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    • I sometimes record myself peeing in public but don't upload the videos here bc I don't want my cock to just be public for anyone to see incase for some reason my idenitiy gets leaked. I have sent vidoes of myself peeing in public to a girl I was dating though. I would consider sharing videos on here but only through dms so ig if any female users are intrested lmk.
    • (4th Wall: I'm going to turn this into a Wet Carpet post.) "Hey honey?" "HMM?" "I just found a listing for a an 'AIR B&P' in the area for our trip." "B&?? Bed and what?" "Well according to the listing, P for Pee. Like urinating. Apparently you can rent the room and pee anywhere." "That sounds interesting. Let's contact them for more info."
    • "Hey Mom, I really need to pee." "Perfect timing! I was thinking the same thing. Let's grab these clothes and head to the changing room. We can get both done at the same time." "I've wondered why they don't put a floor drain in there anyway. If you're taking off your pants, it just makes sense to take a leak too."
    • The girls' posts in this thread are some of the hottest things I've ever read. When I was young and rebellious, I would piss wherever the fuck I wanted at parties. Back then I used to smoke, so I was almost always with the crowd outdoors. I would usually just turn to the side and piss wherever I happened to be standing, like on the wall of the house or off a balcony. A few times I pissed on the interior of a parked car, particularly when I had seen the owner being an asshole to someone else there. At one party I remember my girlfriend at the time enthusiastically holding an empty beer bottle in one hand and my semi hard dick in the other while I filled it to the top in a room with all her girlfriends. I think it was just a funny playful thing for her and I remember they all couldn't stop giggling. Now that I'm older and more mature I have extremely respectful relationships with people and would never destroy someone's property just for a cheap laugh. But if I was at a crazy house party with a girl who was also as aroused as I am by peeing in inappropriate places, that's probably the one situation where it would be so hot that I would make an exception. If we were desperate I would escort her into an empty room and we would absolutely soak whatever furniture was in there. What we did would be our little secret. The owners would just have to get over it, and I might even hide a huge wad of cash in their bedroom just to make up for it. It would actually be funny because we would always be the only ones who knew the real story of what had happened and how the money got there.    
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