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  1. This Saturday we have a long road trip ahead of us. Usually that would mean taking scenic routes and thus peeing on the side of the road a lot. I think however this time we'll be driving along the highway and stopping at big service stations, to ensure there's proper facilities to change and feed our baby. I hope I'm able to steer towards stopping on at least 1 no-facility rest stop as it's been almost 1.5 year since I saw her pee outdoors but I don't want to be obvious about it as I'm still not always confident with the kink and also our daughter's comfort is the most important now!
  2. Thanks! We are really loving it all! I am not yet at the point that I need any counseling, she has also "helped" me with taking care of myself a couple of times as she understands that I still do have feelings. But it just isn't fun when you know she isn't really up for it. But as you say, I understand her too! She's also breastfeeding and her period also hasn't returned yet, so I'm guessing her hormones still aren't what they should be. We're both sure her libido will return! So yes, we have talked about very generally, where I just said "I still have those feelings from tim
  3. About 4,5 months ago I think. My girlfriend and I had a daughter 4 months ago. First few weeks you really have to get used to your new life, waking up in the night etc so sex was the last thing on our minds. The baby is doing very well, she's sleeping through the nights for a long time already so we've found a nice rhythm I'd say. But my girlfriend has said to me a couple of times "I don't know what it is, I completely lost my sexual appetite since the delivery.. ". We did it 3-4 times a week before, so last weeks it's really getting a little bit frustrating for me, I am getting hor
  4. Girls peeing outdoors is my only fetish, but I am attracted to girls that aren't very ladylike. I really appreciate girls that don't really care about letting a fart or burp slip, that don't care about breaking their nails, that chug beer with the guys, that use no or very little make-up and all that kind of stuff. I am not sexually excited by those things - on the contrary even if you talk about stuff like farts - but I just really like the "manly" attitude that is associated with that behavior. My love for girls peeing outside probably also comes from there I'd say, but that is the only exce
  5. Thanks so much @Kirby23! It is indeed our first, so we are very happy! Especially since we miscarried in December '22 and my girlfriend being almost 40 now so on the older spectrum of becoming a mum. I really understand what you mean fully! I am just into 1 thing, girls peeing outdoors (although I also like the shower peeing). I am not into wetting and also not into pee play during sex. This "new situation" probably will lead to more frequent sightings of her in the future but I just cannot see that right now yet and I just feel bad for her. Also thinking "she might pee outside more freq
  6. It's been a while since I updated. About 3 months ago my gf gave birth to our beautiful baby daughter. Therefore, we didn't have the time go out at all the last months. Everything is centered around our new girl. However, the delivery wasn't the easiest and things around pee have changed. Despite this topic and all these places she has pissed, my gf has always been quite good at holding. She just uses any convenient place where she wastes the least amount of time during trips (e.g. pissing in a parking lot before leaving somewhere they don't have a toilet to avoid having to make an extra
  7. I love Pubquizzing and I smiled at an answer the other day. The question was "what does Volkswagen produce more of than cars?". My team and I didn't know but couldn't contain ourselves when the answer turned out to be "sausages".
  8. I have a long weekend now due to a bank Holiday, so it's time for weird Dutch party music 😎
  9. I never, but I remember a very, very long time ago when I was in the 5th year of middle school we had a school trip to Florence in Italy. You are 15-16 years old in that year, back then that was a very acceptable age to start drinking here. Our hotel in Florence was really crappy, they advertised themselves as being a half a star so that says enough. The hotel was in an apartment building. The first 5 floors were apartments and the 6th floor was the hotel. There also was no elevator. Needless to say, a bunch of 16 year olds were not very excited by this. Also needless to say, in the even
  10. Yes, my girlfriend and I actually both do it often. Not because we like it (well, I mean, I do like it and I love watching her do it 😂) but mainly out of necessity. We only have a toilet on the ground floor of our home. When we are woken up in the middle of the night we definately don't feel like stumbling down the stairs in a dark house while still half asleep, so we just piss in the shower instead. We started doing this when my girlfriend was in the later stages of her pregnancy (so she had to pee 4-5 times in 1 night, going down and up the stairs was sort of acceptable for 1 time but not fo
  11. We are a couple of days further and she hasn't gone downstairs anymore for a pee during the night. She still uses the bucket for that and she has found the easiest way now. The first times she just assumed a very wide stance and held the bucket between her legs, but the bucket is square shaped and a bit big. In the meantime we received a stool for her to shower while seated, as she can't stand for long period of time anymore due to the heavy pregnancy. Ofcourse the stool is only in the shower when she uses it, otherwise I can't get in anymore as our shower cabin is not so big. So she use
  12. She used the bucket this morning. It was a lot handier for her! Downside is, her stream is much less visible for me 😂 but the sound was awesome. I think she will keep the bucket for peeing at night, but @ppppppp's suggestion is definately worth trying!
  13. Ofcourse. -A graveyard (not near the actual graves, but in the doorway of the building where they have the ceremonies) -A very beautifully arranged botanical garden -In the middle of the sidewalk in a residential area (mostly worried about her decency here, but also deemed it a bit inappropriate) -In the staircase of an observation tower in a busy nature reserve (also more worried about her decency here) -One of the rooms in an abandoned castle (it was still furnished though) -In someone's front garden Fun thing is she doesn't have a pee fetish at all, s
  14. Multiple times with my girlfriend. I have a massive thing for girls peeing outside out of convenience and I am blessed with a girlfriend who does that frequently. I have seen her squat and pee in so many different places by now. We do love road tripping so then it happens frequently. However, she has on more than one occasion been desperate enough that she wanted to pee in places where I was worried about her decency more than I was excited to see her pee, so I always discouraged her in those situation. I often regret my discouragement pretty much immediately as those places would have b
  15. I'm afraid the opposite has happened... She thought it would be very convenient to use the shower during the night, but the splatter on the tiles was so big that she had to shower before being able to return to bed. And showering is not something you wanna do at 3AM... The good part of this is that she DID see how convenient it was to not go downstairs so she brings a bucket with her now when we go to bed. Also really nice, but haven't seen her use it yet.
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