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Real Pee Encounters & Experiences

Genuine pee stories and sightings. 

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    • wow her knickers must have been so stinky.
    • My names Will I've been with my fiance kayla for almost a decade. Pretty early on she knew about my fetish and was willing to do most things. She would send me videos and photos of her peeing in various areas around the house, she was always good at cleaning so her mother wouldn't find out. After I moved in with kayla and her mother the high-jinks continued from time to my fiance would piss on the bedroom carpet either out of desperation or just to put on a show for me. I didn't care much to join her peeing on the carpet so instead I would whip it out and spray all over my fiance she would stay their and take it getting drenched for over a fill minute most times. Her mother was never the wiser despite from time to time catching her peeing with the door open. Well fast forward to last month kayla and I got a house together the living room carpet was free use for sometimes not even bothering to pull her shorts down because she was already used to the wet feeling. So there she was pissing through her shorts and I just had to soak her even more walked right up and she didn't bother to turn around as I sprayed her back. Half way through relieving myself on to kayla and the carpet her mom walks through the front door like she owned the place or something. I immediately froze and her mom started lecturing us about how she suspected we were the ones peeing around her house. I thought we were doing good but I guess wrong kayla went and washed up and then went to her mom's to talk to her no idea how that conversation went. Kayla went out of town for the weekend and asked her mom to come check on me and the cats to makesure they were okay. She came over and made herself at home i went to get the cats food but forgot my wallet so I needed to walk back inside just to catch her mom squating in my living room my future mother-in-law is a plump gal so seeing her large ass and underwear around her ankle was a site indeed. She just kept spraying and spraying I've never seen anyone piss so much and with so much force the carpet couldn't absorb it. Kayla certainly couldn't produce this much I was stunned but also intrigued she didn't bother to turn around. All she had the nerve to say was if kayla can do it so can she. This was our house so I was more then a little upset even though the display was grand. So naturally instead of getting angry I walked up to her back and said well if your gonna act like your daughter ill treat you like your daughter. As I began to spray her back not nearly as much force as she was displaying still pissing on my floor. Instantly she moved forward but could not avoid my stream she began to get very upset saying how could I do that to her becasue she was the mother of my future wife meanwhile I ignored her as the two of us just kept spraying away. Soon I was done and she finished up very soon after leaving a huge patch on the ground and her very drenched turning her white pajama shirt yellow. She tried being yelling and being upset but it seemed like she might have secretly liked it. We had a heart to heart and she tells me this isn't her first time peeing on the carpet. At home she almost always peed by her bed and covered it with the laundry  hamper but this was her first time being used this way. She ended up spending the night so she could was clothes and feed the pets in morning but I believed she had other plans. I awoke to a warm feeling on my crouch as opened my eyes to see my mother-in-law pissing freely on me now this was a first for me as typically I was the one to give the golden showers. Her huge plump ass that I could see much clearer even with out my glasses I could see the few stray hairs she missed when she last shaved. The same force as day before this time was her morning piss so was a bit smellier and brighter but wow did this lady pee alot over a minute later I finally was awake enough to say good morning she was facing the other way so she turned her head and said morning figured you wouldn't mind since you did the same to me yesterday.  Was she really trying to play victim when she was peeing on my carpet. After what felt like an eternity she was done and the bed i was laying in was soaked. After I got up my mother-in-law threw the blankets in the wash as if nothing happend. A few minutes later I walked into the kitchen to see her having a morning cofee me still groggy and in the mood for revenge I walked up to her casually like if I was at a urinal pulled out my semi erect penis she was a bit surprised at first as it was her first time seeing it upclose. Before she could get a word out I started spraying her triple f chest there was a lot of surface area so I waved my penis back and forth covering as much as I could. This time she did not seem bothered as she took another sip of her coffee after about 45 seconds i was finished just stood back and admired my work of art. I sat with her drinking my own coffee she took off her shirt as modesty was way out the door I wonder what the rest of the weekend will bring my mother-in-law and I. First time writing sorry if Grammer isn't the best some of this is from actual experience so was easy to just write and write. Hopefully more adventures coming with kayla and my mother-in-law.
    • Yeah, it always bothers me when anyone makes fun of other people, especially when that person is doing the proper thing. I guess that's just how people are, especially when we're young. I guess my point was, that it isn't only other guys who will tease you for not doing as they do, but that while women may not do so themselves many of them will criticize a guy who's afraid to do as guys do.
    • Squirt is pee. There are real studies on it in which the fluid's composition has been analyzed. Go search for them if you don't believe me.
    • Hi, Rikki Bare. Your story is really interesting. I would love to hear more about your other achievements 😄
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