy backseat area, i started out really horny because of what I was wa
    5 points
  23. Soaking the carpet in an hotel corridor!
    5 points
  24. Hello I'm Nathalie. I'm 37 and new here. I am a woman with a slim upper body, strong thighs and a little bit wide and a little bit flabby buttocks. About 1 year ago I got the diagnose permanent heavy urinary incontinence from my urologist. I pee alot and in just a few minutes I drown a thick SAP diaper completely unaware of it.
    5 points
  25. It's finally that time of day when I can piss where I want. It went pretty well if you ask me😉
    5 points
  26. I have always done it. I used to work in construction and Id be pissing all over the place, every place we was building up I had pissed in it. The other guys would laugh and watch me mark all sorts of shit like insulation, drywalls, foundation, whatever. My current job I am assistant manager of a pizza place and I still do the same. Started outback in the back parking lot where the drivers and employees parked. Theyd all see me pissing against the trash area or my manager's car (manager is my friend Jimmy, and he's returned the favor many times, lol). They hardly even flinch when they se
    5 points
  27. All, Here is another story on my sexy MIL. Last Friday she called me at 4:30 pm and asked me if she can use my bathroom before heading out for drinks with her girlfriends. She said her bladder was very full and did not want to use the work or bar toilet. Of course, I said "yes". I think she makes these "bathroom requests" because she knows it turns me on as well it does for her. She arrived at 5 pm and stated I had not peed since 10 am. Immediately I got very aroused. She pranced in with a tight shoet black skirt and blazer with a white tight sleeveless low cut blouse with ruffle dow
    5 points
  28. All, Another erotic story. This time it involves my wife who as you know has a supersized bladder just like her sister and mother. We had a couples date just the other night were wife, myself and two other couples went out to dinner and a club. I sm an old guy but still can tear up the dance floor with my much younger sexy wife. We were out 6 hours, drinking, eating, dancing, socializing. The two other women emptied their bladders 2x while the wife wanted to hold for me. On the way home she was squirming like crazy in the from seat and whispered to me that she is leaking drops
    5 points
  29. Interestingly you can get away with peeing on the carpet for quite a while if you always let it dry complete before rewetting. My ex-wife started peeing on the bedroom carpet out of convenience whilst I had a flatmate in the other room of my flat and didn't stop after he moved out and we got the flat for ourselves. She would also just pee on the living room carpet while watching a movie - why bother to stop it and go to the bathroom?! Only if she forgot where a wet patch was and used it too soon it would leave a slight odour for a day or two. In winter she would als
    5 points
  30. My mother taught me how to go outside ever since I can remember, and many of the times I’ve pissed outside have been with her. My mom hated using public bathrooms so she would always try to hold it, and that basically meant that I would hold it too, but her bladder isn’t very strong so from an early age I remember squatting behind a bush or in an alleyway with my mom.
    5 points
  31. As far as I can tell, when I was a child, I was more or less free to pee outside at any time, because my parents wanted to get rid of nappies as early as possible. The real challenge was to "learn" to use a potty or a toilet...
    5 points
  32. I have been peeing outside almost always ! Anytime I was out and had to pee, my nanny or whoever I'd be out with would take me to some corner or somewhere with no one around and pull my panties down and push me down to squat. So naturally peeing outdoors is normal to me
    5 points
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