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    • All, As many of you I am a lucky man as I have a hot wife, SIL and MIL who pee like race horses. A very rare treat indeed. MIL stepped over the proverbial line of appropriateness but I did not care however my bladder was not happy. After 9 hours of sleep my bladder was very full and my cock semi erect as I was very full. SIL was at work and without realizing MIL was still crashed in the bedroom down the hall. I barely got to the toilet and started draining out my semi erect cock that was about 7 inches long. The piss started flowing out slowly and steadily into the toilet water for 20 seconds when my MIL walked into the bathroom to empty herself out. Immediately my flow stopped and my cock became totally erect at 9.5 inches and standing at attention. I tried to restart my stream to no avail sd MIL I'd standing by the door with her hand in her crotch. No such luck. She asked me if I was done and I said, "I guess so as no more piss is flowing out". She Immediately pushed me away from the toilet and started hissing and splattering on the porcelain with a moderate force after pulling down her white lace panties with her nicely trimmed bush visible. I Immediately became even harder if that was possible reaching my maximum 10 inches as soon as she sat on the bowl. She said I guess "you are turned on by me peeing?" I played it down a bit but said "yes". After 26 seconds of splattering she reverted to a steady moderate tinkle with no hiss in the bowl while she started stroking my erect cock. After 8 nice strokes I said I am going to blow up if you keep doing that. She then took me in her mouth and I lost a full load in her mouth shooting deep into her throat while she kept tinkling in the bowl. It was quite a scene. After I was done with cum dripping down her mouth an onto her neck and white nightie I felt her firm boobs all the while she continued to tinkle in the bowl. This woman has a broken faucet that is hard to shut off. I did not get a time on her flow but it had to be a good three minutes. Meanwhile my bladder was still full and I needed to piss. After 30 minutes to relax I invited her back into the bathroom so she could watch the rest of my flow. I was semi erect but was able to drain out another 45 seconds of piss slowly into the bowl. She was quite aroused and invited me to put my fingers inside if her. That lead to a huge orgasm on her part shortly thereafter. We both laughed about the moment and agreed no yo share it with her daughters! Horney Old Owl
    • Chapter 5: The Hotel Room Pt. 2 -- Luca’s perspective -- They were going on another trip, their first one since Zack had pissed in the hotel bed, and Luca wanted to take it up a notch. They would be staying in a hotel room for a whole week, and when they checked in Luca asked if they could have housekeeping stay out of their room for the whole week. The host said that was fine, and Luca ignored the curious look Zack gave him at his question as they headed towards their room.  The room was very nice, Luca had paid a bit extra for something more luxurious. There were two beds, though this time it was by Luca’s choice. He wanted one to stay clean for them to sleep in after all, but couldn’t resist the thought of trashing another hotel bed. The decoration was modern. The floor was covered in a plush cream carpet, much nicer than the thin shitty carpet most hotel rooms had. There was also a kitchenette including an oven and stove, a microwave, a minibar and a minifridge, and a few cabinets full of dishes and utensils. There was a small living area with a sleek black couch and armchair, an area rug, and a glass coffee table. As soon as the door shut, Luca turned to Zack and grinned.  “We’re going to completely trash this room,” he told Zack as casually as if he were discussing dinner plans. Zack stared at him as his face slowly turned red, then looked away from him nervously.  “Uh… trash like, like how…”  “Come on, don’t play innocent. You know how.” He kissed Luca’s collarbone which was all he could reach, then pulled him down and kissed his lips. “The whole time we’re here, neither of us are going to use a toilet. Instead we’re going to piss all over this room, on everything. Well, everything except the bed we’re sleeping in.”  “Jesus Christ, Luca,” Zack said, and Luca just smiled at him and grabbed his crotch.  “You’re hard just from me talking about it,” he teased, and Zack’s face got even redder.  “We’re going to get charged for damage you know…” Zack muttered. “Already factored it into the budget.” “What the hell is wrong with you?” Luca threw his head back and laughed, then unbuttoned his pants and walked over to a corner of the room.  “Same shit that’s wrong with you, I’m just not embarrassed by it like you are~” he teased. “Last chance, tell me no if you really don’t want to do this.” Luca stood in the corner with his dick out, waiting for Zack’s approval. He loved giving him shit, but he wouldn’t actually make Zack do something he really didn’t want to. Plus, he liked the way Zack got flustered when Luca made him admit that he wanted it.  “Fuck… I can’t believe we’re actually doing this…” Zack groaned. “Yeah, alright. I’m in.” As soon as Zack said yes, Luca let out the piss he’d been holding for the last hour and a half of the drive. It hit the wall in the corner before running down it and soaking the carpet below. Luca moved his hips back and forth to cover a wider area, enjoying the way the wall stained a light yellow where his piss soaked it.  “That feels good… Zack, you can piss on the curtains,” he told him as he was finishing up his piss. Then he walked over to where Zack was fumbling with his pants in front of nice red curtains, and pulled his cock out for him. He knew Zack would be embarrassed and just piss against one spot, so Luca liked to aim for him and spray it everywhere. When Zack started to piss, Luca waved his dick around and made him piss all across the poor curtains. They were turning a darker red where Zack’s piss hit.  Luca always loved how Zack pissed. He had a thick, powerful stream that hit the curtains with enough force to knock them back a bit. At some point Luca decided he wanted to see how far Zack could pee. But for now he just moved his cock around until Zack was done and the entire curtains were painted with urine. “Good boy,” Luca whispered. Then he slowly sank to his knees in front of Zack to show him the full extent of his appreciation.  -- Zack’s perspective -- A day had gone by, and Zack was amazed at how much two people could piss in a day. After the curtains, Zack had pissed all over one of the beds twice, on the carpet between the beds, in a nightstand drawer, and on the ironing board in the closet. Luca had added to his carpet puddle a few more times, making it huge, and he’d also pissed all over the unused bed twice. He’d even unmade the bed just to remove the waterproof mattress cover before making it again, which Zack thought was unnecessary but Luca seemed to enjoy.  They were getting home from dinner at a nearby joint and Zack had to piss again. When they walked into the room he immediately noticed the smell and grimaced.  “We need to get some air freshener in here,” he muttered. Luca just smiled at him.  “What do you mean? I think it smells great in here. Now come over here and piss on this painting.” Zack turned red as he walked over to where Luca was pointing at a painting on the wall of two people sitting on a kayak on a lake.  “Is it… do you think someone actually painted that though?” Zack asked quietly, and Luca looked closely at it.  “I mean, originally? Sure. But not this one. It’s just a print on a canvas, probably mass produced.” Zack relaxed a bit at that. He pulled his cock out, aimed it up at the painting, and let loose. His stream was powerful enough to easily reach up to the artwork which he showered with his piss, while Luca walked up to another painting, this one an abstract piece. “I think this one is real though,” Luca commented. Then without hesitation he pulled out his own dick and started to pee all over the abstract art.  Zack’s eyes widened and he turned to stare at Luca as the smaller man waved his dick around to spray his piss all over the painting. Zack was missing now, just pissing on the wall under the painting.  “Luca!” He hissed. “That’s terrible!” Luca gave him a lazy smile, completely unabashed as always.  “So? It’s hot,” he responded. Zack’s stream died down and he just stared at his boyfriend until he was done.  “I can’t believe I put up with you…” Zack said, and Luca just smiled at him.  “You love me,” he told him.  -- Luca’s perspective -- Luca didn’t actually have any idea if the abstract painting was real. The lake painting was pretty obviously fake, not even a good quality print, but he hadn’t looked that closely at the abstract one. He just liked the horrified look on Zack’s face when he told him that before pissing all over it.  The next time he saw Zack squirming with his need to piss, Luca grabbed his hand and led him to one side of the room before having him face away from the wall.  “I want to see how far you can piss,” he told him. He had him facing so he wouldn’t hit their bed, but if he reached far enough he could piss on the couch. “If you can reach the couch from here I’ll suck you off,” he added, and Zack turned a bright shade of red. Luca sat down on their bed to watch as Zack started to piss.  At first his piss hit the floor right in front of him, but then the arch grew until Zack was spraying piss clear across the room. It was messy too. Instead of a single stream, piss was raining down on the floor all the way across the room. It wasn’t quite reaching the couch, but right before he was done Zack pushed a little harder and the last drops sprayed the side of the couch, before his stream died down. Luca whistled. “Damn. I’m impressed. And I guess I owe you that blowjob~” he added. “But first I have to go too.” He walked over to the couch where there was a small spray of piss on the side. Then he started to piss in the same spot on the side of the couch, though he aimed from side to side to cover the whole side of the couch. Then he went back over to Zack to fulfill his promise.  ---------------------------------------- Luca spent the next day trashing the living area. He and Zack pissed all over the couch several times, even under the cushions. At one point Luca even unzipped one of the cushions and he and Zack both peed inside it, watching the soft foam turn yellow. The armchair was just as drenched, as were the rug and the coffee table. After a day of this, he decided that there wasn’t much more damage they could do there. He hadn’t touched the kitchenette yet since he wasn’t sure if they were going to use it, but so far they hadn’t. Luca decided he wanted to see it destroyed more than he wanted to be able to cook, so he opened the silverware drawer and grinned at Zack.  “You piss here, I’m gonna use the the minifridge,” he told him. Then he opened the fridge which was filled with various bottles of alcohol, and started to piss in it. The liquid cascaded down the shelves and onto the floor below.  “I… guess we’re not using the minifridge or the silverware then,” Zack said, dumbfounded. But then he obediently started to piss into the silverware drawer, and Luca looked over to watch as the yellow liquid filled the divider that the silverware sat in.  The kitchenette became their next target after that. They pissed in every drawer and cabinet, spraying their urine all over all the dishes and utensils inside. At one point Luca pulled out a glass and had Zack fill it with his piss before putting it back, while Luca filled a bowl of sugar packets and cream cups with his own piss. They pissed in the coffee maker too. Finally, a day later, Luca had Zack finish it off by pissing all over the whole kitchenette. Luca opened all the drawers and placed his thumb over Zack’s slit so that his piss would go everywhere, completely soaking the counters, drawers, and everything.  -------------------------------------- They had two days left, and Luca wasn’t ready for the fun to end. The hotel room was already pretty destroyed. Everything in the kitchenette was soaked, as well as the living area. Two paintings were both stained with piss and there were various wet spots all over the carpet.  For the next day, every time Zack had to piss he would stand facing the room and piss as hard as he could while Luca either waved his cock around or covered the head with his thumb to make the piss go everywhere. He was careful not to hit their bed, the only spot in the room at this point not completely soaked.  Luca, meanwhile, pissed inside pillows, on the spare bedding he found in the closet, and then a couple times in the AC vent just to make the smell even worse. By the time they reached their final night, even he could barely tolerate the awful smell. Right before bed, he and Zack both pissed all over the other bed again before turning in for the night.  On their final morning, as soon as they got up, the first thing Luca did was turn around and piss in their bed. It was the only place in the room that was clean, but now that they didn’t need to sleep there anymore Luca saw no reason to keep it that way. Zack pissed in the bed too before they went out to breakfast.  Right before checkout, Zack and Luca both stood at the door facing into the room and pissed everywhere one last time. They both peed as far as possible, hitting the beds, walls, carpet, and the kitchenette.  Zack was, of course, bright red as they left the hotel, knowing that now a maid would be coming to find the mess they’d left. Luca was somewhat dreading the bill that was sure to come. But it had been so much fun that he didn’t care. “Let’s do that again sometime~” he whispered.
    • Nice bro.  Fuck yeah, love this.  Aint likely fixing that shit neither, all that piss gone everywhere. 
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